The Beginning

(Author's Note - To make my readers understand more about my story, I'll like to explain little part of our male lead's Adolph Ceaser's beautiful childhood. We'll get to see how his parents relocated to New York, leaving their hometown Alaska and we'll be introducing subtle minor characters in the first 5 or more chapters of this book.)

Once again, Thanks so much for reading and showing your support.

It won't be taken for granted.

OCTOBER 16, 1990

ZION CEASER (Adolph's Father, Alpha of the Keanu Clan).

We'll be leaving for New York." Zion Ceaser said to his cousin and Beta in command, Fenris Ceaser who just folded his arm and stared straight at his kin like he was joking.

"What do you mean brother?"

"You heard me right. I and Tatiana would be leaving for New York. We want to live a quiet and normal human life. We want to be able to take care of our son and give him the utmost love and affection he needs."

"Come on brother. You know that's bullshit! I mean you can give Adolph all the love and care in the world while you're here in Alaska. You can't just go and leave us here all alone. You're the leader of this pack, you have to be here for your people. This wolf pack depends on you, Keanu Clan depends on you, we all depend on you."

"Don't you think I know all this brother, I know it. That's why I called you here, because I want to transfer my powers to you. Not as the Alpha but as my second in command. I trust you would take care of this clan well. I know you can brother."

"No, no..." Fenris stuttered, shaking his head furiously because he was not liking this idea one bit, he was not in support at all.

"Fenris, don't make this too hard on yourself. I know you can do this. You've always been there for me and I know that you have exceptional leader qualities that's why I made you my beta, my second in command just like your father was to my father. Brother..." Zion paused, as he took Fenris hairy hands in his.

It was a trait that came naturally to them.

They were wolves of course, they had to be hairy or so.

Clearing his throat, Zion continued, "Brother, this doesn't have to be hard for you to do. We've already made our plans, Tatiana and I and we are now relying on your help so we can go peacefully without any worry."

At the mention of Tatiana, Zion saw Fenris emotion change to one of pure love and pity.

He watched as his cousin brother and his forever beta's Iris change to a sparkling yellow from the blue it was, and this always happened whenever there were feelings involved in conversations.

He knew Fenris loved Tatiana, had always loved her, but they were not mates and so there was nothing he could do about it.

Fenris love for Tatiana was like a forbidden romance, and Zion was really sorry, his cousin had to watch fro. afar as the love of his life got married to another person, her supposed mate who was Zion.

Zion also loved Tatiana, and the advantage he had over his cousin was that she loved him back too, something she didn't reciprocate with Fenris.

"I would try my best brother. I will, but you do know I can't promise you my utmost best right?" Fenris asked and he just nodded.

"You do know that if there's any attack to this pack, to this clan, no matter where you are you are to come back right?" Fenris asked and Zion just kept nodding as he went on listing scenarios that might happen.

"You know then you wouldn't have any excuse to give, and that if anything happens to the Clan our blood would be on your head right?" Fenris asked and Zion just kept nodding.

This decisions of his was going to cost him a damn lot.

He was leaving his family, leaving his pack, to go live a normal life as a human, away from his people.

Deep down he had this conviction that nothing could go wrong.

It had been years since the clan got attacked, and even though they had risen in strength, with so many pack warriors nothing was still guaranteed, and he knew this.

"I have absolute faith in you brother, that you would take care of this pack in my absence." Zion began again and this time Fenris just kept nodding.

"I trust you brother."

"I trust you too." Fenris said after a long pause and added, "Have you talked to Collins?"

Collins, was the third in command and Gamma of the Keanu Clan.

Just the way Fenris was the second in command, Collins was underneath him.

Collins was Zion's best friend since childhood, abd their bond was too strong, Zion knew he couldn't even leave to New York without informing his sole confidante.

"No I have not, but I'll go talk to him. Have him understand the situation at hand, and make sure to get his approval and consent."

"Okay then." Fenris said, and using that opportunity because he was literally fine here Zion stood up, "I guess I'll take my leave now."

"Yeah I guess." Fenris replied him.abd stood up too, walking his cousin to the door.

Before Zion finally left though, Fenris enveloped him in a brotherly hug, and whispered softly in his ears, "Be well brother, do well."

Tears glistening, Zion nodded and replied also, "I'll be well brother, we'll be well."

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