Good News



They had decided to visit the witch again today.

Her and her husband had come to see the witch again today.

It had been some days, probably weeks since their last visit.

Agatha had appeared to her in her dreams some days ago, asking her to choose a day for the ritual, and she had choose today.

So here they were.

They had left their home early as early as sunrise, after dropping their daughter Ruby in the are of her aunt, and they had set out here.

The journey had been a smooth and easy one, considering the fact that they were coming from a far place.

As usual they had arrived at the little traditional but clean hut, and as soon as they were at the entrance they had removed their shoes, taken their seats in the floor, and now they were waiting for Agatha to arrive.

Minutes passed, and during that time, her husband kept squeezing her hands gently, trying his best to calm her down.

He was not saying anything, but the way he was caressing her shoulders, drawing circles on her hands, was enough to keep a her calm, and have her mind be at peace at least for a little while.

It was as if he could see the anxiety in her, as clear as day.

Of course he could, they were witches, and once they were married they were united as one.

In soul, body and otherwise.

It was hard for her to even keep a secret from him, because he always knew what was going on in her head.

Suddenly they heard some chants from inside of the room...

Agatha was coming.

They both looked at the young lady servant dressed in white and were about to ask her that question, but she answered before they could even speak.

"Yes, Agatha is coming."

As she finished speaking the old kind seer arrived.

She held a staff as usual, her long grey hair was packed into a bun at her back and she was also dressed in pure white.

If not that she was a witch, Lucy would have described her as an angel, because she indeed looked like one.

She was an angel though, an angel in human form because she was a good witch.

Just that reminder alone was enough to calm Lucy down.

Everything would go well today.

Everything had to go well.


Immediately she entered her chambers, she saw the couple that had come some weeks ago, sitting waiting for her.

They were prompt, and they kept to time, Agatha noted.

She had given them the day and time to come today, she had told the young lady and they had arrived as usual.

Agatha knew this because she had watched them from a part of her head, where she could see visions and what was happening.

She had even prayed for their journey on their way here, asking the gods to be with them and guide them here and they had indeed arrived safely.

Her gods never disappointed.

Immediately she looked over at where they where, she smiled widely.

"Great one." They both said curtly in greeting, rising and bowing their heads.

"You both, should sit down." Agatha commanded still smiling at them.

She could see the confusion written on their faces, because she was indeed smiling widely at them.

She loved to keep people in suspense, and still smiling she started to chant some words in Latin.

"Quia peccavimus tibi..Ora pro nobis Deum..." She kept on chanting words, soon changing them to words of praises.

The cause of her smile.

She had seen a very good news.

It was over their heads again, just the way the dark mist was still there.

Even though the dark mist was there, this good news was indeed settling and Agatha was happy.

She didn't know why she was like this with this couple, or why the gods had told her one time that she had a certain important role to play in the life of this couple's children, she didn't know anything.

As usual she was just a seer, s powerful witch old enough and she had already seen many generations come and go.

She didn't know why she had this lingering spirit of hers guiding this people, she didn't know anything just like she had thought earlier.

The gods were just giving her snippets.

Showing her a little bit of things to come, but they never told get the real thing.

She was so curious, she Agatha had never been this curious of a prophecy before.

Suddenly the gods told her something, and whirling around to face the couple just like the gods had commanded she declared, "Your new daughter, your next child is going to be the queen of a great kingdom. A kingdom of not just humans, but things beyond that, of witches, of vampires, of wol..."

Suddenly she stopped talking.

The gods were seizing her breathe, and she gasped.

She was not supposed to say some things, and clutching her staff she staggered back.

"Great one..." Agatha saw the couple begin to rush towards her, even her lady servant but she stopped them with a raise of her hand.

She was going to be fine.

This was not the first time the gods were doing something like this to her.

She had overspoken, she had revealed too much.

Silence descended in the small hut.

Minutes passed, maybe hours she didn't know, and after a silent chilling warning from the gods she finally spoke, "I revealed too much. The gods are angry with me, but it's all good."

The couple looked at her in confusion before nodding their head and waiting for her to continue.

"You're soon going to be with child. A girl actually, that's the good news I have for you today."

The couple laughed heartily, and Agatha's heart squeezed in pain again.

Why? Why? Why?

Just as she was thinking about it, the dark mist hovered over their head again, and that's when she remembered about the ritual they had to do to avert or prolong the incoming danger.

"Oh my great one... This is good..." The man began to say but Agatha cut them off at once.

She had delivered that message, she was not to talk about it again.

"It's time for your ritual. Strip woman!" She commanded at once amidst their confusion.

She hadn't anytime to explain, she would tell them more things later.

For now they had to do the ritual.

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