Loki looked shamefully at the ground as he was being scolded by Uriel. I kept my face disinterested to the whole thing, still not sure how to face the situation. Uriel was my mate. Her Mother had kept her from the other gods, goddess,es and angels all while she grew up. She knew nothing of the underworld, deemed too evil. The only reason I met my fated mate was because of a simple misunderstanding.
Since the gods started claiming mates just twenty-five years ago with my Mother’s new gift, babies had been born left and right. Taking part in either their mother's or father’s original form at birth, so there would be no natural-born mix of whatever species the parents were. My father, being a god, it was only natural for my mother’s werewolf genes to morph and make her immortal, thus giving her the power of bonding to help Selena, the Moon Goddess, making mother a goddess herself.
Mother had had plenty of gatherings so that the new gods, angels, and demons could all mingle with each other since some parents had never raised an opposing species. I loathed those gatherings growing up. I never played with the other deities, just staying in my corner and sulking because if I took part, I’d blow up in anger over something petty.
Mother had always wondered about Michael and Hera. Hera was paired with Michael after they had spent many years together before soul-bonding was created for the gods. They were ecstatic once they found out they were truly fated soul mates. The only problem being, they never conceived a child once Mother had paired them together.
That proved wrong today.
Mother is beside herself, stealing glances at Father, trying to understand the situation. We all continued to walk inside the place while I hovered over Uriel. Her hips swayed. The light grass stains wanted to make me shake my head at the childishness of her actions earlier but found it also endearing.
“Come with me, Uriel, let’s go to my room.” Loki grabbed her hand. She almost stumbled over her own feet until I caught her.
“Whoopsies,” she yelped, my arm going around her waist. Her wings had willed back into her body as I turned her around. Now the front of her body was flushed with mine, her hands landed on my bare shoulders to balance herself. Uriel shook her head. Those bright gold eyes blinked up at me through those thick lashes.
“Thank you, Luci!” The bright smile forced my gaze to her lips. The entire entourage stopped, turning, looking at both of us. My Mother and Father’s eyes swelled in my peripheral, their hands gripping each other tightly waiting for me to erupt.
“Easy, son,” Father whispered to me. “Easy.” I didn’t feel the intense anger building inside me, the fire flowing into my fingers to break every bone in anyone’s body when they call me Luci. My body exhaled a heavy sigh, twirling Uriel back up to a standing position.
The demons carrying Hera on the cot looked at each other, muttering. Their tails made signals so I wouldn’t understand their entire conversation but I knew what they were thinking. Why wasn’t I blowing up, killing the innocent woman in front of me?
My heart beat quickly in my chest, clanging on my rib cage until I finally dropped her hand. Clearing my throat, I nodded my head in her direction and left the area before I could cause any harm. There might be a delayed reaction where I blow up suddenly and I didn’t want to harm her. She was the first woman that didn’t deserve it.
“Meet us in the Smoke Room once you’ve dealt with your anger,” Father put his hand on the small of Mother’s back. I could feel her stare at me as I walked away, but I needed this. I needed to think about my concerns.
Just tomorrow, my life was going to end. I would spend my days deep in a dark abyss and never see my family again. That was until she showed up. Now, I am not so sure. The deep pit of black sludge that held onto my soul didn’t surface. The voices in my head didn’t whisper to me to destroy the innocent angel in front of me.
“She isn’t an angel, she’s a goddess, my goddess” I muttered to myself, slamming the door to my chambers. Falling back on the door, I slid down, my dress pants now covered in dust from the top of the gazebo.
She’s just too innocent, too innocent of the evil that fills me. My worn hands rubbed down my neatly shaven face. What would she do if she knew what I did every night? See what I could do to the soul that once was alive?
Gritting my teeth, I stood up, rubbing my face again with my beaten, bloody hands. I could almost smell the blood from the night before.
Throwing on a black sweater, I left my room, walking down the halls to the Smoking Room, otherwise known as a meeting or conference room. Father spent most of his time having his black smoke pouring off of him because he was pissed off about something when meeting with others.
Father dared not to spill his smoke in his office. Mother turned his office into a relaxing space. Small little fountains of water, lavender smells and the like, and her own little corner she would stay in while he worked. Mother would stay up well into the night if Father was working out a problem and the last thing she wanted was to smell his smoke stinking up the room.
As I entered the Smoking Room, no surprise that Father was oozing his power. Uriel and Loki were nowhere to be found. My heart immediately pounded heavily. “Luci,” Mother grabbed my hand, leading me to a seat beside her. She had me sit down, rubbing my hand up and down with her palm.
Mother had small ways to help me, but not enough when I was at my worst.
“Uriel is with Loki,” she whispered. “We need to talk to Michael while Hera is out, and I need Loki occupied. What we are about to hear, Michael doesn’t want for Uriel’s ears.”
“Seems like they don’t want her to know anything,” I muttered. Shooting a menacing glance at Michael, he shifted in his seat uncomfortably, not daring to look me in the eye. I didn’t care he was my mate’s father, he was part of whatever Hera had done to keep Uriel away from me.
We could have known each other much sooner, grown-up together even. Who knows, maybe our souls would have recognized each other and my anger would not have been as strong as it had been.
“Michael, I think we need some answers here,” Father pulled his chair back, sitting across from Michael. Athena sat beside him, writing notes down in some notebook like she needed them. She was the damn goddess of knowledge. Her gaze landed on me, a smirk playing on her lips.
“I know you can hear me, why play that?” I scoffed.
“Because it humanizes me and I find humans fascinating. Have you ever wanted to be normal, plain?” I hummed, leaning back in the chair. I liked my power, just not when the power snuffs me out.
