

Everything was going great. I made a new friend, even though he had a bit of a potty mouth. He even offered me candy! But of course my stomach and chest had to hurt when he said it would taste so good. I might have had too many honeysuckles and honey. I’ve never had a problem with too much sugar before.

Maybe I was just too excited to be here! Yup, I was because I got to see some outstanding puppies and got to play in this exceptional garden full of flowers I had never seen before. The Underworld was an amazing place for sure and I didn’t want the party to end so I could explore more.

Things with Loki patched up nicely. I was worried about giving up my first potential at a proper friend, but he changed really quick. It made my wings warm at the promise he made me, a real promise. Now I would have someone to go with me and give me a tour around the entire estate! The flutter in my wings made me giddy until a bright light flashed at the front of the palace.

Most of the area was darker than that of the Celestial Kingdom, so when the bright light came from the sky, Loki and I shielded our eyes. We both stared until screaming was heard, all too familiar screaming, to be exact.

It was Mom.

I knew that huff and sandle slapping shoes anywhere. She wasn’t happy.

She does this when she goes up the stairs, when she finds me watching too many movies and not getting the housework done. I tapped my lips a few times, humming at what I could have possibly done wrong, until my wings perked up and Loki stared at me questioningly.

“Uh, oh,” I took a few steps back towards the gazebo. It felt safer there. I enjoyed sitting under the shade of the red light source they had here, but that gazebo gave me a warm feeling I really liked.

My tiny slipper shoes began shuffling back, feeling the scuff of the rough rock. “Uriel! There you are!” My Mom’s face hardened, her brows knitted together tighter than Madusa’s scales.

“We have to leave, now! What were you thinking!?” She grabbed my arm, a little too roughly, I whimpered. Mom has never been physical with me, but the tightening in her grip had me at a loss for words.

“Do you know each other?” Loki pointed to the both of us.

“Yeah, she’s my, Mo-” Mom slapped her hand over my mouth.

“None of your concern, let’s go, Uriel.” I was being dragged away by Loki, his face contorting to anger and horns emerging from his head.

“Wait, Mom, I don’t want to go. You said I could stay!” Mom’s head whipped back quickly.

“I never said such a thing. I would never let you leave the house on your own. Are you that dense?” My heart stung. Dense was another word for stupid. I know, I had spent many, many hours studying, trying to be the good girl she wanted. My wings drooped, a sting of her harsh breath causing my eyes to water.

My lip wobbled. I could not cry in front of my new friend and now the giant crowd that was coming towards us. The immense crowd had me cowering backward. Mother glanced backwards, her huffing becoming louder.

A large, warm hand gripped my upper arm. The funny tingles I had felt earlier came back to full force. Instantly giggling, forgetting the fury that was behind my Mom’s eyes, I turned to find a shirtless Hades.

“Is there a problem?” Lucifer’s deep voice caused the entire area to grow silent. Not even the puppies whined. Mom stepped forward, keeping a firm grip on my arm.

“I’m taking her back home,” she muttered. “She doesn’t belong here.” Mom turns to leave, pulling me, but Lucifer kept his grip on my arm. Leaning back into his arm, Mom grunted, annoyed.

“I mean it, Lucifer.” Lucifer’s lip curled. Smoke was oozing from the base of his feet and I swear his face grew ten times darker.

“GET OFF MY LAWN!” Hades bellowed. The gigantic crowd scattered, the hellhounds now heerding the supernaturals like sheep.

I love sheep; they are so fluffy. I’ve got my own sheep, well, lamb I sleep with every night called Lambert. Snorting, Loki nudged my arm, laughing along with me.

“This is why I don’t enjoy having everyone over. No one respects my space,” Hades spat. Parisa petted his arm, shaking her head. “It’s fine. The grass will grow back,” she whispered.

Lucifer’s parents walked up the garden pathway. Her dress swayed as she cooed at the little baby.

“You sister is so cute,” I cooed at Loki.

“Yeah, but I’m cuter,” he huffed, crossing his arms.

“No, you’re handsome,” Loki smiled as wide as his horns. “You think so?” I nodded.

“Stop that,” Mom hissed at me. “Hades, Parisa, lovely seeing you, but we must go.” Mom pulled me again until I ripped it away. Mom’s head turned so fast her toga blew up to her knees.

“Mom, you said I could come,” I whispered. Dad came up behind her, his hands rubbing her arms up and down.

“My love, let’s calm down.” Dad’s wings engulfed mom like a big cocoon. He does that a lot with her. It helps knock her out when she gets really ‘pissy,’ Dad says. He says there is a reason she is so uptight but I am not old enough to know why.

Lucifer pulled me back, the left wing brushing my arm where my Mom had grabbed too tightly. The tingles made the sharp pain fall away.

“I can’t relax! We have to leave,” she whispered loudly to Dad. “You know why, why am I the only one looking out for her?” Dad held her cheeks. Between his feathers, you can see the concern play with the corners of his eyes.

“We cannot keep her sheltered forever.” he wiped away a tear with his thumb.

“The hell I will!” Mom burst through his wings, a new fire burning in her eyes. I had never seen Mother so dead set on me.

“D-did you find my stash?” Everyone’s head perked up. I repeated my statement and still everyone stared at me. “My stash of candy. Did you find it? That is why you are mad?” Loki snorted, evil looks glared his way.

I saw nothing funny about it. My magical stash was awesome and if Mom knew I had it and ate candy when I wanted, she would take it away.

“No, Uriel. You left the house without permission and the first place you go is to the Underworld!”

