A Body Awakened
A Body Awakened:
Her lips were a soft pink; glistening with wetness from where her tongue slid across them, just before her teeth took her bottom lip between them. Her tiny frame was writhing beneath him as he slowly ran his fingers softly down her body. He had waited a lifetime for this moment and he was going to make sure she felt every inch of him, body, mind and spirit.
His tongue slid softly down the side of her neck as he softly kissed and nipped as he made his way slowly to her exposed breast. They were perfect, just like the rest of her, and she tasted as sweet as she was beautiful. She grabbed a handful of his hair as her body moved in motion with his. Her moan was music to his ears as he began licking and suckling on first one breast then the other.
Angelica had never experienced physical pleasure like this before and she was both excited and scared. She knew she loved him with all of her soul and now she wanted to love him with her body. He was much more experienced than her but the way he made her feel she could tell how much he loved her by his touch. The heat she felt excited hef as made his way down where she burned the most. She could feel the dew on her petals increase as her blood began to race rapidly through her body. He slid his tongue softly over the pearl between her legs as he began tasting her in ways she never imagined. He plunged his tongue deep inside her and he slowly devoured her completely. She felt the tingles as her body began to spiral out of control; it was like she left her body and began floating through air. It became more than she could bare, as she felt herself swell against his tongue, she began to squirm and cry out with pleasure. He held her hips in place not allowing her to rob him the joy of taking her completely into ecstasy. Her hands gripped the sheets as she lost complete control; her eyes flung open as she felt the tingle and shards of electricity soar through her body as he continued to feast on her.
He felt her swell, her body was trembling at his touch and just feeling her pleasure was almost enough to bring him to his own release. Grabbing her hips as he plunged his tongue one more time deep inside her he felt her explode; juices began to run down his chin and he could not control himself any longer. Sliding back up her shaking body, he grabbed her chin with one hand as he licked the lining of her lips. She instinctively spread her legs for him, wrapping them around his waist; and looking deep into her eyes he slid his entire length deep inside her.
Their souls became one as they began to grind and move in unisom. She took every inch of him eagerly as if her body were made just for him; over and over he plunged deep inside her until they both felt the swirls and tingles of blood slamming through their bodies until they both exploded together. He had never experienced a more powerful orgasm and he was spent.
Neither could move; their bodies were still trembling from ecstasy. The emotions were so intense he didn’t want to pull himself out of her. For quite a while they both just laid there trying to catch their breath.
They laid there; wrapped in each other’s arms. Everything about her brought him peace. He had watched her grow; intervened when he knew he shouldn’t have, but he had to protect her at all costs. As she grew so did her gift and although it took some getting used to, Gaylen had come to accept it as normal. His first encounter with witnessing her gift came many years earlier when she pointed out the little girl hiding behind the barn that day she was officially introduced to Gaylen.
After showing the little girl to the Orbs and skipping off, Gaylen and Nigier were left standing there staring. At first they thought she was another gifted; but after attempting to talk with the girl they quickly realized she was a spirit. “What is your name child?” Ignoring Nigier’s question the girl just continued to stand there in silence; but when he stepped towards her she simply disappeared into thin air.
Stunned he turned to Gaylen before both of them turned towards the door Angelica had gone in. Neither knew exactly what to say or do; but they had to get to the bottom of it. Being a gifted human meant that they were able to see spirits; souls that had passed on but had not exactly crossed over into the kingdom for whatever reasons. They had never experienced it; however, so they were unsure of what to do about it. It was quite possible this girl was sent by the dark side; Centor was notorious for using lost souls to influence humans in a negative way. At this moment, with so many questions with so little answers, all they could do was find out from Angelica just exactly what it was she knew.
