Read with BonusRead with Bonus


That is why I am a rogue wolf. Still working at the same bar to this day, but I also picked up another side gig to make money. I was a fighter in an underground fighting ring, with humans and wolves. If we ever faced a human, we never used our wolf strength to keep things fair, I mean we do not want to be found out. "Ki, come on girl its time to go, we don't want to be late." Cammy yells at me through my bedroom door.

Oh, yes after six years I have found some new friends, people I trust with my life. There is Cammy twenty, her mate Jake as well twenty, and our friend Dylan twenty-one. No, Dylan is not my boyfriend or lover, so don't even go to think that. Let us say I am not his type, nor do I want to be. He is very gay, and he is the greatest friend any of us could ever have. I decided to head downstairs and grab a bite before our shift tonight, I wouldn't have time for anything after because I also have a fight right after.

"Hey Cammy, Jake." I interrupt them as they are currently making out on the sofa. "Oh, hi Ki, um, are you uh ready to go." Cammy said nervously. "You do know there are bedrooms in this house, we soundproofed them for a reason. You know?" Dylan chimed in, "I mean I like a good love scene as much as the next person, but I don't want to watch it if it is between people I call family, so bedrooms next time." I laughed at the face Dylan was making. "Just wait until you find your mate Dylan, I will then repeat those exact words back to you." Jake said sternly, his wolf annoyed we interrupted. Mates what can you do with them, they are soulmates.

Finally, two o'clock my shift at the bar is finally over. "Hey Ki, come on if not we are going to be late to the fights lets go. I was in the back, in the employee bathroom changing into my leggings. When I came out, I ran into my boss, Rodger. "Micaiah, I really wish you would not participate in those fights, it is dangerous." Rodger became like a second dad to me, always trying to protect me. "Rodger, you know why I can't. I need the extra money, unlike the other bimbos working the floor and bar I do not go around flaunting my goods for extra tips." He huffed in frustration. "You are stubborn you know that?" I gave him a hug, "Rodger, just think of it as me training, since I cannot do it the formal way." "Just be safe Micaiah, please." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed out to meet Cammy, Jake, and Dylan in the parking lot.

"Come on my badass girl, we got some fights to win and money to make, and booties to shake." I swear Dylan is crazy sometimes, but I love him, hes a great friend and is always upbeat, defiantly the life of the party. "I am coming Dylan, Geesh, just cool your taters." "Honey my taters are soft and scrumptious. Want to taste?" I rolled my eyes at his statement; he thinks he is a comedian.

I am currently in the locker room waiting for my turn in the steel cage. Cammy, and Jake have already won their fights. They are warriors at heart, literally it is in their blood. Dylan was up, I never watched their fights if they were before mine, you can say I am kind of protective and it causes issues if I see them hurt.

Suddenly Dylan comes marching into our locker room, "Another one bites the dust." He is basically dancing throughout the locker room. "Really Dylan, song quotes." He flashes his pearly whites fist bumping the air and a ref comes, "Micaiah, your up." I finished tapping up my fist and headed to the ring. You fight who you draw in this establishment, man or woman. Standing across from my opponent he is built, and I mean built like a tank. He is six feet or so, dark skin, light brown eyes, hair black, short, faded on sides. I notice a mark on his inner wrist, it's a mark of being high ranking in a pack. A little wolf strength to our advantage, this is going to be remarkably interesting.

He sniffed the air, eyes locking on mine realizing I to am a wolf. He smiles, knowing this is going to be different than fighting a human. The referee then yells "Fight". We began to circle one another, scanning for any visible weakness. He then came at me full swing, throwing punches quickly. I dodged almost all of them, he connected with his last one right against my jaw. Damn this man holds some serious power, I could see the smirk on his face as if he thought I was going to be that easy to beat, so I used it to my advantage. 'Vee, you ready?' 'Always Ki.' He was about to get a shocking surprise, of course in not undefeated for just giving up or going easy on people.

"Get him Girl." "That's right sister tare him another one." "Come on sis kick his hot ass." My friends shout from outside the cage. He hit me again in the stomach and knocked my feet out from under me. I do a kip up and he is shocked I got up so fast, I then started punching him in the ribs to take out some of his oxygen. Then I held his head with my hands and began kneeing him in his face. When he pushed me away, he tried to regain his composure and I know this is my chance. I then hit him with a powerful sidekick. I pivoted on my left foot rotating to the side, lifting my knee in line with my hip and thrusted hard, hitting him square in the face with the sole of my foot. He fell back and after the ref count reaches ten the fight is called. "And the winner is the undefeated Kiah!"

Everyone was cheering, I was always respected the person I fought as long as it was fair so, I helped the man up. "Good fight, you did an excellent job." "Thanks, Kiah my name is Greg, honor to fight with you. I know I won't hear the end of this from my pack." "Do not sweat it, tell them if they don't like it to come to fight me." He laughed. Well, I would, except we are here to train, learn how others fighting styles, our Beta's idea. I won't live this down Beta is here with some of the others." "Smart Beta, listen I got to go you did good, just don't wear yourself out in the beginning, work on stamina." He nodded and I headed to my friends.

"Great job Ki", "Yeah Amazing." "Girl, I am telling you if I was into woman, I would be your groupie." I laughed at Dylan's remarks, "Thanks, guys." We then headed to leave when I heard someone yell, "Ki, Micaiah Winters." I halted the voice sounded familiar. When I turned around, I could not believe who was standing before me, "Emma".

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