Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Three

As I am being escorted to the Alphas' office, I am nervous beyond comparison. Freyja in my mind trying to keep me calm and unafraid. We arrive at a very ancient tall building within twenty minutes. "We are here." "Oh Okay." We began heading up the stairs when blondie opens the door I am hit with the same refreshing smell from before. Oh, my what is that smell? I keep my face low for no one to see I don't like making eye contact. They lead me into what I assume is an office. They close the door behind them and leave me by myself.

I look around the office and it is very sophisticated I might add. The walls were a medium gray not too dark but not too light and the curtains were black, the desk and other supplies matched the curtains as well. It smelled of the same pine and rain scent. It was so refreshing I was afraid to sit so I stood there waiting for someone to come in. I heard people talking out the door and my heart began racing I know due to werewolf hearing they could probably sense the rapid heartbeat.

That's when the door opened and it was a woman, maybe she is the Luna I thought to myself. "Hi there, my name is Abby Blade I am the female Beta of Silver Moon." "I thought I was here to meet the Alpha?" I quietly question not wanting to piss anyone off. "You were there were a few hiccups, don't worry you still will. I have many questions I need to ask you first." "Okay," I replied nervously knowing if she asks about my past, it would be disrespectful to her authority, and I could be thrown back in cells instead of them releasing me. "Okay just so you know I will not judge you no matter the answer. I will know if you are lying it is one of my specialties. I figured you would be more comfortable with a female. Ready to begin?" I nodded in response when Freyja entered my mind 'Ray, I need you to trust me on this but tell her the truth her wolf spoke to me, and I believe she is on our side just trust me.' 'Okay, Frey I trust you.'

"Alright let's begin. First question, why did you cross into our territory?" "I did not know I was on someone's territory I was just on my way through when I was found. I meant no harm." "I believe you. Second, where are you from?" "I am from Wisconsin." "Okay, what is your name?" "My name is Raylynn Parker." I knew the questions coming up next and I was feeling nauseous of reliving this. "Why are you rogue." "Many reasons none that I deserved." "I need you to be a little bit more specific on why and don't worry it will not leave this room unless it is necessary." I believed her, I didn't even know her, but she made me feel like I can trust her.

"Well, I guess I should start from the beginning. I don't remember anything before I was 10 years old. So, before that, I can not answer any questions. I was raised by the Starlight pack, in the orphanage. I was bullied by everyone because I was a late shifter at 16 instead of 13 like everyone else, but back to the beginning. Once the former Alpha was killed for saving me during an attack everyone blamed me. I was bullied, became the pack's slave, and once the former Alpha son took over, that's when the beatings began." I could hear Abby's gasp in a way shocked at what I am revealing because she can sense the honesty. "When Carson took over, I was thrown in the dungeons. That is where on my 16th birthday I shifted alone for the first time. My wolf is the only family I have. She helped me through the beatings. After I shifted, we found our mate, who was none other than Carson himself. Once he found out he rejected me right then and there and sat and watched me writhe in pain. He laughed at it, knowing how bad I was suffering. Every year the beatings got worse. After my 19th birthday, there was a memorial banquet held in his father's name. one of the guards after a beating forgot to lock my cell. I knew this was my only chance and I ran not knowing where I was going, or how I was going to survive I ran, and you know the rest."

I didn't realize I was crying until a teardrop hit my hand and when I slightly raised my hand, I have seen that Abby had tears in her eyes as well. "Okay, here is what's up you are going to stay in our pack for one month." I went to protest she raised her hand to stop me. "If after a month you still want to keep running you are more than welcome to. But in your time here you will be protected and trained that way if you still want to run you can properly defend yourself." "Okay, that sounds reasonable." "Good let me show you to a guest room so you can shower and rest I will have a cook bring food to you so you can meet everyone slowly. Then I need to talk to my brother." "Please keep the details between us?" "Of course, only if it is NECESSARY will I tell anyone." I trusted her and I don't know why I was kind of happy. I know I couldn't wait for a shower I needed one extremely bad. We headed to my room, and it was the first on the left. There were only two rooms on the top floor of this house, and it was this one and one directly across the hall. I couldn't help but wonder whose room that was.

I instantly went into the bathroom I needed a good hot shower. It took me by surprise. It was ginormous had a huge walk-in shower, jacuzzi tub, you could fit like 5 people in that tub. The room was white and had gold trimming around the woodwork and tile had gold lines in it. Without hesitation I started the jacuzzi tub and put in some bubble bath scent was honey, smelled so good hope they don't mind I used it.

I then ripped off the old ratty clothes I had on when I walked by the mirror, I couldn't help but look at my reflection. It has been years since I saw myself in a mirror. My skin was tan but pale you could tell I was locked out of sunlight for years. My eyes were a light hazel, there was no brightness to them. I turned around and lifted my dull brown curly locks off my back where I gasped when I saw the scars made from the silver whips, the cigarette burns. I instantly dropped my hair. Tears built in my eyes I ignored them and slowly entered the tub. The hot water felt so good on my skin. It has been so long since I felt clean.

After about an hour I got out of the tub and dried myself off Abby had set some clothes out for me it wasn't my usual, but it was better than what I had. Grey hoodie and red leggings I could deal with it, it was quite comfortable. When I exited the bathroom there was a plate of food on the nightstand. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and veggies. I knew I couldn't eat it all, but I would try I did not want to be rude with all the kindness Abby was giving me. I haven't watched tv in many years, but I was curious, so I turned on the tv, and instantly there was an action rom-com on I think that is what they call it. It was pretty good. I had eaten half of the food and set it up on the desk and curled into the king-size bed. My gosh, it felt like clouds, but anything felt better than trees and concrete flooring. I turned on another show and it didn't take long until I was fast asleep.

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