Chapter 8
“Shit” she mumbled. He was waiting for an answer and all she was doing was staring at him. She wiped her mouth. Praying to God, she didn’t drool.
“Just a little tired,” She could have slapped herself for her short reply.
“That’s understandable,” the bell rang, and she uttered a see ya around when he grabbed her arm.
“Listen a few of us are going to the lake this weekend. Do you wanna come to the lake with us this weekend?” Jenna could hardly believe what she was hearing.
“The lake?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of fun,”
“Sure,” she beamed.
All the way through algebra Jenna had a smile on her face. Josh had invited her to the lake. She had heard many stories and rumors about the lake. With not being in the popular crowd the lake was a place where she never ventured.
Of course, Donna had tried on a numerous of occasions to get her to go. But it didn’t feel right. The others didn’t really want her there. They just agreed for Donna. Jenna knew she would be treated like the plague if she went. But now, there wasn’t just Donna but Josh too. Josh wanted her to go.
Josh was internally angry with himself. He was playing with fire, and he knew it. He needed answers and Jenna may be his best and easiest option. Besides, it is just the lake. He knew it was more than that. He didn’t really understand.
But there was something about her. She seemed to pull him in. He was drawn to her and found himself watching her. He tried to put it down to the fact that she may hold the answers.
One thing was for sure. He wasn’t about to get close to her.
“Hay, Josh, you going to the lake, this weekend?” Chelsea the head cheerleader and schools queen bee ran her fingers down his arms. Inside he cringed. He wanted to squeeze her perfectly painted red fingers and tell her where to shove it.
Instead, he had to play it cool. He couldn’t afford to lose his temper. Fitting in and keeping a low profile was taking its toll on him. He tried to smile, but it came out more of a grimace.
“Maybe,” he replied and walked away. He wasn’t here to play. He was here for one thing and thing only. No bleach blond-haired person with the perfect hourglass figure was going to distract him.
“OH MY GOD!” Donna did some kind of mad jingly dance.
“He invited you to the lake!” Jenna nodded. She couldn’t hide the bright smile. Excitement radiated from her. Jenna’s cheeks were aglow, and a twinkle was in her eyes. Something good was happening. She was being noticed.
“We have to go shopping!” Donna gushed. It was just like her. Any excuse to shop. Jenna rolled her eyes dreading what was coming. She knew how shopping with Donna worked. She would have to try on a million items while Donna hummed and awed about them. It was going to be a long evening. Aching feet and a headache were to come.
“What is wrong with the clothes I have?” Jenna placed her hands on her hips and asked. Donna rolled her eyes trying to hold in a grin. Her cheeks puffed out and Jenna could see the start of a smile form.
“What is right with them,” Donna laughed an infectious sound. Jenna couldn’t help it. She laughed too. Donna was right. Jenna wasn’t one for fashion. Her idea of getting dressed was pulling random items out of the closet. Donna spent a lot of time and effort on the way she looked. She liked her outfit to match.
The end of school quickly approached. Jenna sent a quick message to her mum telling her she was going straight to the mall.
She eagerly jumped into the passenger seat. If anyone could make her look good and tame her fizzy hair, then it would be Donna. She had faith in her beauty skills.
Shop after shop Donna dragged her through. But nothing looked right and if Jenna liked an outfit Donna would scrunch up her nose. Then she came across a pair of jeans she just loved. Dark blue- almost black jeans that had rips down the legs. Jenna felt rebellious. The one time she had ever rebelled against her parents and things turned sour. She tried to rid herself of the thought. But it was there to stay. The jeans began to feel dirty and not look so good after all.
Donna agreed with her for once. The jeans looked good. Even though she now hated the jeans she would buy them just to get out of the mall. Alone, that’s what she needed. The guilt was crawling back.
Closing the curtain to change, a pain ripped through Jenna’s stomach.
She felt sick. Another pain took her breath.
Then suddenly it stopped. But things looked different. Colors were too perfect, more vibrant, like they were bathed in sunlight.
Pulling herself together she walked out. She had to blink. Donna looked huge.
In fact, everyone looked taller, like she had shrunk.
Jenna tried to scream. Donna jumped back at the sound. Then bent down to Jenna. Donna’s large hand heading towards her, scared her. She could feel the fear welling inside her, like a bomb gearing up to explode.
“Hay kitty,” Donna stroked her head. Jenna didn’t know what was going on. Her brain screamed at her to run. So that is what she did. She ran until she exited the mall.
Then she slowed to a walk. As she passed the parked cars she halted. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Staring back at her was a ginger cat. She touched her reflection and saw a paw extend where her hands should have been. It is just a dream. A dream that is all this was. Maybe she had bumped her head.
With her heart pounding she set of into a sprint once more. Her new body gave her remarkable speed and agility. She bounced and climbed trees. She scaled walls and enjoyed the freedom. Jenna arrived at her house in no time at all. She was able to take many shortcuts venturing through places she had never been before. Yet somehow, she knew where she was going and how to get there. She was not out of breath and found she still had a lot of energy.