“It all started the day Uriel was born,” Michael rubbed his forehead, a few feathers falling from his back. Fuck is he going to start molting?
“Her birth was flawless. Hera and I opted to have a home birth after spending the entire pregnancy on Earth. We didn’t want to fuss, we wanted our family to start out with just us. We lived in a cottage on a Caribbean island. She drank nothing but virgin strawberry daiquiris and we lay about the beach enjoying our ‘honeymoon,’ as the humans called it.”
“The point?” I growled, crossing my arms. His head darted back to me.
“Should he even be in here?” Slamming my hand on the table, it broke in half, embers flying from the fire of my palm.
“I have every right, now hurry up with your damn story!” Mother grabbed my fired hand, burning her. Pulling my hand away quickly, upset she would even try to touch me during my fit, Father pulled Mother away as I sat back down in the chair.
“Lucifer, please,” Father scolded. “Please continue, Michael, and get to the point.” Michael’s hand was over his heart, eyes not leaving my body as it continued to tense. Sparks from my hand crackled.
“Right, um, so we came home, did a home birth, just the two of us. Uriel came in screaming. Her dark hair was already long and her wings were imprinted on her back, just like any other angel babe, but her skin glowed like that of a god. She had only been in our home for mere hours before we had a knock at the door, the three fates walking straight in without a word."
Athena’s head whipped to Michael, clutching her pen. “The Fates visit no one,” Athena slammed her pen down. “You should have told someone they visited you. What they say could give us a glimpse into the future and you dare keep that from the rest of us? What were you thinking?!” Athena slung her chair to the side of the room, pacing the floor behind Michael.
Ignoring her, he continued his story. “They went straight into our room. Hera was feeding Uriel. They surrounded the bed, all three: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. The white hoods over their heads kept their faces hidden, but just the aura they leaked. We knew who they were. The one called Clotho spoke for the group. Her words were simple.” Michael set his elbows on the table, burying his forehead against his palms.
“Uriel, the Goddess of Innocence will die at the hands of evil. The humans of the Earth will know no balance of good and immoral doings, sparking the infamous prophecy the humans had created amongst themselves, leading to their destruction.” Michael let out a harsh breath, tears in the corners of his eyes.
The entire table was mute. Athena stared at the back of his head, her arms held behind her while her brows came to a head. My fists burned, the warmth of my hands on my thighs had me stand abruptly, causing the room to go out of their trance.
“There is a choice,” Michael sniffed, ignoring my stance. “The Fates said her future is still clouded. Uriel could still live, but it all comes down to a choice! A choice that someone will make. The fates wouldn’t even give us who would make that life-altering choice! What would you all have done?” Michael’s voice rose. “You would have done the same, hide her from the evil that threatens to destroy her! Hera loves our daughter, she has lived much longer than I and I trust her judgment, to save her, to save our daughter! We will continue to keep her away!”
Mother’s mouth hung open, unsure of what to say. It was the first time I did not hear reassuring words come out of her mouth. Lillith cooed in Father’s arms, who swiftly handed her to Mother. “No matter the situation, you should have told someone,” Father growled. “This just doesn’t affect your daughter. It affects the gods as well. What happens when humans all die out? Who would be next? The supernaturals, us? She may be the goddess of innocence and you are trying to keep her pure so no evil can find her, but these things affect not just her but entire races.” Father’s calm words were anything but calm. They were filled with resentment. Mother didn’t dare speak.
“And go to Zeus?” Michael snapped. “Who knows where his head is at! He still loves my Hera, my mate! They had been together for centuries! I am not going to him, not when my daughter’s life is at stake! He could hand her over to whatever evil we are hiding her from to get back at Hera!”
Mother’s hand went over Father’s forearm, standing with him. “We will figure this out,” Mother muttered under her breath. “But you cannot do it alone. The Fates are cryptic. The future is ‘foggy’, as you say. Decisions have to be made and I don’t think hiding Uriel or keeping her from this ‘evil’ will help. You are just making her helpless. Uriel should stay here, away from Zeus, if you are so worried. Ares can teach her combat, Athena could tutor her and her watching over Loki is the perfect way to strengthen her innocence gift. He’s a little terror, and he hasn’t acted this well in ages.” Mother smiled.
Thank the fates, Mother has some sense out of everyone here. I could see her smiling at me, hoping I would be pleased.
“What about him?” Michael nodded at me. What does that mother fucker mean?
“What about Lucifer?” Mother questioned harshly. “He would be perfect to watch over her.” Michael shook his head, standing up to leave.
“I’ve heard stories. He’s killed plenty of your own demons. He’s ruthless, just like his gift. Hera won’t approve.”
I crossed my arms. “No harm will come to her.” I’d be damned if Uriel left to go back into hiding. She may is my mate and because of that, I should protect her. I didn’t have to stay too close or even finalize the bond until I knew I wouldn't hurt her. The real question was, was I protecting her from another evil, or was that evil me? Father peered at both of us. Michael sighed heavily, rubbing his neck.
“Lucifer would never promise unless he intends to keep it,” Mother boasted.
“She’s right. Lucifer may be the God of Destruction, but he has never broken his word. Michael, you should take the deal. Have Uriel stay here while you and Hera try to find out more. Zeus already knows of Uriel and if you think he will do something, the Underworld is the best place for her to be."
Michael growled. “I really don’t want to discuss this with Hera. She’s going to be livid.”
“Grow some damn balls,” Ares walked in, bare-chested in his sparing regalia. “You guys talk like a bunch of squawking chickens."