“But you said I could go!” I defended. “You kept saying, ‘yes, yes, yes!’ over and over while you guys were waiting for the stork!” I stomped my foot, my hands on my hips. Mom’s face grew red, slapping her hand over her mouth.

Lucifer made a noise behind me. I turned to look at him and a little curl graced his otherwise grumpy face. “Is she serious right now?” Loki spoke to Parisa. “Like she really doesn’t know?” Parisa hushed Loki. My frustration made my wings shake.

“Sweet pea,” Mom began. I knew what ‘sweet pea,’ meant. She was going to offer me cake. Part of me was excited until Athena’s pant suit came into view. I waved frantically.

“Athena!” I squealed, running up to her. I’m glad she didn’t run away from Hades and his death threats about the grass. Athena was going to be my new teacher, and I was worried I would never see her again!

“Hello, there Uriel.” She patted my head affectionately. “I see your parents showed up.” Athena didn’t smile. Her hand stopped petting my head and brought me back to the group of gods and angels standing around.

“Sweet Pea,” Mom spoke again, her body slightly bending over to speak to me face to face. “We need to go home. I’ll make you your favorite treat, alright?” Mom’s smile widened. The thought of getting some chocolate lava cake had my wings shuttering.

“Then can we come back? I made a new friend!” I pointed to Loki, who was smiling devilishly at Mom.

“Sure we will come another time,” she smiled, her hand brushing my shoulder. That funny twinge of pain came to my chest, it cause me to step back from her.

“Sorry, what did you say?” My head tilted to the side as my feet continued to fall backwards towards Lucifer.

“I said I’ll bring you back another time.” The pain started up again in my chest. I pouted, not wanting to go with Mom. I always listened to her, but this pain in my chest was telling me not to.

“No,” I whispered. Loki and Lucifer came to stand beside me. Mom let out a flustered sigh.

“I’m very disappointed in you,” Mom spoke. Parisa stepped up to Mom.

“I think we need to talk, Hera. Why haven’t we seen Uriel until now?” Mom shook her head.

“I cannot discuss this here. I need to get her home.” Mom came forward, but Lucifer and Loki pulled me back. “That’s enough,” she hissed.

Mom was adamant about making me go home. With how mad she was, I was sure I would ever be let out again. I enjoyed being outside, seeing new things. I didn’t want to go back to my bedroom and watch the same old movies over and over. I did everything she said. What if I didn’t listen, just for today?

Athena winked at me, giving me a small thumbs up. Was the pain I feel in my chest a lie?

“Mother, will you let me out of the house again if I come with you? I don’t want to stay inside anymore. There are too many pretty things outside.” My lip wanted to pout. That worked on Dad so well never worked on Mom though.

“Of course you can!” Everyone looked to another at the quick change in attitude but the same pain pierced my chest. My mouth hung open as I heard Athena’s voice in my head.

“She lied, sweet one.” Athena’s eyes filled with pity while looking away from me. That was the pain in my chest? Someone lying to me? Mom reached her hand out, but I pulled it away. Hurt by my actions, she grabbed her robes.

“I said I would take you out,” Mom said again. I shook my head, leaning into Lucifer. He jumped, but his black wing came around to hide me, which I really liked.

“You’re lying,” I whispered. “You won’t let me back out.” Dad grabbed Mom, pulling her back behind Hades and Parisa.

“Uriel, you come home with us this instant! It is dangerous out here, around him!” Mom pointed to Lucifer, his growl in his chest let me know he didn’t like it. The hurt in my chest came back. Lucifer wouldn’t hurt me, he might be scary but he wouldn’t hurt me.

“He won’t,” I whispered again. Athena kept giving me encouraging glance, moving her hands forward to keep me talking.

“I think it hurts me more that you won’t let me out and meet new people. A lot of the people I have met so far have been really nice.” Loki reached up and grabbed my hand, squeezing it for comfort. Smiling back at him, I tried not to cry.

“So, what do you want to do, Uriel? Live here in the Underworld? I doubt that Hades would let you do that!”

“Oh, he will!” Parisa jumped up, almost waking the baby. Hades rolled his eyes, rubbing his forehead. “We would love to have her! In fact, we have been looking for a new nanny for Loki, and look at that, he takes to her so well!”

“Yeah!” Loki butted in. “I promise not to kill this one!” Mom fell backwards into Dad’s arms, her eyes closing and letting out a groan. Gasping, I ran to her. She was peacefully sleeping in Dad’s arms. Dad looked at me softly, brushing my cheek.

“She’ll be alright, this is just a lot for her.” I nodded, Loki pulling me away from her.

“Here, get her inside and we can talk,” Parisa had several servants waved over bringing a small cot to carrying her inside the palace.

I pranced as I walked over with Loki back to his brother Lucifer. My hair tossed side to side. I was worried about my Mom, but the excitement I was feeling had me light on my feet. I felt like I could fly all over the palace.

“Excellent job, Uriel, I’m proud of you.” Athena, who had been standing by quietly joined our little group. “I’ll talk to Parisa and see if I can come down here to tutor you if you wish.” I nodded frantically while clapping my hands.

“Yes! I can’t wait! Will we go on field trips and stuff like the humans do? Go visit the Earth and Bergarian realms!” Athena laughed as I got closer.

“Yes, and so much more, maybe we can find your mate along the way of our journey.” Athena winked.

“A mate?” I whispered. “Like a best, best friend?” I asked excitedly.

“Shit,” Loki cursed.

“Loki!” I squealed.

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