

It's eight pm and I'm sitting on the window landing. I look disinterestedly at the huge full moon that lights up the outside garden. I've bathed because despite the air conditioning, it's hot as hell in here, if not; I wouldn't even try.

I recognize the symptoms, I'm half depressed. When I get like this, I always snuggle under a sheet with my favorite pillow, eat a chocolate bar and cry until I feel better. I make a face. My pillow is too far away and I don't want to have contact with the servants, therefore I can't ask for chocolate; lest that idiot takes offense and fire them too. I can only cry.

But I don't even feel like it, besides, why would I cry for? Because I want to leave here. Why am I scared? Because being in contact with Alex makes my inferiority complex stab me over and over again? I sigh unhappily.

I'm not hungry. I'm not sleepy either, but sleeping is preferable to turning whatever they bring on the tray and leaving everything there without having tried a thing.

I turn off the light, throw myself on the bed, and get under the duvet.


She is asleep. Curled up under the blue duvet. She has spent the afternoon thinking nonsense. I had no idea that her ego was so fragile. How is it possible that such a powerful creature can be so insecure at the same time?

I place the tray on the bed side table. I've ordered Patrick to take the servants back to the other side of the island. I need them to keep the Villa clean and organized and to prepare my little witch's food, but I don't want them under this roof all the time. My plans depend on my spending as much time with her as possible,just the two of us. I have brought her a surprise dinner and I intend to have a LOT of fun tonight.


My dream Alex has returned. He’s pulled me out from under the duvet and awakened me with his kisses.

—I've been told you’ve lost your appetite. - He whispers. - However, I find that I’m famished.

He bites my earlobe, inserting the tip of his tongue into my ear. The hairs on my skin crinkle! It's obvious he wishes to convey how much he wants me.

— I'm dreaming, right? - I gasp.

— Of course. - He laughs- How else would you explain that you are now the main course?

I look around. The room is dim. The shine of the immense moon filters through the open window, illuminating everything in half.

Alex is sitting on the edge of my bed. I manage to perceive his silhouette but I can't make out his face entirely. This half-light gives him an air of mystery.

—What do you think if we play for a while? - He proposes seductively.

—I'll give you to taste pieces of different foods. If you guess them, I'll reward you with kisses, if you don’t ... - he threatens sweetely. - If you don’t guess correctly, you'll lose an item of your clothing.

Oh. My. God! I swear I'm already half gone. I frown. I don't understand what goal he pursues with his proposition, really, but I'm mega curious to know where this will all lead. Also, I suspect this game won't last long. Seen am wearing a wide t-shirt and a long wide pant, under them, absolutely nothing.

—What do you say little witch? Do you dare? - He tempts me.

—You're on.

He laughs and kisses me again, giving me a quick peck that leaves me wanting more. I hear something rattle on the bedside table. Squinting my eyes, (I took my glasses off before going to sleep) I seem to see he has placed a tray there.

—You can bite this, but carefully; do not chop at my fingers. - He says offering me something. He carefully press my closed mouth to the food and brushed it with my lips making sure I bite into what he offers and not the tips of his fingers. I chew slowly.

—It's a strawberry. - I inform Alex.

—Good! - He celebrates giving me another peck.

I groan annoyed.

—Those aren't kisses, Alex. You're cheating. - I protest.

—Oh no, little witch. My game, my rules.

Cheating bastard.

The tray rattles again and he turns to me.

—This time you should try it with your tongue.


I move a little closer to him and slowly and sensually he brushes my lips with one of his fingers, smearing them with a semi-liquid substance. I lick a bit and quickly wrap my lips around his index finger, sucking on it and squeezing it with my mouth.

He hisses and I release him. Savoring the salty and spicy substance.

—Mayonnaise. - I sigh. - It was mayonnaise.

Rewards me with another fleeting peck, depositing it on the left corner of my mouth.

— I'll have to raise the level of difficulty a bit. You are really good at this.- He grumbles under his breath. I hide a silly smile because I know he isn’t referring to the simple game of guessing what I eat, but to the other darker and more intimate game we are playing, that of seduction.

