~Little Red & The Bad Boy~ Part 1

Ruby unpacked the box carefully, paying close attention to the fragile figurines her grandmother had given to her years ago. Now that her precious granny was gone they meant even more to her.

She placed them gently on the antique mahogany cabinet that sat inside the cabin she had inherited after the recent death of her Grandmother.

Ruby had always loved coming here to spend time with her beloved grandma. The cabin was surrounded by such beauty it never failed to take her breath away. She'd spent countless hours exploring the woods and just as much time sitting on the rocks watching a small waterfall that wasn't very far away from the home.

Her granny had always called her Little Red, because of her strawberry blonde hair and soon everyone began calling her by that little nickname. God how she missed her grams, never had there been a time she failed to treat Red with such warmth, Love & kindness.

Ruby hummed a tune as she danced around wiping off cabinets and all the treasures inside that now belonged to her, as sweet memories filled her thoughts making her smile.

While cleaning, Ruby got the most bizarre feeling she was being watched. It was so strong the hair raised on the back of her neck. She stood still, listening closely, her eyes darting to the windows, yet she saw nothing.

"Maybe it's just me." She told herself and walked inside the kitchen to prepare herself something to eat. Ruby plopped down on the couch with her grilled cheese and a bag of corn chips, flipping the tv on.

She watched some creepy crime show and got a tad spooked listening to how someone broke in on a woman while she slept, violently raping and killing her. She rapidly flipped the channel to something a little happier... "k-dramas!" She cheered.

An hour passed and her eyelids started to become heavier. Ruby layed down covering herself with a small blanket on the couch and dozed off.

The young man stood by the window watching as the beautiful, sexy young lady fell asleep on the couch. The older lady that had lived here before always told him about her lovely granddaughter and had even shown him pictures of her. He already had a fascination with this girl, and vowed he would make her his own.

He fantasized about how he'd mold her into exactly what he wanted and needed to satisfy his vivacious sexual appetite. She had no idea what lay ahead of her. She was even more than he expected and was very pleased with her luscious, well proportioned body.

He could already feel himself becoming excited just looking at her laying there. He fantasized about how she'd react if she woke up to him touching her. No...no he couldn't do that. But the thoughts of holding her down while she writhed underneath him whimpering and moaning drove him crazy.

He hoped he could control his strong desires around her when he came back later to introduce himself as her neighbor.

An hour later Ruby woke to a knock on her door. Wiping the sleep from her eyes and yawning she pulled herself up from the sofa. She could see a young man standing with a bag in his hand. Ruby opened the door to an extraordinarily gorgeous, tall asian guy.

"Hello...can I help you?" She asked, staring into his sensual hooded eyes.

"Hi...I'm...I'm your neighbor my name is Jack and I thought I'd come by and welcome you, I knew your grandmother Opal. I visited her quite often and was saddened to hear of her recent death."

He spoke sympathetically.

"It's nice to meet you...Jack...please, c..come inside." She replied reluctantly, unsure if allowing a strange man to enter so quickly was such a bright idea. She didn't wanna come off as an unkind person however, since he seemed to be genuine and knew all about her grandmother, so if her granny knew him then he must be a nice guy.

"Come in please...would you like some tea or water? I have coffee as well." She asked politely.

"Coffee would be very nice,'' he responded with a cute innocent squared smile, knowing it would put her at ease. "Oh and here, I have some chocolate chip muffins for you," he held out the bag to her.

"Thank you Jack, that's so sweet of you. You know you look just like the guy that sings in that korean guy band." She stopped and thought for a few seconds. "Ugh I can't think of their names....but you look exactly like him. Even your voice is similar" She spoke with a sweetness making him want to devour her.

"Yea I get that alot and I know exactly the one you're talking about. He sang a few bars of "singularly."

A large smile spread across her lips listening to him. "Ahhh, you sound like him too. Follow me and I'll make us some coffee." She walked in front of him as he licked over his lips watching her hips sway. Her well rounded ass jiggled as she walked, much to his delight. He wanted so badly to just grab her and push himself hard against that lovely pooched out bum.

Calm down...calm down or you'll fuck everything up, he thought to himself, shoving his trembling hands into his pockets, as obscene thoughts flashed through his mind.

He needed release, needed to fill her up to the maximum and knew he had the goods to do it.

"Your name is Red....or at least that's what your grandmother told me." He spoke quickly, watching her prepare the coffee.

