Chapter 4

The doctor called for her almost as soon as they arrived in her waiting room, and she was surprised to see William there as she knew him from the news. His company was becoming big fast so a lot of people knew of him, but it made him uncomfortable that she was just looking at him and Max and ignoring Leah.

“Please, have a sit, although I only have two seats.”

“I’ll stay back here,” Max said leaning on the wall.

William sat after Leah did so and looked at the doctor who was looking at him with a polite smile.

“So, how can I help you today?”

“I’m pregnant.” Leah quickly said.

“Eh?!” the doctor lost her smile and looked at her in shock. “Since when?”

“I found out yesterday.”

“Just yesterday?” Max muttered. “Wasn’t yesterday that you told him?”

“Yes. I found out in the morning, and in the afternoon, after the shock passed, I made the appointment and went to his apartment because that was the only way I had to contact him.”

“Are you sure you are pregnant?” the doctor asked seeing she was going to start arguing with the man.

“Well… I took fifteen pregnancy tests and they all came positive, and my period is late, so I came to check.”

“Fifteen tests?” William murmured surprised.

“I had a little denial moment.” She said.

“I am confused though. Why are you here?”

William was about to ask what a stupid question that was but he stayed quiet. The Doctor and Leah seemed to know each other so she might understand better. Leah pouted playing with her fingers.

“Have you told your aunt?”

“I’m telling her.”

“Your other aunt.” She said frowning.

'Oh, so they are family.' he thought.

“At the end of the day she is the gynecologist and I’m just a traumatologist. Pregnancy is not trauma.”

“It could be,” Leah whispered but the room was quiet so they heard her.

“No.” the doctor chuckled. “Not that type of trauma.”

“I was hoping to find some support here.”

“And you have it. But it’s not like Janet is going to kick your ass for getting pregnant. It’s just that we had plans. After so long you tried to convince us of your decision and after we finally decided to respect it… Well, even the date for the operation was set.”

“Well, we will have to cancel it or postpone it.”

William was confused as to what they were talking about. Apparently, Max too because he coughed as if trying to get their attention or reminding them they were still there.

“And you are?” the doctor quickly said looking at both.

“I had the impression that you knew who I was.”

“For sure Mr. Solace. I just don’t see the connection.”

“I’m the father.”

“How do you even know him?” she whispered to Leah as if he was not right there.

“Shit happens.”

The doctor just sighed and grabbed the phone on her desk.

“Hello, is Dr. Keller busy?... Could you tell her Dr. Jenkins needs her assistance with a pregnant patient in her office?... Please tell her is an emergency. Thank you.”

“Was it necessary the ‘emergency’ thing?” Max asked.

“That way, she will come faster.” She smiled at him.

“She could also hit you harder.” Muttered Leah.

“I think she will be too busy with you to mind me.” She directed her smile to her, making Leah frown.

Leah looked bad; he was not sure if she was sick or just nervous so William grabbed her hand to try to give her support if she needed it. Maybe she was nervous about what her other aunt would say about the pregnancy and he was not taking any of it. He also made the baby so, if they had a problem with it, he wanted Leah to know that he would be there for her. Around 5 minutes later, a woman entered the office after knocking. She was panting as if she had run to reach that place quickly. She first saw Max and William.

“Good morning. Or afternoon, I’m not sure what time it is. How can I–” Leah turned around and she saw her. She stopped smiling and looked at the doctor behind the desk. “You really made me run all the way to see Leah?”

“Well, she looks sick so I didn’t want her moving around too much at the moment.” She said typing something on her computer. Right at that moment, there was a knock and Dr. Keller opened to find a nurse bringing an ultrasound. “Thank you very much for bringing it so fast.”

“No problem, Dr. Jenkins.” The nurse smiled and waved goodbye.

Dr. Keller looked at the ultrasound and then at Leah. William got ready to shoot back if she started to insult Leah but she just sighed.

“Well, I guess the only contraceptive that works 100% is abstinence.” She said pushing the machine closer to the bed and preparing it to use it.

“I expected you to be meaner.” Commented Max.

“What? Why? And who are you?”

“I’m just… friend of the father of the baby.” He pointed to William. “And I said it because Ms. Monroe was very nervous to see you.”

“No. It was not that.” Said Leah.

“Either way, come. Let’s see how that pregnancy is going.” Said the doctor not continuing that line of conversation.

William helped her get up because she did look like she was going to pass out at any moment and accompanied her to the bed still holding her hand all the time. Her grip got tighter when the cold gel was put on her skin. After a while, the doctor froze a picture on the screen and pointed to a clear dot in the middle of dark gray.

