Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Three

“Ugh!” I closed my eyes tightly and held my head when I felt it sting. I slowly opened my eyes again and stood up, only to discover that I was alone. Damn! He ran away faster than the lizard.

I just shook my head in disbelief and went straight to the shower, but I was astounded to see how many marks Uno had left on my body.

To be honest, the sex last night was so satisfying that I passed out in the middle of it, but I had no idea how much hickey he put on me. There are in my neck, chest, abdomen, and even near my pussy. He sure did not hold back.

“That fucking bastard,” I clenched my teeth before eventually taking a bath since I still had the assignment to do. I still need to go home and prepare for university.

“Where have you been, Kharris?” When I stepped out of the taxi, I was surprised to see Dos standing in front of our gate. Both of his hands were tucked inside the pocket of his ripped pants. Damn! Who would have guessed this man was 30 years old? His youthful appearance hides his age just like his twin, although Uno’s aura is more masculine than his, which is a bit nerdy.

“W-What are you doing here?” I asked, my heart racing so quickly it seemed like it was about to burst.

“You let your hair down, it looks nice on you,” he stated, making my cheeks flush, but I quickly realized that I had a hickey on my neck, so even though my hair was concealing it, I still covered it with my hand. “Anyhow, I’m checking on you because you didn’t message me last night.”

“I’m sorry, my phone ran out of battery and I couldn’t message you. By the way, what’s the deal with the get-up? You look well dressed?” I asked after noticing that he was fully dressed and that his car was parked in front of his parents’ home.

“I’m heading to the United States with Shia. I’ll introduce her to Grandma; we’ll be back next month, so I thought I’d stop by before our flight because you might miss me.” I smiled softly after he said that and glanced at the balcony of dad’s room when I noticed him peering through the curtain.

I had no idea he was home. I thought he was returning from a business trip the next week? Talk about timing.

“By the way, Uno mentioned something to me,” Dos added, which surprised me. He doesn’t reside in the same house as his twin because Uno has his own place, so I’m sure they just chatted over the phone.

“W-What did he say?” I asked, a little cautiously, and when I heard him sigh before replying, it made me even more nervous. I literally feel like I’m sweating bullets.

“You’ve been drinking by yourself, Kharris. Was that the reason you didn’t come home? Was there a problem? You are free to tell me anything. You know I’m all ears.” he said and I heaved a sigh of relief. It was as if a thorn had pulled out of me because that’s all Uno told him.

“Nothing. I simply felt like drinking last night.” I shrugged before changing the topic, “How about your flight? You might be late.”

“Oh crop!” I forgot I was going to get Shia. I’m leaving; let’s keep in touch, okay? I’ll see you next month.” I just nodded as I watched him finish his sentence and walk back to his car. I couldn’t help but smile and nod once again.

“Have a safe trip,” We both waved our hands, and the moment he vanished from my field of vision, I immediately went inside the house.

I need to get over these unrequited feelings as quickly as possible, because if I don’t; I might explode out and confess my feelings for Dos. I don’t want that to happen, I don’t want to harm their relationship—over my dead body.

I held my cheek when I was greeted with a heavy slap from my father as soon as I reached the top of the stairs. I took a deep breath and then faced him as if nothing had happened. Everything seems just normal to me because I’m used to him doing this to me.

“What did I do?” I asked calmly, even though I wanted to yell at him. I would have fought him a long time ago if only I had the guts to do so.

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

“Would I ask if I knew?” I replied, provoking him to slap my other cheek. I just bit my lip and fixed my hair because some strands had gotten in my face.

“You are foul-mouthed like your whore mother,” I immediately look at my worthless father when he uttered something I didn’t want to hear from his mouth.

“You can say whatever you want to me, but don’t insult my mother; she’s already dead! When will you stop saying awful things about he—” I couldn’t finish what I wanted to say when he forcibly grabbed my hair. I knew this was going to happen, but for fuck’s sake, I was late for school.

“How dare you raise your voice at me?!!” He yelled and I close my eyes firmly as he tightens his grasp on my hair. He’s always been like this, hurting me whenever he gets the chance. When he doesn’t like something and is having a poor day, he will vent his frustration on me. He was so enraged with me to the point that he will beat me just because I was breathing.

“I-I’m sorry,” I just apologized, since the more I retaliate, the more he hurts me. I no longer have the time to argue with him in this manner.

“Where have you been?” he questioned, his hand still on the back of my hair.

“I got drunk so, I stayed at the hotel.”

“That’s not the response I want to hear; where did you go last night?” he asked and I was taken aback because I already knew what was bothering him. Right, he doesn’t mind if I don’t come home. He’s not upset because I didn’t return home; he’s upset for another reason, and I know that lying will just make matters worse. He is the type of person who still asks questions even when he already knows the answer.

I just bit my lower lip and stated the truth.

“At Dos’ engagement part—” he pushed me violently and didn’t let me finish what I was about to say.

Due to the force of his push on me, I fell and nearly collided with the floor. Fortunately, I was able to block the back of my palm on my forehead and prevent bumping.

“I told you to stay away from their family, why are you still approaching them?” he scolded, causing Kathy, my stepsister, to come out of her room. I glared at her because I was convinced she was the one who told dad where I went last night. As expected, she only smiled at me as she passed me and approached dad to hold his arm, ready to suck like a leech.

“Don’t scold her too harshly, Dad. You know he can’t stand not approaching the Del Romans since he likes the twins.” I clenched my fists and was ready to say something but Dad’s phone rang. I heaved a sigh of relief, that was a close call.

“I don’t want this to happen again, Kharris. You’re just like your whore mother,” dad muttered as he answered the phone and entered his study. I instantly rose and walked past Kathy since I didn’t have time left to dispute with her. Well, not that I have time for her bullshits.

“What a slut,” she sneered, making me grin as I twisted the doorknob. When I turned to face her, I noticed that she was folding her arms and raising an eyebrow at me, as if she had accomplished something. I’m already used to being hurt physically or verbally by my father. He’s been doing it for ten years, and I’ve become pretty much immune to it; if Kathy thought I was still affected by that, she was mistaken.

“You already live in a big house, but you still don’t have proper etiquette. Seriously, when will you have character development?” I asked, smirking, as I walked into my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

“Fuck!” I cursed. If only someone else had seen everything that happened, they would probably assume I was an outsider and Kathy was the real child, but no—I am the legitimate daughter and Kathy is only the child of dad’s mistress. We don’t even have the same bloodline, yet dad always treats her as if she’s the legitimate daughter and I’m the bastard.

If it weren’t for my father’s mistress, my life wouldn’t be this miserable. If it hadn’t been for his mistress, our family would still be together, Dad would have treated me properly, and most importantly... My mother would still be alive.

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