"Yes...she called me Red. But my real name is Ruby" she smiled brightly at him as if she were beckoning him with those full pink lips.

"May I use your restroom please?" He asked in a rather hurried tone.

"Yea sure...I suppose you know where it is." Ruby answered kindly, pointing toward the hallway.

"Mhmm, I certainly do." He popped, then turned rushing away from her before he lost all his control. Jack stood in the bathroom throwing cold water onto his heated face. His breathing ragged.

"I've gotta calm myself down." He kept repeating to himself softly, taking slow deep breaths in and out.

He was beginning to calm himself from the inordinate urges that were struggling to burst to the surface. He gathered himself, took a deep breath and slowly walked back out to join the gorgeous young lady waiting for him inside the kitchen.

Ruby sat sipping her coffee as he strolled leisurely back inside the small kitchen to join her.

"I poured you a cup and here are the creamer & sugar if you like." She smiled, looking up at his handsome face, a slight smirk playing on her lips as she held the cup to her mouth to hide it.

"So...Jack, tell me about yourself." She spoke adding a bit of a hum at the end of her sentence.

He licked over his lips staring at her, sending a surprising quiver to her abdomen, causing her to cross her legs tightly together.

"Well....I have lived here in these mountains for the past 5 years. I came here from Korea where I was also born. I had known your grandmother for a couple of those years before she passed. She actually became like a grandmother to me, after losing my own." He finished, taking a large gulp of coffee, his sultry gaze never leaving hers.

"What about you?" He asked, biting his lip.

"Ahhh, my life is rather boring, I'm sure you wouldn't be at all interested." Ruby looked up with a small smile on her full lips.

"Would you like more coffee?" She asked standing up taking a few steps to the coffee pot.

"Yea sure." He answered, watching as she slowly walked to the pot sitting on the countertop. Ruby bent over picking up a potholder she had dropped on the floor. He had a full view of her ass in the little fuzzy cotton shorts she was wearing, as he let his head drop to the side staring at her perfectly rounded bottom.

"Oh and I am very interested in your boring life." He spoke up as a bulge was beginning to take form in his jeans watching those shorts rise up higher into her split, displaying a bit of her glorious cheeks to his eager eyes.

Was she playing with him? If so....he was ready for any games she wanted to partake in. He smiled sinfully.

Ruby stood on tippy toes at the pot opening the cabinet above trying to reach a bag of sugar as he quickly arose from his chair walking up behind her sitting his cup on the countertop. She could feel the heat radiating from his closeness, which sent lightning rods of shockwaves shooting through her form, causing her to flinch a tad.

"Here...let me help you." He reached above her as she unintentionally backed into his crotch, feeling the huge bulge on her upper butt cheek. She sucked in a sharp, silent breath. God...the feeling of being close to this random guy was odd to say the least. Her body tingled with the slightest touch from him.

A grinding ache tugged at her center, sending twisting pulses of turbulent heat releasing and squeezing that plunged into her unmercifully.

"Thank you." She spoke politely in a quivering tone, trying to hide the fact that he was making her react in ways she had never before experienced, even his deep voice speaking her name caused a storm to shoot warming vibration's to secret area's, causing her mainspring to languish.

They both returned to the small table.

"Tell me of this boring life, you think I'm uninterested in Ruby," he let her name roll out slowly.

"Well.....I left the city a week ago to come to this place. I worked with my father in our small family business before I came here, and here is where I plan to stay for a while. See, it's boring, I told you." She responded giggling a bit then rolling her head back humming, her arms lifting up rubbing the back of her neck anxiously as his eyes lowered to her hardened nipples that clearly showed through the white t-shirt she wore.

She bit her bottom lip holding it inside her mouth, staring at him as he ran his finger around the rim of his cup slowly, his mouth slightly parted, his tongue slipping between his lips from one side to the other.

His sparkling shadowed pools lifted up from her breasts staring at her as though she were a succulent meal he would soon be devouring.

Ruby was damn near lost in this man's eyes, as though they were swirling galaxies drawing her into their depths. She rapidly shifted her eyes away, standing in a hurry walking to the fridge, pulling out a cake.

"Cake?!" She announced holding it up as she tried her best to act impassive. This irresistible man was pulling her more and more into a trap she couldn't resist no matter how hard she tried to deny her growing hunger for him.

"Mmm....looks utterly Divine." He expressed rubbing over his moist lips with his fingers, staring at her with red hot lust dancing in his optics.

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