A Sister For Adolph



TATIANA CEASER'S POV (Adolph's Mother and Luna and Queen of the Keanu Clan).

"Adolph, come here." Tatiana called out to her son who was already giving her mischievous looks.

It was evident he wanted to go out and play with his friends, but Tatiana just couldn't allow it.

It was late already, and in the little neighborhood they lived in New York, reports of kidnaps and other social ills happening in the city made it difficult for her to even allow her only son stay out late.

Not to mention the fact that today was festival/shifting night.

Today was another night where she had to mate with her husband, the love of her life.

They made love almost everytime on occasion, but these days due to his busy schedules at work having been promoted, well he was now lacking behind on this one aspect.


This night though was special as it was the night were their god, the moon goddess spread eggs across each member of the clan.

It was fertilization night and they couldn't miss it for anything.

Removing all these thoughts from her head, she watched as her nine year old son, and absolute replica of his father, Adolph shrugged his shoulders and went inside.

"Don't give me that look Adolph. You know I don't like it. Now be well, your aunty is coming to pick you up, you're sleeping over there for the night."

"Aunty Mara?" He asked eyes lighting up, and she nodded at him.

Mara, was a normal human.

The only true human friend Tatiana had made when she and her husband had moved to New York from Alaska, Mara and her husband were the only one who knew of their true identity as werewolves.

Mara and her husband were the closest human friends they had, and tonight she had offered to have Adolph over so Tatiana could have enough time with her husband.

Looking back at her son she nodded, and bent down stroking his dark hair lovingly, "Yes dear, Aunty Mara is coming to pick you up tonight. So go and get your things ready, you're leaving this house soon."

"Yayyyyyyyyy." He screamed, rushing off to his room without even thinking twice.

He always loved going there, and that was because of the Mara's kids.

She knew her son always felt lonely because he was the only child, and she felt it too.

No matter how she and Zion had tried, mated several times trying to beget children, she still did not concieve.

Apart from the fact that she had this nagging feeling, that any fruit they reproduced would still carry the curse that was supposedly placed on Adolph, deep inside she always wanted a daughter.

A little sister for her son.

Well, seems fate had other plans for her, and sighing and locking the door, she went into her son's room so she could get him ready for his sleepover.


Everywhere was quiet when he stepped inside his home.

"Hello anyone home? Adolph, Tati?" He called out but he was met with silence.

Already taking position, he walked slowly first to his son's room.

Opening the door, he could see that the room was neat, bed tidied but Adolph was no where to be found.

His defense rose up a bit.

Not wanting to think about anything negative, he walked slowly until he got to the room he shared with Tatiana, and taking a deep breath he opened the door slowly, put on the light and was met with a sight that left him speechless.

Laughing he said, "Tati, what's this?"

On the bed, Tatiana laid sultrily in a red lingerie looking at him seductively.

He walked closer and removed his shirt dropping it on the bed.

"Today is mating night Zion, or have you forgotten? Were you so caught up with work again, you forgot about the annual festival?" She asked him, and he just growled.

"Damn, Tati..."

"No, don't damn Tati mean. It's okay that you left the clan to come pursue business and live a normal human life, even though we're not normal humans. I've been with you all step of the way Zion, but I wouldn't appreciate you starving me of my right." His wife spat out, folding her arms and he cursed inwardly.

"It's not that I don't want to sleep with you. I want to mark you, I want to make you all mine again, I want to..."

"Stop all this I want to, I want to... You want to do whatever, what's stopping you? Do it now?"

"Tatiana. I'm just coming back from work. I've not eaten, I need rest, and I need a good bath. You can't just expect me to come and mate with you, like as if that's what I'm supposed to do at this moment. Come on, besides I was scared at first. When I came inside everywhere was silent, where's Adolph?" He asked, making quick work of removing his clothes.

"Adolph is at Mara's place."

"Why?" He questioned.

"You know it amazes me how you try to be human even when you're not. It's been ten years now you've not stepped in Alaska. You've not talked to Fenris and Collins for months now to ask about your people, about the pack. All you care about is making money, starting your business and even abandoning your family. When did you become like this Zion?"

Not this again! He sighed as he continued to remove his clothes praying she wouldn't say anything again, but of course she continued, "You're not going to say anything right?"

"It also amazes me how as a wife, all you care about is us being all growly and having sex. Fine, I know I have my faults and I'll admit to them. I've been negligent on my duties towards the clan, and towards you fine, but at least you should also give me some space."

Keeping quiet for some time, he stopped what he was doing and walked closer to his wife, the love of his life, "Tati..." He paused, clearing his throat, and palming her cheeks in his strong palms, "I really do want to mate with you, I mean I'm going to do it. I know you want another child, you want a daughter for Adolph, you know I can read your mind. But there are many things we need to consider here, Adolph is still having his scary dreams, I'm trying my best to build a better life for us, and we still have many years in store for us. I'm going no where okay. I'm here I'll do as you say. What you want. I just want you to take it easy on me and yourself to okay."

"I don't even know what to say..." She said to him looking at him solemnly.

"You don't have to say anything at all Tati, you don't..."

Overwhelmed with emotions, he leaned forward with a growl and took her lips in a passionate kiss.

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