7, Thieves of Love 🍋

Yes. Definitely going to burn and suffer in whatever hell exists, Sona thought. Doesn’t matter how many wolves I heal or how many I save or help birth…I can’t repent for this. Her thoughts paused.* Do I even believe in the moon goddess’s hell? Technically it isn’t even hers. At least I don’t praise its owner. Screw the blood moon god.*

If she didn’t, maybe she wouldn’t have to feel so guilty.

Or maybe Conri and the rest of Valleytown would give her own hell.

Sona didn’t break Arden’s kiss so much as dolefully part with it. Her fingers brushed down his chest, down his torso, to the waistband of his pants…

His breath caught and he snatched her wrist. “You know I want you.”

“It’s pretty evident,” she said just as raspy. “Take me, then.”

“Are—are you sure?”

“Do you want me to say no?”


“Then what’re you waiting for?”

Arden’s response to that was a strangled grouse. Before he grabbed her arm and yanked her toward the other end of the alley she managed to swipe the statue off the ground. They careened around the corner, ending up at the very edge of town; open field stretched to their left while they ran parallel to the backs of the buildings and the rest of the street.

Sona had no idea where Arden was taking her and she could barely keep up with his twice-as-long stride, but she was willing to put in the work. Suddenly he swerved into a small section of the field where the grasses weren’t so high—a path carved all the way down to a large copse of trees that sheltered a stream, all of which were utilized by various occupations for provisions—including herself for water or healing plants.

“Our first time is going to be on wet, rocky dirt?” she panted as they stumbled to a stop.

He was bent over, grimacing. Through gritted teeth he asked, “You want to wait?”

No, she didn’t want to, and he physically couldn’t. Sona flung herself into his arms, locking her legs on his hips. He collapsed onto his knees and set her on her back. The shore was indeed wet, rocky dirt, and it dampened her hair and clothes. But who cared when Arden Roshan was looking at her like he wanted to completely devour her?

They didn’t waste time kissing. Shirts were pulled up arms and over heads, tossed away. Pants—they only made it down to their ankles. Eyes snapped to what waited between their legs.

“Sizable,” Sona panted in admiration. Comparing it to Conri’s would cross her mind later.

Arden paused, unsure of how to compliment. He tried anyway. “Wet?”

She was extremely wet for him, yes; even if he was shy, she could still feel the dominant male pride at her body’s response. Her core was pulsating and her hips bucked as a desperate beg. “Thanks. Make use of it.”

It was a little awkward, their minds so addled with a libido that it made them clumsy. A thought occurred to her. “You have done this before right?”

“What, do you think I’m a virgin?”

His cock twitched at her opening. “Of course.”

“With who—Ah.”

A quick, hard thrust had him almost fully inside her. Light pain rippled up her spine, but the pleasure that immediately followed banished it. She clamped her lips together to cut off her yowl—assisted by Arden pressing his to them, slipping his tongue between. Now was the time for kissing. As he rolled his hips, plunging in and out quite efficiently if carnal and inelegant, Sona’s hands skated over his back. His defined muscles worked and shuddered under her clawed touch. Every inch of him shivered and Sona grinned with her own satisfaction at her gradual undoing of the Alpha’s son.

In, out, in, out—up up up—closer closer closer to the edge of bliss. Gods, she felt her climax sprinting toward her like a rabid werewolf. She was melting, flying, losing and finding herself, all wrapped in Arden’s sweat-slicked body.

Her fingers knotted in his hair. “More. More, Arden.”

He grunted in her ear that he was nibbling and pounded his cock all the way to its hilt. A roar ripped from his throat as a gasp burst from hers.

It sent them both hurtling off the edge into completion.

Arden went limp, nearly crushing her before rolling off onto his back beside her. He covered his face with his hand and panted as if he’d just run for his life. Sona swept her hair out of her eyes and stared up at the tree canopy in a blurry haze. Her mind felt fuzzy too, but also as sharp as a knife. She felt more awake than she had in weeks. Like she could breathe easier.

Arden made her feel alive.

They lie there naked and vulnerable. Sona never had to be in a position where she knew if she’d be self-conscious or not. Anyone could walk down and find them; was she to care or not if they saw her with nothing but skin? She certainly didn’t care if Arden saw any part of her. She wanted him to kiss and taste every part, though.

His fingers found hers and brought them to his lips in a gentle brush. “Sona.”

She liked the way he said her name. “Yes?”

“I don’t know. I’ve forgotten most of my vocabulary.”

Her mouth curved into a wicked smile. “What’s still in it?”

“Hmm,” he considered, turning his head toward her. The green of his eyes was more vivid than the valley greenery in summer. He was alive, too. “‘Love.’ ‘Sex.’ ‘Very good.’”

She snorted, “Sophisticated.”

“‘Sheepish,’” Arden added. When she knit her brows, he explained, “The only plan I had today was to buy you things and invite you to my mother’s birthday dinner tomorrow.”

Sona almost laughed at his innocence. She stole a kiss to his knuckles. “You’re sweeter than a lovestruck pup, you know that? Of course I’ll go.” She paused, smile fading. “Will Conri be there?”

“No. It broke her heart to make the decision, but he’s not invited.” Now there was sadness and regret in his voice. There was a rift between the family members that Sona couldn’t understand. He lifted a shoulder that rustled the dirt. “It’s just one dinner.”

It wasn’t just anything. But there was nothing any of them could do at this point. All they could do was support each other.

Sona sat up—and nearly fell back down. She felt so raw. “Sore,” she downplayed when Arden moved to catch her.

Surprisingly cocky, he said, “Not bad?”

She smacked his arm lightly. “Not shy anymore, are you, puff-chested male?”

Making to stand, Arden’s large hands snatched her waist and yanked her into his lap, and suddenly they were face-to-face. “The next time I take you,” he said softly, “I’ll take my time.”

