Chapter Two Evan Sterling’s POV (Present Time)

“Alright then… he showed me an interesting estate development proposal that he would like us to invest in. A fully serviced condominium would be quite remarkable in Charlestown. Especially with the community college planning to take on executive programs for company CEOs both local and international. Perhaps it would be the move we need to lure more investors to Charlestown … but I’m surprised to see you strike it out as not viable. I told him that must be a mistake—”

“I saw the proposal, and I already gave Mr. Anderson my reply,” I said and pointedly checked my time. “Would that be all? I have a plane to catch--” I added, impatiently.

I knew I was being a bastard, but I seriously can’t be in the same room with my father for more than ten minutes without wanting to kill him. ‘I need to get this over and leave,’ I thought to myself.

“I was hoping your father could influence your decision—” the other man said, looking a tad taken aback. I supposed his planned intervention wasn’t going his way. If only he knew he had just severed himself from every future opportunity with my financial and engineering institutions.

“Edward Sterling doesn't run or own Evan Sterling Banks and Industries. And if you have done your homework very well, you will know that I don’t allow sentiments to impact my business decisions. I refused to fund your business proposal because there are lapses and consequences I could not afford. I assure you if I had thought it a perfect fit with Evan Sterling Bank's Vision, I would have signed it immediately.”

“Um… Anderson, could you please give me and my son a moment? Please,” my father said. Ringing for a maid to take the other man to the visitors’ waiting room. Anderson looked a little lost. I’m certain he knew he could have approached another investment bank other than mine, but mine has the resources he needed with the expertise to undertake such a large project in no time, and take it on in full force. But I haven’t driven myself like a mad man these past years to attain the level the company was at the moment to let some sentiment and greed put me and my team in a bad light.

Once the door closed behind them, leaving me alone with my father, he said, “You know it is rather rude to pointedly ignore me in front of a visitor.”

“My apologies, I thought it unnecessary for forced sentiments,” I said, looking him straight in the eye, something I knew he hated and considered an act of disregard.

“Did you really refuse him for all that nonsense you just spewed or did you do it just to spite me?”

“Don't flatter yourself, Edward Sterling,” I said, noting how calling him by his real name made him grow red in the face with anger. “I don’t do business like you — I make sure I never do business like you. The land he is planning to use for his proposed estate is already occupied by low-income earners. Partnering up in such a project will bring a lot of headlights on the company, and angry people, a lot of angry people—”

“And since when has that been a problem?”

“Since a particular Sterling decided to do an under the table business with a drug lord, and got himself involved in money laundry which I had spent the last years burying, and making sure it stays buried to keep my mother’s family legacy and your fucking family name clean with my very own blood!” I snapped.

I saw him blanch for about a minute, looking away, and then he reverted his gaze to meet mine and said, “Is that really the problem, Evan? Or you just hate me for making you lose her?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about. And if you are done wasting my time, I will take my leave,” I said, walking briskly to the door as if I couldn’t wait to escape him and the memory he was trying to provoke inside me.

“I could say I am sorry, but then see us all now — scandal-free, highly reputable, and still filthy rich. We are like demigods in this country. I thought it was the right thing then, and now, I know for certain it was—”

“Goodbye, Edward,” I said, pulling the door open. And if not for the fact that I knew the house was swimming with servants, I would have run. But I forced myself to hold my head high and strode out of my childhood house of nightmares. I even stopped to exchange pleasantries with the footman before slipping behind the wheel of my car.

I didn’t know I was holding my breath until I drove out of the estate. I gripped the steering so hard my knuckles turned white. Letting out a shaky breath, I felt my eyes blur with tears. I shook my head sharply like a bloody junkie and took calming breaths. ‘I will not let him drag me back to that memory lane. I have survived thus far and I will continue to do so till I draw my last fucking breath,’ I thought with determination.

A few minutes later, I was already on the tarmac. I checked my time as soon as I settled inside my Jet, and let out a sigh of relief, then groaned when my phone rang with an incoming video call.

“Yes?” I said, arching a highbrow at the idiot.

“Good, you made it. Do I need to put a tracker on your phone?” Jacob said and I couldn’t help laughing. He was relentless. I gave him that.

“See you soon, fool,” I said fondly as he laughed. I ended the call. The smile wiped off my face immediately. Pressing a button on my armrest to summon one of the waitresses, I sat back and powered my tablet to find some pending work to occupy myself with.

“Yes, Mr. Sterling?”

“Evan!” I snapped, raising a stony gaze at the brunette, she grew red in the face and mumbled an apology. “Get me a bottle of brandy,” I said dismissively, returning my attention to the tablet screen.

In no time, I got lost with work and managed to eat what the stewards served without being cognizant of where I was.

My work tends to do that for me. I love working with numbers. It has the ability to make me shut out everything and immerse myself in it for hours. So, when the pilot announced we had reached New York hours later, I was a bit taken aback. Checking my time again, I saw it was already 12 midnight. I sat back, feeling a bit tired. It’s been quite a day. I rubbed my eyes as the plane made its descent.

I chuckled to myself when I exited the jet and found two drivers waiting for me. One was the one I arranged from my New York office, the other was from Jacob. And as soon as my feet touched the asphalt floor, his call came in again.

“You are beginning to worry me, Jacob,” I said in exasperation, and he roared in laughter.

“Let my driver take you to the hotel and send yours home. I told you I got you covered!”

“Alright, see you in a bit,” I said in resignation. My driver was already packing my stuff in the boot of the Jeep he came with, and I signaled to him to follow the Bentley Jacob sent. I thought it best to have my own driver at my disposal in case I needed to get away earlier than planned.

“Welcome to New York, sir,” the chauffeur greeted me, and I nodded politely, slipping into the car. I chuckled when I saw an unopened bottle of brandy tucked on my side of the seat with the tag, ‘for Evan’, dangling on its neck. I felt a tad bad that he had to try so hard to make me attend his wedding.

I decided then I was going to try and enjoy whatever he had planned. Even though it's been a while since I found anything enjoyable. A pang of profound sadness filled me inside.

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