Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Two

I must have dozed off I was awakened by the sound of keys and footsteps coming down the dark hall. I look up and see the same two guards from before. They look as if something is troubling them, I furrow my brows together in confusion. I am tired of this waiting game. "If you are going to beat me then do it already, Geesh." I huffed not caring about the punishments of speaking to upper ranks like that. They looked at me bewildered. "Why would you want us to beat you?" "Did I say I wanted you to no? I said if you are going to then do it already." I just didn't care anymore.

"No, we are not going to harm you. We have to keep you here and make sure you are not a threat and discuss with others about you becoming a pack member if you chose to do so." "NO." I could not stop myself I screamed it not caring that they think I am Psychopath or something I just do not need them talking about me. Gossip usually travels farther and faster than anything and I do not know where I am or how far from them I am. I need to keep us all safe. "No, please don't tell anyone about me, when you realize I am no harm or trouble I would like to leave." They nodded not asking any questions which were weird. "Excuse me before you leave will you tell me where I am?" "You are in Colorado and you are in Silver Moon territory." The one with Brown wavy hair replied. "Thanks." They then turned and left. 'Freyja did you hear that, Colorado. We ran all the way to Colorado.' 'Yes, Ray I heard. That's a long way no wonder we were exhausted.' 'Shh, use this time to rest.' She then drifted to the back of my mind catching up on her rest. I knew they would see I was not a threat and would release me. I just must sit and wait.

I heard small footsteps from the hall behind the cell door. It did not smell of either of the guards from before, but I knew it was someone. The door slowly opened, and I see a small young girl. Blueish eyes, long curly blonde hair, so small and innocent. She was just staring at me quietly with a smile on her face.

"Hi, my name is Layla. What is your name? Why are you in the cells?" She was a rambler. I did not want anyone knowing the full name that would lead them to me. "Hi Layla, my name is Ray, and I am here so they can find out if I am a threat before releasing me." "Are you a threat? You are way too pretty to be a threat. Why are your clothes torn up?" man this girl asks too many questions, but she is sweet. "No, I am not a threat. Thank you for saying I am pretty, and it is a long story on the clothes." I then smelled the most refreshing smell like fresh rain and pine trees. I looked around but nothing the smell then fainted away.

When I turned back around the little girl was gone and the door wide open. Something deep in my gut was telling me not to run they would let us go soon. So, I did not I shut the door and went back to the little corner I called mine for now and went back to waiting. I watched the sun turn into the moon and before I knew it, I drifted off again.


"Your stupid little skank, why would I ever want a mangey mut like you." CRACK, the sound of the whip slashing my back repeatedly. "You will never be anything, you hear me." He takes his cigarette and burns my back some more. The pain is unbearable. My body shaking needing it to stop."

"Hey, hey wake up." I felt my body being shaken and I was jolted awake. I gasped for air, backed into the corner, and grabbed my throat gasping for air. When the two guards were there trying to calm me. I got my heart calmed and shook my head. "Are you ok, you were having a nightmare and screaming." I just nodded not wanting to talk about it. They caught on and left a tray of food and went back out of the cell.

I was now worried that they would ask questions or find out about where I am from. I began to sink within myself scared and afraid. Then the little girl from earlier came back in and shut the door and said, "Hide me he is going to get me." Instantly the door busted open, and a man came in and headed toward Layla and I did not hesitate. My instincts took over and I jumped up and guarded her with my body from the man. I had my head hung low and hair covering my face. I waited but nothing ever came. I looked around but he was gone, and Layla was giggling. "That's my big brother sorry to scare you." "It is okay better get going before he comes back for you."

The guards came back and one ushered Layla out and the other stared at me. When Layla was gone the other returned and they approached me. "So, one thing is left before the determination is made." I nodded and gasped when I heard the worst thing I could have. "The Alpha would like to speak to you first." With that, I was terrified Alpha what if he finds out where I am from, what I did. He would not let me leave. I had no choice though so, meeting the Alpha was my only option.

I just hope and pray he does not find out and I can just leave and keep running and never turn back. I just had one more hurdle I just hoped Freyja could take over if needed.

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