~Little Red & The Bad Boy~ Part 2
Ruby swallowed so hard it made her throat ache. Oh holy shit....what is he doing to me!? She screamed inside.
Sitting the cake down on the counter, she took slow inhales & exhales of breath trying to calm herself from the frenzied chaos that was reeking havoc on her clenching lower body. Her control was declining as she struggled to keep herself together.
What is he trying to do by acting this way? She asked herself while trying to keep her shaky hands from cutting her fingers off as she cut two slices of cake. She didn't even ask him if he wanted any damn cake. He was getting it, like it or not.
She could barely deal with the way he was looking at her. His voice...his eyes... His little subtle hints and the fact that he was the split image of that unbelievably gorgeous guy in that Korean guy band she couldn't remember to save her life. She walked to the table, her legs feeling as if they would fold up under her and she'd face plant right here on the Goddamn floor.
"Here....it's really good." She bluntly stated sitting the plate in front of him.
"Thank you Ruby, I've no doubt it's undeniably delectable." He smiled, taking a bite and groaning as if he were pleasuring himself right there in front of her.
Ok.... maybe cake was not such a great idea. She thought.
She was unable to take her eyes off him and the way he licked the fork. His lips...oh God, his perfect lips.
"Good huhh?" She smiled weakly, staring at him.
"Amazing!" He answered in almost a growl.
Ruby squeezed her legs together trying to calm the bonfire that was set ablaze between her thighs.
Ok...ok, she thought. Now it's your turn, mister sexy man. She ran her finger through the thick frosting sticking it inside her mouth sucking on it and moaning in the process.
"Mmm sooo good." she moaned, pulling her finger out slowly.
Jack was full metal in his pants at this point. He now knew she was feeling a pull to him.
"You have a bit on your mouth." He smirked. She wiped but missed it.
"It's still there." He chuckled deeply.
"May I?" He asked.
Ruby nodded as he ran his thumb slowly over her lower lip. She pushed her tongue out a bit, slightly licking over his finger.
He slowly pushed it inside her mouth as she sucked gently. He groaned at her action.
"Mmm, you suck so well pretty girl." He replied seductively.
Fireworks suddenly fulminated between them as he circled her wet lips with his thumb, never removing his eyes from her mouth.
"You shouldn't do that little lady, unless you're ready to accept the full consequences of your actions....are you ready for that Red?" His voice rumbled out in the deepest tone she'd heard from him yet.
"Mhmm." She murmured out, her voice barely audible. Yet he heard her acquiescence and was more than ready to accommodate her curvy little body with himself.
He stood fast, pulling her up from the chair rapidly latching onto her small frame causing her head to spin.
His mouth covered hers completely, as if he wanted to taste all the flavors she held in those plump little pink lips.
"Hold on and jump up on me girrrl!...nowww!" He scolded in a low growl, since she wasn't fast enough for his liking.
Ruby jumped up onto his firm body whimpering as she latched her arms around his neck and her trembling legs around his waist. His large hands grasped onto her full ass tightly swooping her off to the bedroom in a flash.
Oh God! what had she gotten herself into? She thought, as he landed her body on the bed. He began to pull the clothing wildly from her shaky form, jerking her around like a rag doll as she whined.
Yes she was extremely turned on by this man. Yet he was behaving as though an animal had been unleashed from deep inside him, totally dominating over her entirely. Her body weakened from the desire pumping through her veins.
Ruby watched with wide open eyes while he freed himself of the clothing he wore, like it had been such a menace to him. His eyes drank her in from head to toe.
"Holy fuck!...im gonna enjoy claiming you little woman!" His speech came out in a low grumbling growl.
She looked over his body, appreciating his perfect physique. Her wide eyes settled on his large stiffened organ. Ohh sweet holy christ! She thought, closing her legs together quickly. Fear showing in her eyes as he chuckled, pushing them apart easily.
"No...no...no sweet baby doll you can't run nor hide now. I'm gonna fill your lovely little honey pot with every inch of me girl. I'll have you screaming and squirming....and you'll love every fucking second of it." He roared out in that growling tone.
His eyes glowed with a slight red tint as his mouth opened wide displaying a set of sharp canines! She screamed, trying to push herself away as he grabbed her legs, yanking her to him.
Ruby lost the battle quickly.
He came down between her legs licking and sucking like he would destroy her if she didn't just comply with him.
Ruby gave in, whimpering and screaming out moans that pierced through the silence and tranquility of the forest.
After he was done tasting her, he crawled up between her quivering legs pushing himself inside her blazing hot wetness fully, as he howled out loudly in extreme pleasure. Her walls contracting unbelievably tight around his large sex, he did not allow her to adjust to his massive size at all.
He filled her completely with himself as she cried out, digging her nails into his shoulders which didn't phase or stop him in his pursuit.
She was his property, she would carry his scent forever. Now that he had mated her there was no turning back once their bodies had connected as one. And now there was just one more step to seal the deal.
Ruby was the reason her grandmother had lived peacefully for so long.
Jack had caught Red's scent inside the old woman's cabin right after Ruby had visited one weekend, which had been the only reason Ruby's grandmother had been spared. She promised her stunning granddaughter Red would be his soon, since she knew she didn't have long to live with her grave illness.
Taehyung was a werewolf and had been searching desperately for years to find his mate. He needed her, Luna, to his alpha. In exchange for her Granny's safety he reluctantly agreed to wait, since the old lady didn't have long anyways and he knew Ruby would return here after her granny's death.
He had patiently waited for this day to come and tonight he would claim Red, and turn her into one of his own kind. After joining together intimately and marking her as his.
Ruby held tightly to him squealing from the agony mixed with a strange pleasure of being impaled by this man's large invasion inside her virgin walls. Suddenly a burning heat filled her that stung her insides making her cry out with the painful pleasure that caved in around her.
"Mmm....yes my sweet little Red, except it girl.....you are mine my love, now and forever" he growled out.
Tears ran down the sides of her face, when she felt the flesh between her neck and right shoulder being bitten into sharply for a good minute, then he licked over the area sealing it. She absolutely belonged to him now.
"Ohh! Now I remember it's BTS...that's the band...and you....you look like that guy with the deep voice ummm....Kim Tae....young. Yea that's the one." She mumbled out in a raspy tone. Her throat raw from all the yelling and screaming she'd done.
Jack smiled that cute smile kissing her sweaty head as she lay limp on his broad chest. He was much larger than that guy in bts. His muscles & thighs a lot thicker, stubble on his chin and the start of a mustache over his luscious upper lip.. But his face....his face was exactly the same. God he was beautiful.
Red's life would be changed forever. She would be by his side everyday, surrounded by the forest. Luna to this powerful alpha male. She would only crave him, only love him. Wouldn't she?
â– The Endâ–