~Goldie Lox & The Dare~Part 1

ā˜†ā€¢ā€¢Goldie Lox & The Dareā€¢ā€¢ā˜†

Goldie entered the party, pushing through the ocean of foul smelling, sweaty bodies,

"fucking discusting!" She hissed. Her heart began to take on the rhythm of the music, as usual.

This would be her third party in a month. It was all becoming too ordinary, boring....typical. Goldie thrived on excitement and this shit no longer excited her in the least. Yet once again here she was in a cesspool of grinding bodies.

She found herself a corner, sitting back to watch the show. She torched up a blunt and mixed herself a good strong drink. The same thing she always did every fucking time.

Goldie was hit on by the same boring guys, but refused to hook up with the losers that frequented these parties, she wasn't that damn desperate to get fucked. She could get more from her pinky finger.

After a couple hours the party began to die down. And of course Jason's loud mouth vibrated annoyingly throughout the room.

"Truth or Dare! All you assholes left gather round," his big fucking irritating voice boomed out.

Everyone formed a circle in his large living room, except for Goldie. She stayed back in the shadows wanting to avoid another stupid ass dare. She had gotten a God damn dare the past two times and she certainly wasn't going for a third.

If it was a dare that was worth a fuck...hell yes she'd enjoy it...but this foolish juvenile shit, nooo she would pass and sit this one out.

She liked to watch everyone else make a damn fool of themselves, while she sucked on the rest of the cigar sized blunt. She was high af right now, so this should be good.

The game came to an end after everyone making complete and total asses of themselves, which made for a good show. Just as she stood up on her feet Jason's big fat mouth rang out in her sensitive ears.

"Little Miss Goooldieee, I see you over there. You are the last....and you know what that means girl! " He smiled evilly.

"Nope bitch... not this time!" Goldie snapped and started to walk away.

"I knew you would try to cower away on this one... you couldn't pull it off anyway!" He spoke challengingly.

"At least listen to what the dare is...I think you'll be highly impressed Miss Goldie Lox." He sniggered knowing she fucking despised being called by her full name.

"Shut your Goddamn big mouth or I swear to holy Jesus I'll slit your throat while you sleep dickhead!" Everyone laughed as she stood with a grimace on her face, giving him her most deadliest stare.

She was a very pretty, petite girl. Her looks were certainly deceiving and did not match her saucy, brash, take no shit attitude.

She possessed a Rottweiler persona with a lovely little Poodle appearance.

"Ok...ok...stand down girl. Will you at least listen to the dare before you bat outta hell on me?" He looked at her with his head tilted.

"Ok bitch...spit it!...you have 2 minutes before I scram! She stood, arms crossed over her chest in her famous sassy stance.

"If you can do this...you will be the ultimate fucking winner of this whole game." He bowed before her, as if she were royalty.

"Ok prick...continue!...continue!" She commanded, waving her hands in the air dramatically.

"Ok we all know about that creepy ass cabin in the woods on the other side of town." Everyone started chattering among each other.

"Everyone also knows...that some bizarre shit goes on there, people have heard screaming, crazy noises, shadows...even been chased. As far as I know three people live there, but no one has ever confirmed that...or seen their faces for that matter." Jason spoke in a haunting tone.

"Goldie....I dare you...to go inside that cabin and take pictures and or video to prove you were there, and do it at night when it's dark." He concluded.

Goldie busted out in fits of laughter, falling back into a chair as she did.

"You are insane!? I'm not gonna go breaking and entering into someone's home...your a fucking moron!" She kept laughing.

"Yes that's what I thought...of course you can't do it. The girl that's not supposed to be afraid of shit just turned into a coward when shit got real!" He looked at her rolling his lip down, tilting his head to the side rubbing his eyes like he was crying.

Goldie's blood was boiling...she and Jason had always been competitive and he never failed to push her buttons with his cocky, smug attitude.

"Ok.... I'll do it...buuut, you have to make a 500 word essay, explaining how much better I am than you and stand in front of everyone naked and read it." She smirked knowing he wouldn't accept such a ridiculous challenge.

"Ok...done. I'll do it!" He agreed to her terms quickly, which left her slack mouthed.

"Tomorrow...you have to do it. Tomorrow little miss Goldie." He replied, giving her a wicked smile.

Fuck! She thought. What had she agreed to, how the hell am I gonna pull this off without getting my ass caught in the act and thrown in jail for trespassing. Plus the fact that this cabin was one hell of a scary place, and at night was the big damn cherry on top.

Her stubbornness had always gotten her into some knee deep shit before...but this....this was insane, yet there was no way in hell she'd back out now. Not after accepting the dare from that arrogant dick.

Somehow she'd make it happen. She had a lot of planning to do. First she'd go and look at the place in the daytime and tie ribbons to the trees, making certain she could find it at night and also be able to escape when it was over, without getting lost in those God damn woods.

