Sabrina's P.O.V
Savouring the sweet and peaceful sound of the morning birds chirping, I let out a deep breathe without opening my eyes. The smile at my lips broadened as I'd just realized what day of the week it was today.
To me, Saturday meant, Sit- Around- Throughout ur day. And If not for Jasper, I'd planned to do just that.
This last week seemed to be one of the fastest I'd had in a while, although a lot of things had happened to me so far...
Still in bed, my mind roamed off to Jasper......
Zoe didn't report to the school what she did, probably cuz' they were both gonna take the fall. Ever since that day, the whole class seemed to respect me a little more...
Although.... No one is sure how the videos they made of the fight got erased.
Jasper had questioned me about the incident and had scolded me about fighting in school. He'd asked me out about two days ago....and I wasn't really sure of what to wear. Infact, I had no reasonable clothes that would suit an evening dinner!
I quickly jumped out of bed. "Glad to see you awake", Logan's deep voice nearly scared the snot out of me!
"Logan?", My eyes slowly narrow at him. "What the hell!?...", I reached for my blanket to cover my naked body.
"Nothing I haven't seen before", he shoved both hands into his pockets before walking up to me.
I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment as I attempted to avoid his piercing green eyes.
A smile formed at his lips. "I always watch you while you sleep, darling...", He looked towards the bed, "And most times, you roll out of the covers".
I lowered my head more.
"So....", He began heading towards the curtains. "What are your plans for the day?".
I tried to regain composure, "uhhm.... nothing much". I lied, sluggishly heading for my wardrobe, "just wanted to sit around....my usuals".
I wrapped my sky blue robe around me.
"Ohh..really?", He said without looking back. "So...what was all this stuff about a date you were talking about in your sleep?".
Shocked at his words, I stammered a bit, "I....uhhm...?".
He'd began to pace around the bed, "you know....if you want....I could help you get ready..", he looked to me, "I also overheard you say you don't have anything to wear".
I sighed almost unbelievably, could he read minds or something?
"What else did you hear me say??". I caught his smile at the dark edge of the room, I still hadn't parted the curtains.
"Uhhm....not much, but you went something like....."ohh....ahh... Jasper stop it... Jasper...ohh...", He teased.
I slammed my wardrobe door before laughing. "I wish I could stab you right now". My eyes move around for whatever she could toss at him.
He'd began walking towards me, "I dare you".
My brows furrowed as I tried to take a swing at him. As expected.... It just passed through.
"You punch like a three year old!"
Noticing the strange look on my face, he hesitated before answering, "yes?".
"Do Daemons use perfumes?".
His smile faded, "why do you ask..?".
I looked up to meet his eyes, "because you smell so good...".
He swallowed.
Later that day, I'd actually gone out to pick a dress in a boutique.... It wasn't that sophisticated or too plain either, all thanks to Logan though....
It was velvety red and stopped halfway above my thighs. "Do you think he'll like it?". I queried Logan.
"Who won't?...you look great!". He stood behind me.... Without a reflection.
I turned to him wishing I could give him a hug, "thanks Logan, if not for you, I'd probably have worn one of my useless old clothes". I scratched the back of my head, "I have no fashion sense you know..".
He wore a straight face, still looking at her reflection. I watched him try to wrap his arms around me. "You're so... beautiful..", he paused knowing it would give me chills.
I smiled at him, "you don't look so bad yourself"
Took a few seconds to stroll to my bed before going through the Azacarus again.
"Don't you get tired of that book?"
I shook my head. "Attimes, new things appear"
After a few seconds of silence, he started bouncing his ball. 'Where does he even get that from!?', I shook my head trying not to get distracted.
Asif reading my thoughts, he paused for a bit and I watched his neck twitch. "I can conjure it.... whenever I want..", he spun the ball with a finger. "I always wanted to play soccer", he looked towards the ground in regret.
"What stopped you?..". I covered my mouth as fast as the words had come out, that was really a stupid question. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.....".
"Don't worry", he twirled his hand and I watched the ball disappear. "It's not important anyway". He smiled a genuine smile. "When are we leaving?..".
Shocked at his addition of 'we', I smiled, "ohh... Logan... Jasper was going to pick me up", Just then, I watched him adjusting a red bowtie I hadn't noticed before.
"Uhhm...and you know.... Jasper can't see me talking to myself while we're out..". I hopped off my bed in excitement at the sound of a car horn. "That must be him".
Hurriedly putting on my tight shoes and clutched my purse, I skipped to the door ignoring the slight frown on Logan's face. 'I hope he's not planning anything stupid ?'.
"You're dress is really pretty", he smirked before looking down at himself. "I hope I didn't dress too casual"
I laughed.
From the ride, we'd began talking about school and many other things. "I don't have detention again from next week", I smiled at him.
