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With her long gown that wore stains as spots layered on the ground, Zaramanni had no idea what to feel for the first few minutes.

But, as she noticed the inquisitive look on the King’s face, she managed to get up so that she could do something about her life and perhaps, about her injury.

Taking a quick look at her earlier molested hand led her brows to lift with perplexity. The uncomfortable bleeding had ceased.

All that was left was a scar that showed that a knife had indeed pierced through her skin.

More confused, Zara slightly tilted her head to catch a glimpse of the King’s injury.

But, the tall, angry-looking man had his hands drawn into a ball of fists, his gaze drilling flames into her body.

Wondering what was wrong with the man, Zaramanni's lips wore a little sneer but her mind was soon distracted as her eyes went on to observe the chaos she had created.

Then, her mind finally asked the question it should have asked earlier.

Did she really destroy the sacred place?

Was she hoarding some power in her screams? Or perhaps it was just Amarxona that had a foundation that had been gradually weakening.

Zara’s eyes narrowed as her thoughts took a reasoning route, her gaze observing the darkened skin of the old fairy who was struggling to get up despite Ezeman's help.

Ezeman had also suffered a loss thanks to Zara's explosive anger. His wings were exposed, looking roasted and… destroyed as though chewed by a rat.

“You,” the voice directed at her was coarse and filled with so much anger. For a second, Zara wondered if someone else had entered the arena to place an accusation on her.

No, it was the King that spoke. That soft voice of his wasn’t there anymore. His lost appearance had been replaced with a ferocious gaze and his footsteps communicated his impatience.

“Me?” Zara pointed to her chest.

“Who are you?” he asked as soon as his rapid pace stopped in front of her. “I know you are not Laura,” he added before Zaramanni could say anything.


”Why do you look like her so much?” he questioned further, his gaze burning with more fury as seconds passed. One would think, with the way his questions were progressing, that he was about to accuse her of impersonating his beloved queen.

Zara who was beginning to tie one and one together as regards everything that had just happened made smacking noises with her lips as she folded her arms. “My name is Zaramanni.”

“I don’t care about your name,” he uttered, disgust lacing his voice. With a sneer on his face, he asked, “You are a fairy, aren’t you?”


“I have no business with you.” The man with the chiseled face darted his sight across the rubble, a calculative look on his face.

Zara noticed his footsteps dragging backward, an indication that he was about to engage his feet and walk away. Swiftly, since she had an intention to stay alive, her legs moved as well. She needed to be alive to go back home.

Zaramanni's eyes trailed his broad back as he sauntered like he ruled the ruins. Then, she spoke out, “Can I follow you? I know your fears, but I am not a fairy. I am not one of these people, I came from a place far away from here.”

“What do you mean by you are not one of them?” he growled at her as her sudden question halted his angry steps.

Zara sighed at his attitude which was now becoming tiresome. “Look around you, sir, I have somehow knocked out these people and as a girl with no idea of what’s going on or what this place is, I will rather follow you.”

The man the crazy elder referred to as ‘the one who used to be feared’ narrowed his bloodshot eyes at her and with his tattered trousers dragging themselves after him, he walked toward Zara who could tell the man was getting more furious.

Once the distance between them was enough for the formerly chained man to give her a knock on her head, he began to speak. “We have no relationship, bloody fairy! So, do not follow me,” he ordered, his gritted teeth indicating that he was seething.

‘I am not a goddamn fairy!’ Zara wanted to cry out loud but as the side of her eyes caught the mess she created in the sacrificial room, she reasoned her words and wore a smile that caused the man to frown.

“You are wrong. We have a relationship. I am your bait and you… well, you are the reason I am your bait. And, I…” she intensified their eye lock, “… just saved your life.”

“You just saved my life? You?” The man’s lips shifted as his temper floated. “I am the king of Zenrada and the king needs no help! And I certainly do not need help from a girl like you!”

”A girl like me? What’s that supposed to mean?” At that point, as she exchanged words with the impossible man, Zara could feel her anger returning.

Shouldn’t he be at least grateful that her screaming saved him from something tragic? Did he have to talk to her like she was a five-year-old trash no one could be bothered to pick up?

“I do not know who you are or where you come from. You claim not to be a fairy but last time I checked, only fairies live in Amarxona. And, just because you saved me, do you expect me to carry you on my back and guide you out of here? Huh?!” He smacked her forehead suddenly and painfully. “I will never do so. Bloody fairy!”

Zara, while rubbing the spot he had just beaten, shouted, “I said I am not a fairy! I am not part of this stupid land! I should not be here at all! I belong to Earth! I should be in my room right now sleeping but-”

”You are from Earth?” The King’s eyes narrowed instantly, his barely long hair flowing to the side as a breeze passed by.

“You know Earth?” Zara calmed her nerves as she eagerly patted her chest, saying, “Yes, I am from there.”

“Prove it.”


”If you are really from Earth, prove it. If you are going to follow me, you need to show me proof that you are not a fairy.”

“Uh…” Zara’s legs danced impatiently as she reasoned what she could present as evidence. Then, her eyes caught the blackness of her tote bag which had been tossed aside while she was being chained to the wall.