“There it is. It looks like it has 7-8 weeks.” William nodded. It matched the time they met.

“What?” said Leah confused. The doctor rolled her eyes.

“Almost 2 months. Your calculations still suck.” She typed some things and continued moving the sensor on her stomach. “Have you been eating well?”

Her hand flinched and tried to let go of his. He didn’t know why but he didn’t let go.

“The regular.”

“Why don’t I believe you?” doctor crossed her arms. “Have you been having nausea?”

“Yeah.” She whispered reluctantly.

“And knowing you enough you don’t eat enough –if any at all– when you are sick.”

“Why would I eat if I’m just going to get it out a few seconds later?” she argued. “I tried. I drank juices. More than I usually do.”

“So you at least assumed you were pregnant.” Commented Dr. Jenkins.

“Well, one does not have sex and weeks later imagine the symptoms are a flu.” She managed to get her hand back and crossed her arms. “I just prayed it was really flu.” She muttered.

“Well, now you have to try to eat more. Or at least those juices have to complement what you are not getting, but try to eat.” She looked at William. “If you want that baby to be healthy, you better keep an eye on her. I don’t have time to make sure she ate, she could lie to us. Lindsay has less time than me.” She pointed to Dr. Jenkins.

“I assume these are the things she has to buy. Supplements and all those stuff, right?” she showed the receipt to Dr. Keller and she nodded. “Ally is right. I have to be in the emergency room very often.”

She gave the receipt to William. It had supplements and vitamins to buy for Leah. She tried to take it but he saved it in his pocket telling her he will buy them at the pharmacy of the hospital. Lindsay Jenkins came to them with a big envelope.

“These are the results of what was seen in the ultrasound with the photos.”

She took the thing from his hands before he could react but he took it again.

“Don’t be acting all-sufficient. The baby is also mine.”

“Ok, but I’m not invalid. You can buy the medicine if you want to, I’ll carry with the results.”

“Well, you have to let them go unless you want Mr. Solace to bottom-up your pants.” Commented Ally Keller cleaning the gel from her abdomen.

“You can do it too.” Leah pouted.

“Nah,” she said getting away.

“I have to go to the bathroom, either way,” Leah said giving him the envelope and getting off the bed.

Both doctors were looking at him and he got nervous but also looked at them. They didn’t look alike at all and he also couldn’t see any feature from Leah on their faces.

“Well, what’s done is done.” Said Keller. “But I would like to know what kind of relationship you have with Leah.”

“Is that important?”

“Not really, she can make her own decisions. However, she is not really made for the spotlight.”

“You know who I am.”

“Kind of. Leah is a day trader and investor. She has admired you for a while, and in the area of business there are not many that had not heard your name.”

He was surprised.

“She admires me? She didn’t even look like she knew me when we met.”

“She is not one to approach her idols in the open. She probably didn’t even look at you too much.”

That was true. She looked at him when he bumped into her at the bar and then, she looked like she didn’t want to look at him. He was going to say something but Leah got out of the restroom. She walked to William, grabbed the envelope and his arm, and slightly pushed him towards the door although she couldn't move him. His body was too heavy for her.

“Well, we are leaving. It was nice to see you both again.”

“Not so quick, young lady.” Said Jenkins. “We still need to talk.”

“I don’t see the need.”

“Well, we do see it.” Interrupted Keller, crossing her arms and leaning on the desk. “There’s a change in the plans that we had so we have to talk now.”

“I– ” William started to talk trying to defend her but they interrupted him.

“Mr. Solace you can go and buy those medicine while we talk and wait outside.” Said Jenkins with her always polite smile.

“Leah.” For some reason he wanted her to reassure him that it was ok. He didn’t care if they were her aunts, they looked like they wanted to reprimand her for getting pregnant, and well… His drunken ass was the one that kissed her first and had sex more than once without a condom so he was also to blame.

“It’s ok. Go buy them, I won’t last long.” She seemed to think it better. “You can even go home and we talk later.”

“Uh, but–”

“Don’t worry. They won’t whoop my ass. It’s just a private matter and you are a stranger. I won’t talk about it with you here.”

“You know more about me than I of you. That’s not fair.”

She looked up at him with her mouth slightly open and then she looked at the doctors that were acting as if they wanted to be invisible.

“Well, I know basic stuff. This is way too deep for you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Please.” She chuckled. “You don’t even know my birthday. My traumas look like a huge leap.” She patted his arm. “Go buy those things I bet taste awful and we meet tomorrow.”

“Ok. Call me if you need something. Anything.” he said while he followed Max out of the room and saw Leah looking pale and waving goodbye.

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