He looked a bit disappointed cuz' we always walked back home together after his remedial classes and my detention.
"That's good news", he smiled still focusing on the road. "Me and Brad will be out of physics remedial classes by the ending of next week. They said we've improved and we have to study by ourselves for the final exams"
There were a few seconds of silence before he spoke up again. "Sab..?"
She looked to him, "Yeah...?"
"I have no idea where I'm driving to..", my eyes widened in disbelief before laughter erupted from my lips.
"You're crazy!".
We both laughed for a while before he stopped at the closest restaurant.
The place was somewhat empty and I actually liked that, cuz' now I won't feel so shy.
While waiting for our orders to arrive, we started talking about our childhood.
He used a hand to cover his mouth, "Tell me you're not serious?".
I laughed along with him, "But did I tell you about the time i ran away from home?".
He shook his head in curiosity. I'd just finished telling him about how I got locked in elementary school one day because I stayed in the toilet for too long.
The waitress had just served both our meals.
"Okay...when I was twelve, I had already come to the conclusion that my dad didn't love me". I took a moment to catch my breath.
"One night, I packed a few things in my backpack and lowered myself out my window with some sheets. When I was about five blocks away, some stray dogs started chasing me and I ran back home screaming my lungs out", I paused to laugh at myself. "You should have seen the way the lights from peoples houses were coming back on"
"Im sure you never tried that again?", he smirked.
"Of course! I fell down and sprained my left leg on the way!". I felt my leg ache at the thought, "I had to stay at the hospital for some days".
"Jeez...", There was sympathy in his eyes.
"I know you may not believe this, but I've never actually been on a real date before..", I smiled trying to change the topic. "Well, apart from that movie fiasco we went on"
Because of Logan's constant disruption that day, I even had to leave early!
His face lit up, "it's my pleasure to be your first". He took my hand in his and kissed the back of it, "I'm guessing you're.... Uhhm.... also a virgin..?".
I nodded avoiding his eyes. For some reason, my mind shifted to Logan, 'what's he up to?'. I looked around for him.
Jasper caught my worried look with a frown. "Are you worried your dad might catch you with me?".
I smiled, "nah... he's out of town for some days....so I'm free", I looked to my watch. "It's getting kinda late..".
He dropped some bills on our table while getting up. "I see....". He helped me up as well.
"Hmm...what a gentleman". I teased when we finally got outside. When he didn't reply, we both got into the car.
After a few moments of awkward silence and looking outside the window. "So.....did you steal your dad's car or...?", I tried to think of something reasonable to say.
Keeping his eyes on the road, " Well..I won't really say ' I stole it '. He doesn't take his car out when he's on a night shift so I just decided to borrow it. For the mean time...". He shrugged before turning right to park at the front of his house.
As we walk to the entrance of his house, I realized I'd never heard him talk about his mother. Strange. But I wasn't going to bring it up.....just incase.
After he opened the door, I mindlessly follows him still wondering what Logan was up to....I decided to forget about it as we approach his room.
His house was somewhat sizable, although mine looked a bit more expensive on the inside.
I suddenly came back to my senses when I heard Jasper lock the door. Before my lips could part, he pulled me to him by my waist, ignoring my gasp.
For a second, we stared into each other's eyes, Logan had asked me to lose the glasses earlier today and I was happy I did. "You know....red is my favourite colour..", he leaned whispers at my ear before drawing back a little.
I gulped as his eyes moved to my lips. I'd wanted to say something..... but wasn't sure what, by body was heating up just from him holding onto me this way!
Without waiting for a reply, he lowered his head for a kiss and my lips parted.
It was a soft and tender kiss, no rushing...
On impulse, I wrapped my arms around his neck just realizing I'd never been kissed before. I let out a soft moan of delight while his fingers trace about my back.
It didn't take long before he raised me up and I found my legs wrapped around him, without breaking the kiss.... He pressed my back against the wall.
After a few minutes of mindless tongue movement, he spun us both to the bed, gently dropping me on my back.
I didn't even notice my lips were still parted, hungrily wanting more.
He pulled off his belt, then his shirt before coming in after me. "Safety first..", he smiled lightly before reaching for his wardrobe.
Logan's chuckle from my left half scared the life out of me but Jasper was distracted. My eyes widened in disbelief, "what the fuck are you doing here!?", I whispered.
He narrowed his eyes in amusement, "so this is the Jasper?", He watched Jasper put on the condom before climbing back onto the bed. "I've never had the chance to get a good look at him"
"He's cute and all... but I can do better...". He suddenly dived into Jasper.
For a second, I laid speechless as Jasper's eyes rolled to the back of his head, from blue to white, and then green like that of Logan.
A wicked smile forms at his lips as he cracked his neck.
"Be happy..", he pined both my hands down before leaning in to lick my ear. "I always treat my women right.."