—Well. Now throw your head back and open your mouth. You don't have to chew, just swallow.-he whispers.

His voice has grown hoarse, his eyes half hidden by the darkness are just slits. I obey his orders. A gummy, gelatinous substance enters my lips, crosses my throat and falls into my stomach. I have no idea what the hell I just swallowed.

— Is it ... some kind of snail? I understand that they are very popular in France. - I ask trying to hide my total ignorance.

— Wrong species. - He hums pleased- you just tasted an oyster. They are considered an exotic food, yes, but they have nothing to do with snails.

I huff disappointed.

—So, a point for me, little witch. What will my prize be? Mhh? The t-shirt or the pants? - His appearance is angelic, sitting there, his eyes shining with amusement, anyone who might see him would think that butter wouldn’t even melt on his mouth.

I ponder the possibilities and decide to give him the pants. I will be naked from the waist down but I can continue to cover myself with the duvet. With awkward, sloppy movements I take off my pants, squeeze them into a ball, and hand it over. Making a mocking face at him.

—That duvet won't protect you forever and you know it.- He threatens seductively.

My body temperature has risen exponentially since we started this crazy game, my buttocks rest on the bed cover, the air conditioning, which seemed to go on strike during the day, has cooled the room quite a bit in the last hour. The contrast in temperature between my lower body and the bedding adds another layer of sensation over my tormented senses. Alex notices my thighs clenching under the duvet and smiles. Giving me a slow, predatory smile.

—Shall we continue, little one?


He rummages one more time and warns me.

–—This, you can bite with confidence. - He brings me the food and I bite it. It is slightly hard and crunches under my teeth.

—It's a toast. - I answer while chewing.


He sticks his lips to my jaw and laughs. I look at him puzzled.

—I said I would kiss you but I never specified the kisses would be restricted to your mouth’s general area. - He winks.

He's changed the rules again! He is unbearable!

I swallow the bite of toast and he already offers me the next thing.

—Take a bite of this one too.

I obey and moan with pleasure. I do like this one. I chew slowly, enjoying the flavor of the smoked product. I must have bitten off almost half

—It's a hotdog.

—Want more?


I chew happily and he watches me cocking his head.

— I have found the key so that you don't go to bed without having dinner again.Why, it’s obvious you like cold cuts very much- He comments, surprised.

—Cold cuts in general, no, but I really like hot dogs. Have you ever tried a cold salad?


—A cold salad. It's one of my favorite dishes. It's prepared with spaghetti, mayonnaise, pineapple and hot dogs. In Cuba it's common to eat it on birthdays or weddings. If all the ingredients are in the fridge, I could make one.

—Give the recipe to Yulia. - He says bluntly.

I huff in exasperation, preparing a string of complaints, readying myself to be letting them go but his mouth lands on my right nipple. I scream. He's put it inside his mouth, through my t-shirt's fabric and sucks at it like a Lollipop. Moisture bursts between my legs, my muscles tense. My belly burns. I tangle a hand in his curls and close my eyes. His saliva wets my skin through the fabric.

—Aaah. - I moan.

He detaches himself from my nipple and licks it over the clothing. My breasts are hard, both nipples erect and pleading for his attention. He tangles his fingers around the hem of my t-shirt and looks at me wickedly.

—I think this guy. - purres, pulling at the hem. - has been meddling far too long.

I pull back, glaring at him.

—If I win, it stays, if I lose, it goes. The game is yours and the rules are yours, but that's no reason for me to let you win.

—Pity. - He sighs feigning resignation. His eyes are fixed on my nipple, visible under the t-shirt’s wet fabric.

He holds a crystal glass to my lips and I sip a little. The liquid is cold and it’s a flavor that I recognize.

—Orange juice.

—Yes. - pecks me on my lips once more.

He offers me some more juice, until I drink the entire contents of the glass.

We silently move on to the next item of food and this time I don't recognize what I'm chewing on.