They had to sneak back to their homes like the thieves they were. What did they steal? Each other, right under Conri’s oblivious nose.

Not before they cleaned off in the stream, not to just wash off each other’s slick, but each other’s scents to hide the fact not that they were together all day, but the fact that they were together.

It was a rosy evening by the time they stopped at the back of Goldhealer Shop. The streets were calm and mostly empty, especially in the alleys. Arden caught Sona’s wrist before she could even touch the doorknob. She turned to say goodbye, but he pulled her flush against him and mashed his lips to hers.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sona,” he murmured against her skin.

It hurt her to repeat the promise they’d made at the stream. “No one can know.”

Arden shook his head once, slow. “Our secret.”

It also hurt to see him leave into the shadows. She inhaled deep, and on the exhale, she expelled her anxiety. Now was the time to act. It was synonymous with lying.

Somehow it was easy. Everyone knew how close she and Arden were, so the casual chatting and teasing touches were platonic to his and Sona’s families.

The Alpha and Luna’s dining room was more of a hall, massive in size and height, the table long even to fit twelve werewolves. But tonight it only needed five—and a highchair for Raff.

Auryn brought the makings for Amaris’ fresh tea as a gift, which she was delighted by—though she said Raff’s crayon drawings on crumpled paper was her favorite. Sona wasn’t offended even when her present was a Goldwater-crafted teapot.

“Use it for after dinner,” the elegant female beamed, stroking the porcelain’s hand-painted design of a valley view. “You’ll brew your grandfather’s tea?”

Sona had grown to see Amaris as a mother. Coming to Moonvalley at a young age without either parent, Amaris had treated her as one of her own from the first day. She kissed her cheek. “My pleasure. Happy birthday, Luna.”

“Alright, stop romancing my mate, Sona,” Artem chuckled from the head of the table. “Let’s eat.”

Attendants emerged from the double doors to the attached kitchen bearing several dishes of meats, grains, alcohol, and greens. Werewolves were impartial to anything that wasn’t meat, but those anythings were viewed as casual delicacies of a refined palate.

Raff was only interested in chopped-up chicken slices without dressing.

Plates loaded up and small talk initiated, Sona watched the night pass with a steady happiness swelling in her chest. All the wolves she loved in one place all enjoying a fine meal and each other’s company. These were the times that reminded Sona of what a good life she lived. She almost forgot that she’d just had an affair with her mate that wasn’t invited.

Attendants also took finished plates. Sona was recounting to Amaris some of the more ridiculous injuries she’d had to attend to when someone took the Luna’s dish.


Sona met the she-wolf’s gaze. The world froze for just a fraction of a second.

“Oh, Vallea,” Amaris said, “take Sona with you to the kitchen, help Sona start the tea.”

Sona caught Arden’s secret look. She shook her head imperceptibly. It’s fine.

Even the kitchen was grand. Attendants and cooks were busy doing whatever; Sona kept her eyes only on Vallea as she was led to the stove. They worked in silence for a minute or so before Sona’s petty thoughts escaped her mouth, quiet but just loud enough for the staff to hear.

“I hear you’ve become close with Conri.”

Vallea didn’t hesitate to sneer back, “Jealous?”

Just as she’d guessed—maybe feared. There was something between them. She didn’t scent him on her, though.

Sona snorted. “Goddess no. I’m just glad someone’s kept that bastard’s bed warm.”

Some of the staff tittered. Vallea whirled and glared in the corner of Sona’s vision. She felt irritation flare off the female’s skin, even heard her teeth grate together.

Was I supposed to do something else, you scheming bitch?

“Are you obsessed with him, Vallea?” Sona wondered casually, making the tea without hindrance. “I’ve been meaning to ask you for some time, just to make sure. Also—why? I know he’s beautiful and strong—”

“I bet you wish you could at least stop his and Artem’s arguing,” Vallea interrupted, getting far too close into Sona’s personal space.

If she hoped to rattle her, she was failing. If Conri still loved his mate, he would’ve made a real effort to keep her, and Sona refused to come crawling back to beg him for his love. After last night with Arden—her heart skipped a beat every time she remembered his touch—she realized she’d already moved on.

Two weeks and an affair to undo twelve years of her and Conri’s relationship.

“Of course I do,” was all Sona said. That much was still true. She didn’t want strife between anyone.

The teapot screamed, startling Vallea away. Sona placed the pot in the center of a tray with dainty cups surrounding it. “I’ll take this myself. I’ll pour the Luna’s.”

Leaving Vallea fuming, Sona carried the platter into the hall. “Freshly brewed,” she announced to perked attention. She set a cup in front of each wolf, pouring the tea with the satisfying sounds of falling water into porcelain. For Raff she gave him a wooden cup with water. “Wait a moment until it cools,” she warned everyone.

“Careful not to burn your tongue,” Vallea scolded her Luna lightly from nearby Amaris’ chair.

“Yes,” Artem said as Sona finally sat. “Let’s say a few words for my mate’s birthday, hm?”

“Hm!” Amaris agreed.

But that was not the amused kind of hm. It was one of pain and surprise.

The cup slipped from Amaris’s hands and shattered on the table. Sona heard the sizzle of the tea on her skin where it splashed. She gasped and choked, rasping out a wordless noise of desperation.

Artem and Arden bolted from their chairs.



Sona jolted to her feet as Amaris staggered to her feet—and started to fall.

Right into Vallea’s arms as the attendant dropped to her knees. The Luna was spasming, coughing violently.

Someone suddenly grabbed Sona’s hand. Her gaze found Auryn’s. Saw him mouth a word, but she was drawn back to Vallea’s strangled cry that echoed through the hall,

“Sona poisoned the Luna!”

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