October 1st , 1989.
She laid on the cold floor, sobbing looking at her dead baby, She loved her baby even before she was born, she already named her the day she learnt she was pregnant, the day her baby was born was the happiest day of her life, she celebrated her every single day, her baby was the reason she was alive and now that reason is gone. Her two- month old baby is dead, She woke up early in the morning to feed her baby, the bright sun hit her face, she was so happy today, today her baby marked two-months, she watched the baby monitor her baby was sleeping peacefully not even making a single noise.
She decided to take her bath before she sees her baby, she walked into the bathroom to take her bath. The bathroom was neat and clean the walls were painted in white with white tiles, a shower, a Jacuzzi that could for more than five people, a cupboard situated right above the sink and some other cupboard that contain towels and other toiletries. After her bath she wore a blue sundress and slippers. She walked to her baby's room with a smile on her face, her baby’s room was right next to hers.
“Hey baby, Mommy is here.” she said with a broad smile on her face while walking towards the baby crib but there wasn’t any movement from the baby, she moved close to her baby, her baby’s body was hot, she tried waking her up but all effort went in vain, she called her husband to check her baby, she checked her baby’s pulse but didn’t get a single beat, she then called a doctor, she paced across the room waiting for the doctor.
“The doctor is here.” Her husband said.
The doctor walked to her baby, checking her pulse and heart beat, he removed his glasses before he spoke. “I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean?, It can’t be she was alright last night, my baby can not be dead maybe you didn’t check her right.” She said while crying.
“I’m so sorry for your loss, your baby is dead I’m really sorry.” The doctor said while taking his bag.
She broke into tears, she screamed, she shouted, she kept saying one thing, “my baby can’t be dead, my baby can’t be dead.” until she collapsed. When she woke up, she still couldn’t believe her baby was dead, she had the doctor check her baby again, after the seventh time the doctor still announced her baby is dead.
“I want my baby back, I want my baby back.” she screamed. She hasn’t left her room for days, her husband was already getting worried. “ my baby can’t leave me, she can’t ,I need my baby back, I need her back”. She refused to bury the body of her baby, she kept the corpse with her, she hasn’t taken a bath nor has she gone out for days.
The whole neighborhood heard about her baby’s death, she refused to allow anyone to come into her house, she told them her baby is still alive, no one is dead. She loved her baby more than she loved her life, her baby was her princess, she was the kind of woman that would do anything for her baby and she will do anything to get her baby back.
el diablo es su salvador( the devil is her savior.)