—I have no idea. - I whimper.

—Perfect! - Says separating the word into syllables. - I demand my prize, little witch. Say goodbye to that horrendous t-shirt.-he laughs.

Grunting in frustration, I pull the garment over my head and hand it to him. He laughs when I try to cover myself with my arms.

—Oh no, no. Who's the cheater now, hmm?

He spreads my arms and brushes my nipple with his thumb deliberately. I'm sticky between my thighs and aching with the urge to jump on him. This is no longer a game, it’s torture!

—Ask for it. - He whispers. Looking at me with a longing expression.

—Ask for what? - I say. - You've already won. What more could you possibly want?

He licks his lower lip and bites it.

—Ask for it and you will know exactly what I want.

My entire body burns with desire. My insides cry out for... something. Whatever is. I know he is capable of driving me to orgasm with his fingers and his tongue, but he is so contradictory. I never know what to expect from him. Besides, I have no idea what he wants me to ask him.

—Kiss me? - I try, unsure.

—That's enough for me.

He cover my body with his and this time he DOES kiss me. Sucking on my lips, stroking my tongue, bitinme...His hand finds my breast and caresses them.

GOD. My chest is cold from the air conditioning, my nipples harden even more in his hot palm. His other hand has descended under the duvet, caressing my thigh.

I lean back against the pillows, spreading my legs. His palm connects with my sex and he bites my lower lip, breaking the kiss.

—You're amazing. - He gasps. - You're totally flooded!

He sigh and claims my lips again. His index and middle fingers run through my sex caressing my clit and surrounding my entrance.

—Mmmm.- I moan against his lips.

He removes his mouth from mine and turns on the light on the nightstand, doing something with the contents of the tray. I narrow my eyes, fighting the sudden excess of clarity. I want to protest. What he's done destroyed the romantic atmosphere around us.

He comes back to me and spreads mayonnaise on my right nipple. I stare at him in shock.

—Why did you do that?! - I shout indignantly.

—Because... you're going to love it. - He promises. - Now ... lick it.

What? Oh no. OH NO! This isn't normal. This is a very high level of perversion.

He leans on me, whispering in my ear.

—Don't think about too much. Just do it. I want to see how you touch your own breast with your tongue. - He growls.

I lift my breast in my hand. The position is slightly awkward but I manage to clean the mayo in a couple of licks. Alex looks at me with his eyes, completely darkened. What I'm doing is... weird, but it's incredibly exciting.

Out of sheer malice I accommodate my breast a little higher, putting my own nipple in my mouth. I hear Alex say a word I’ve never heard before. In three seconds he is totally naked and between my legs.

His body is so very beautiful. It's the only thing I manage to think before he penetrates me.


He has me completely full. I move my hips trying to accommodate him inside me.

He begins moving and I go into a trance. We kiss. His hands roam my body shamelessly, caressing my feet, my thighs, and my abdomen. He pulls out the rubber band that was holding my hair and tousle it. He showers tiny bites along my jaw, gently, sniffing my neck while all the time his member caresses the slippery and wet insides of me.

—Zeus! - His lips leave my mouth and he looks into my eyes. - You are... - he breathes harshly- Incredible.

He glues his mouth to my breasts, biting one of my nipples. I'm already unhinged and ready to explode. I move my hips against his. Lacing my ankles behind his hips. My nails scratch his back. He moves as if he wants to drill into me. He hastens his thrusts making then faster and harder, he slaps my mount of Venus once, twice…

Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

I come. My muscles contract rhythmically, squeezing his cck inside me. My juices run down my thighs moistening the mattress.

I come. My toes clench and I rub the bedspread with the soles of my feet convulsively, enjoying the feeling of almost leaving my body for a second. I scream my pleasure and quickly bite my lower lip, letting out little moans.

Alex grabs me by the hair. Turns my head to the side, digs his fangs into my neck breaking my skin, sucks my blood gluttonously through the pair of holes he just opened in my jugular and reaches his climax.

I lose consciousness.

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