Chapter 2
Jenna’s legs began to feel weak, and she started to wobble slightly.
Sinking to the ground she grabbed a container. The only thing she could reach.
It wasn’t the best weapon, but it would have to do. Her head spun. The torture her body was going through was too much. Jenna could feel herself sinking into the darkness. Numbness began to take the place of pain.
A bang rocketed through the door and Jenna heard the wood splintering. The sound brought life back to her fading mind. It won’t be long now. The thought brought on a new wave of fear as the door finally gave way and crashed open.
A shadow moved slowly. It stopped then turned in her direction. A slime line of light from the moon lit up the broken glass and she watched as the shadow inched closer, trying to keep her breathes even. Jenna’s heart was beating loud. It echoed in her ears, and she was afraid that he could hear it too.
He was just a few feet away.
A few more steps and he would stand on her.
There would be no escape. Jenna watched and waited.
As soon as he lifted his foot, she latched onto his ankle and pulled with the little strength she had left. He must have not seen it coming as he stumbled and fell. She rolled to the side and only just missed his body landing on hers. Thrusting the container in his face, Jenna jumped up. He let out a feral scream, one that didn’t sound human but more animal. The shadow of the man thrashed around, grunting, and screaming before he became still. The sound of her breathing became louder as she backed to the door. Almost panting.
The heavy drum of a heartbeat woke him up. It was strong and fast. His limbs were as stiff and cold as a corpse.
He picked up the sweet smell of its owner and licked his dry cracked lips. Smell had become his primary sense even that was dwindling day by day. The hunger had been burning his throat for too long. He needed food. Fresh food, he licked his lips again and then bit down drawing his own blood. His desire brought excitement to his stomach that danced with anticipation.
The animal inside him began to stir. He wouldn’t normally take an innocent life. But he needed to save his family and sacrifices had to be made. His throat burned and his stomach rumbled.
Jax tugged on the metal binds and chains. His body was weak from starvation, and beatings.
No matter what they did to him, he would fight. He would be strong.
He wasn’t quite sure what these people wanted from him.
The questions they asked were strange.
They wanted to know about him. If they were others? What made them what they were? He didn’t have the answers. They had pulled his fangs from his mouth and took blood after blood. Why they filled container after container of his blood. He didn’t know.
He felt his new fangs grow. They pierced his gums and he let out a loud grunt. Jax’s nails lengthened, and his claws became visible.
He used them to claw at the chains and stone walls.
The animal in him was close to the surface. Then he smelt it. A foul smell. The smell of a rotten soul. Humans they all had different smells.
The ones who were pure evil, smelt like rotten flesh. These days most humans smelt like gone off meat. Children and babies.
They were the ones that caused his mouth to water. It was sick and he knew it, yet it was a part of him. The animal inside him had made him who he was. It was all he had ever known.
A loud bang rocketed above him, and he tugged harder. He had to get out. He could smell fear. It was strong and sending his senses into overdrive. He wanted the chase. The kill. Jax could almost taste the blood trickling down his throat. His new canines tingled at the thought of tearing fresh flesh from the bone.
He looked around his prison. There was nothing he could use to help him. The chains were strong. He had no chance of breaking them. He was trapped, nothing but a prisoner left to rot in a cold damp cell.
Check to see if he is still breathing. Jenna ignored the thought. It would be suicide. Without looking back, she staggered through the door. All the while she was in an internal war with herself. Her heart wanted to check on the man, her head told her to run. Ignoring her heart, she continued searching for the broken window. When she finally found it after a tour of the building she crawled back out. Her body was shaken and exhausted.
Somehow, she had made it home. Her mind had gone blank. She didn’t remember walking the streets. The last thing she did remember was climbing out of the window.
She stood staring at the front door. All the lights were off, and the driveway was empty.
Her parents and sister’s car were still gone. She checked her phone and saw it had just gone past midnight. Where was everyone?
Digging in her back pocket she was surprised to find her keys. She thought she would have lost them for sure. With shaky hands she unlocked the door and stepped into the hallway, flicking the light on.
Silence greeted her. For the first time, she wished her family was home. That her sister was on the phone talking about nonsense with one of her girlfriends and her dad was watching a match while her mum pottered around in the kitchen. Instead, she was alone.
Jenna locked the front door and jumped as the phone began to screech. With slow steps and her heart racing she moved towards the sound. “Hello,” she said in a voice just above a whisper.
“Jenna. The hands of fate have sealed your path. Destiny will guide your way,”
“Grandma Rose I am really tired, I will tell dad you called,” without giving her chance to say anything more she hung up, checked the door was locked and ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. Once the door was closed, she slid down and held her head in her knees. She had no tears. Her body ached and her heart still danced with the terror of the night. Her adrenaline was just starting to wear off and she realized how much danger she was actually in.
To top the night off her gran had phoned with words that sent the fear escalating to an all-new level. The woman was crazy that much Jenna knew. Yet somehow her words still tormented her mind.
She was in a mental hospital in Scotland. How did she get hold of a phone?
Rose Jenson believed in the paranormal. She was as mad as a hatter.
Standing up she took a glance in the full-length mirror and was horrified. Her red hair was covered in green goo and her arms had deep scratches down them. Her forehead was sporting large lump and Jenna’s clothes were ruined. Her jumper was ripped, and her jeans had holes in them. But what shocked her most were her blue eyes. They seemed to hold a glow. They were bright and a vivid blue like a tropical ocean, instead of their usual grey/blue like a winter’s storm.
Perhaps that is what fear does to a person.
Peeling her clothes from her body she tossed them to one side. If her mum saw them, she would have a fit. Jenna looked at the sorry mess and made a note to toss them in the trash.
It was a shame as she had picked those clothes for the party as they were her finest.