The next day they decided to ask Angelica how she knew the little girl and try to determine just how much of her gift she herself was aware of. “Do you know her? The little girl from yesterday?” Nigier asked Angelica as both he and Gaylen sat watching her play; drawing pictures in the sand out by her mother’s garden. “Not really; she just comes every now and then. She never says anything to me, just stares. I find that rude don’t you?” She never stopped running her fingers through the dirt as she answered so innocently. “Have you ever asked her her name? It’s quite possible she is just shy; looking for a friend?” Angelica stopped her drawing as she responded to Gaylen’s question, “I did ask her; she’s rude, not me,” the tone in her voice was dismissive of Gaylen and clearly took him aback as the muscles in his face tightened. “I never said you were rude, young one, I simply asked if you asked her name that is all,” he was agitated with Angelica. She was so combative with him and he didn’t understand why.
Nigier, sensing Gaylen’s frustration, turned to Angelica, “maybe next time you try to play with her? Maybe she is lost or needs help and doesn’t know how to tell you?” At this point he was just trying to persuade Angelica to interact with the girl and find out just what was going on. “Ok, I’ll try; but she hasn’t been here all day. Nathan makes fun of me you know,” she began drawing in the sand again seemingly lost in thought. “Most brothers and sisters tease each other; maybe he’s just trying to annoy you like most,” Gaylen stated. “Boys are stupid,” was her only response.
Later that day, Gaylen noticed Angelica by the barn again; as he approached her he noticed her talking with someone as she was digging a hole. She stopped digging to look up at him as he noticed the little girl was back and this time seemingly communicating with Angelica. “We have to find her doll,” is all she said as she began digging again. Intrigued, Gaylen squatted down beside her and said, “ok, little one, I’ll help you. Does she remember where she left it?” “She told me it was here in the ground but I can’t find it. She needs it so she can go home,” Angelica was digging more frantically now and Gaylen was becoming concerned. “It’s not here! Where did you leave it??” Angelica yelled as she jumped up and turned to the little girl; just like a small puff of smoke she disappeared. Dropping her head and cupping her face with her tiny dirt covered hands; Angelica began to cry.
Instinctively, Gaylen reached for her bringing her to him as he hugged her tightly. “Tell me why it troubles you that you can’t find the doll?” He cupped her chin with his hand tilting her head up so she could look at him. “Because she can’t go home until she finds it. She said her mommy was waiting for her but she couldn’t go without her doll.” Gaylen was taken aback at the flood of emotions running through him; seeing her cry tugged greatly at his heart. Lifting his hand he wiped the tears softly from her face with his thumb, “We will find it Angelica, just don’t give up. Come now, I’ll help you. Grab that small shovel by the shed and bring it here.” She did as she was told and began digging as Gaylen helped her. After a short time of digging Gaylen felt his shovel hit something hard. He began digging faster, not really believing they would actually find a doll; but there it was. Screeching with delight, Angelica grabbed the doll and began brushing the dirt off. “You see? A little patience goes a long way,” Gaylen found himself smiling from ear to ear; he was not only pleased with himself for helping Angelica find the doll, but also it gave him his first insight to a gifted and spirit interaction.
They waited for the rest of the day, right up until she got ready for bed, but the little girl did not return. “Where is she?” Gaylen could hear the confusion in her little voice. “I really don’t know. Maybe she is sad you yelled at her.” Angelica did feel bad that she yelled; and was eager to give her the doll. “Sleep now little one, tomorrow is another day. I’m sure she will show up,” Gaylen stood up and readied to leave; as he turned, Angelica said, “Thank you for helping me today. I just wanna help her get to her mommy.” He told her she was welcome as he turned and transformed back into his Orbital Spirit and vanished through the wall.
She interrupted Angelica’s doll party; without notice she just appeared as quickly as she had left the day before. Gaylen and Nigier stood back watching the interaction as Angelica handed the little girl her doll. After a few words spoken between them, of which neither Gaylen nor Nigier heard, a bright ray of light surrounded the girl as butterflies seemed to dance around her. She looked up and smiled profusely, she was literally glowing as she looked back at Angelica and said, “I see my mommy.” And with that she was gone.