The man watched her keenly with a look that suggested that he hoped she would fail to bring evidence.

“You wish,” Zara muttered to herself as she passed by the man with a sneer on her face. Soon, she was getting rid of the dust on the bag. She dug her hand into its depth, and brought out her phone which she was glad was yet to die even though it was almost useless in that environment. “Have you ever been to Earth?” Zara asked the man as she hung the bag over her shoulder.

“Where is the proof?”

”I need you to answer my question,” Zara insisted.

“You insolent girl! How dare you speak to your king that way?!”

“My king? Please.” Zara rolled her eyes. “You are not my king… sir.”

She watched as the man’s hands drew into a fist again. “Will you just,” he said carefully, “show me the evidence?”

Zara handed him the phone and after he spent seconds scrutinizing the device, he lifted his head and said, “I guess you are really from Earth. I was gifted one of these the last time I went on a brief journey there.”

”So, you have been to Earth,” Zara said, delighted that they had come to agree on something.

Hesitantly, the tall man gave Zara the phone and as he did so, he said, “I am doing this because I owe someone a favour back on Earth. You can come with me.”

”Will you help me go back home as well?”

”Sort that out yourself,” he bluntly said. “We need to leave this place before these fairies fully grasp what has happened.”

Zaramanni huffed, muttering, "I can't believe I kissed this man. He's such a prick."


"Nothing," she quickly responded, a sheepish grin on her face.

Eyeing her suspiciously, the King repeated his earlier words, "We should leave now."

“Of course.” Zaramanni dug her phone into the bag and stood at attention. “I am ready when you are.”

He eyed her from head to toe, a glint of loathing in his orbs. “In those clothes?”

Zara looked down. Indeed, the gown was so long that it would strongly affect her movements.

Suddenly, a ripping sound followed. Mercilessly, Zara tore the gown up to her knee. It would have been better if she was able to change into her clothes but that could always be done later.

The main focus at that point was to run as far away as possible from Amarxona and the evil creatures that deceived her.

It was weird though… According to fairy tales, fairies were the friendliest. Zaramanni quickly wondered if the tales that made up her childhood were lies or if perhaps the creatures of Amarxona were just wicked fairies.

Quickly, Zaramanni shook those thoughts away. She could always wonder about such things later on. Tossing the ripped fabric in a direction she didn't care to check, she faced the King, readiness all over her face.

“Let’s go.” His voice sounded tender at this point and somewhat… ticklish.

“Do you have any idea where we would be going from here?” Zara asked as they began to move swiftly away from the destroyed arena and toward the space ahead that had clusters of trees waiting to welcome any person willing to go in there.

“No, but I will make sure we get back to my kingdom safely. So,” he looked back at her for a second as their legs hurried, “ do me a favour and stay alert at all times.”

”Yes, sir.”

”And do not engage me in meaningless talks. I don’t like you and I don’t want to talk to you.”

Before Zara responded, she wondered if she made the right choice of following the man who just told her that he disliked her.

But, it was not as though she wished to make friends in that strange land. As long as being around the man would mean her protection would be certain till she gets back home, she shouldn’t have a problem.

So, with the hope that things don’t get worse for her, Zara’s long legs rushed after the man who was running as though they were already being chased.


As Zaramanni and the King of the Wolves raced towards the thick forest which would turn out to be a big hurdle for them, the fairies who had just failed at an important ritual had gotten back their full senses.

With staggering steps, the one with the long beard and glowing staff pressed Ezeman for answers. “Who on earth is that girl? I thought you brought me a half-fairy.”

His head bowed, Ezeman assumed a solemn stance. Then, as he rubbed the soot on his face in a drastic manner, Ezeman answered, “She is really a half-fairy. We made sure of it before going to get her from the land of the Humans.”

“Then why was she able to ruin this place? Her powers are not supposed to be activated until the completion of the ritual,” the old sprite thundered. “She has spoilt everything. The ritual, the plan-” The elder's words paused suddenly as he realized something. His darkish-green orbs searched beyond his immediate sight. He wore a deep wrinkle on his forehead as he asked, “Where are they?”

“Uh…” Ezeman hesitated with his response. “It seems they have run away.”

“It seems-” He scoffed, unable to complete the ridiculous statement Ezeman just told him.

“Lord Haggard, we-”

”Do you know what will happen if King Darren gets loose?” Lord Haggard’s raspy voice asked slowly and faintly, an utterance that frightened Ezeman. “Not only will everything we worked for be destroyed, but that man will also cause havoc and when that happens, we won’t be able to stop him.” The man glared at Ezeman. “We will be destroyed as well. He will become a menace we can’t stop because we failed to complete the ritual.”

“I will-”

”Do you get what I am saying?”

”Yes, my Lord. I will gather some men to search for the prisoners.”

”Get the girl as well,” Lord Haggard commanded as he stared down at Ezeman who kept arching his spine further and further as a form of courtesy, “and make sure the Queen knows nothing about this. Is that clear?”

”Yes, my Lord.”

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