She was determined to do this and when she put her mind to it she could do what most looked at as impossible. There wasn't anything Goldie had ever backed down from and she sure as fuck wasn't gonna make this a first.

Goldie tossed and turned all night worried for the first time about this unbelievable dare she'd been foolish enough to accept in her inebriated condition.

"Fuuuck!! What have I done?" she shrieked out in the silence of her small apartment.

Failure had never been something she could deal with. Especially when it came to losing to that bastard Jackson.

He was constantly fucking with her mood on a daily basis and she'd die before she'd ever lose to Mr Jason Peterson. However this time she may have bitten off more than she could chew.

Goldie pulled off the road parking her car, snatching the bag in the passenger's seat with the stripes of bright green ribbon in it. Stepping out, as a feeling of dread poured over her.

Even though the sun was shining brightly, it was dark in the thick forest as she began tying the strips onto branches. After walking for exactly 20 minutes taking her time because of all the ribbon she had tied along the way. She saw it....the cabin, that seemed to blend in with the trees.

She didn't see any movement through the windows...hell for all she knew, no one lived there. Could be just an empty house that everyone believed to be inhabited by ghouls. Goldie sat on a nearby fallen tree for nearly an hour, just observing, yet she never saw a solitary soul.

Finally satisfied with the fact that no one lived here at all, she smiled, thinking what an easy dare this would ultimately turn out to be.

Goldie walked cautiously up onto the porch looking through the windows. All she could see were white sheets covering furniture.

She walked up to the door turning the knob and to her surprise it was unlocked. She opened it up carefully, stepping inside scanning over the room. This house was indeed empty. She giggled to herself thinking what a laugh she was gonna get from seeing Jason naked in front of all their friends reading a speech praising her heroics.

She made it back to her car smiling widely at how simple this was gonna be. She'd of course make it look as though it was a nightmare on her to the others, earning attention for her superior fearlessness.

Goldie was in a great mood and was ecstatic that she had decided to go check shit out before tonight. If not for her savvy, she would have worried needlessly. Yet she'd have to act as though she were nervous in front of bitch boy tonight.

"Won't he be in for a shock when he realizes he lost to me?" She snorted.

Jason, Goldie and a couple of his friends she'd never met before stood at the pull off she was parked at earlier that day.

"Are you ready girl?" He asked, chuckling a bit, like he was getting a hard on seeing her in a situation like this.

"Yes....I...I'm ready." she stuttered a bit trying to perpetrate as though she were extremely anxious.

"Ok you can start now, here's a flashlight, just in case you need an extra." He handed it to her.

"Ok guys, if you don't hear anything in the next 30-45 minutes p...please come looking for me." She spoke in a phony shaky voice.

Goldie disappeared into the dark forest, only the small light from her phone beaming at the path in front of her, as she followed the ribbon still neatly tied to the branches.

She saw the cabin, with only the small glow of a light shining through the window onto the front porch. She turned the knob walking inside with a knowing smile plastered on her face. She began snapping pictures of the room.

She sent the pictures to Jason's phone as proof she had completed her dare.

Suddenly Goldie heard someone moving around inside the house.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! She whispered to herself trying to find a place to hide.

She quickly lifted one of the sheets in a corner of the large room, holding her hands over her mouth, trying not to make even the slightest peep.

Terror filled her as she stood like a statue underneath it. Whimpering sounds threatened to escape from her throat as she saw a bright light come on.

"I do believe someone has fallen right into our little trap." A males voice sang out that she immediately recognized.

She threw the sheet back revealing where she was, her eyes falling on Jason, then shifting to the other two that stood beside him. Each of them displaying wicked smiles.

"Aaand there she is!" Said the tall attractive asian guy in a voice so deep and seductively dark, that it rattled her entire form.

She stood in a dazed stupor staring into his mesmerizing eyes that swirled different shades of green, rendering her speechless for the first time in her life.

Goldie snapped outta the bewildering trance the tall guy had her under and instantly tried sprinting for the front door grabbing the knob turning it wildly in an effort to escape these three that she felt had nothing but vile intentions toward her, that sent icey shivers down her spine.

The door knob wouldn't turn. She heard them all laughing cynically.

She stood still twisting frantically on the knob trying unsuccessfully to yank it open. Her head rested against the door, her eyes squeezed tightly together as pure terror filled her petite trembling body.

She tried to conceal the tears that were aching to be freed into raging rivers down her cheeks.

The deep voice was closer behind her now, as his lips lowered to her ear, hot breath hitting her neck.

"You my dear....are juuust right" he whispered, causing goosebumps to raise all over her body.

Pure terror gripped her. His large heated hands dropped circling around her waist snuggly. Small whimpering sounds slipped from her quivering lips while she stood frozen against the door afraid to move.

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