Chapter I: Amaris Atkinsons
It is still early in the morning but I am already wide awake. The sun had not yet risen outside when I got out of bed. I gently walk towards the mirror and I saw a beautiful lady standing there.
It is a woman with pair of emerald eyes, a lovely heart-shaped face, thick eyebrows, long and thick eyelashes, a cute pointed nose, and rosy cheeks. Her hair was as dark as the night, which contrasted nicely with her light skin. My gaze was drawn once more to her crimson red thin lips, which were crept into a lovely grin.
“You’ve grown up now. When will you be allowed to leave this mansion and see what life is like outside of it? When will you be able to learn the secrets that have been kept from you?” I asked the woman in front of me.
Sadness can be seen in the woman's eyes in the mirror, the fake smile she tries to show, and the tears she has been holding back for so long… and the woman is none other than me.
“Amaris…” I heard a deep voice coming from outside my room.
I prepared myself first before going to where the door was and opened it. A seemingly giant man with long hair and almost half of his face surrounded by a thick beard and mustache appeared before me. He almost reached the end of my door which was for me is too high.
I greeted him with a big bright smile. “Good morning, Mr. Bear!” I tickled and kissed his bulbous tummy that made him laugh.
The man in front of me is our butler, but I treated him as if he were a member of my family.
"Good morning to you too, little creature." He gently patted my head.
He guided me out of the room and held me carefully as we went downstairs.
“I'm already twenty-three and you are still calling me little, Mr. Bear!” I pretended to be upset but he just laughed at me.
It's not my fault that he has this gigantic height and I look so small beside him. I don’t even think I am the half size of his body.
"Where's my Mamita?"
“She is already in the dining area, young lady. She has been waiting for you to wake up.”
I nodded in response to his answer.
I looked around our entire household as I descended the stairs. It is an old mansion, albeit it was not visible due to my Mamita's meticulous preservation. This house is simply too large for the three of us to live in.
As I step into the hallway towards our dining room, I see several frames with images of us hanging on the wall. My Mamita loves to showcase our pictures. And when I reached the end of the hallway, I saw Naomi Atkinsons, my Mamita, sitting in the center like a queen, silently sipping her tea.
I walked closer to her.
“Hi, my sweetheart. How was your sleep?” she greeted me and then gave me a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled at that gesture. My Mamita is the sweetest.
“Good morning. I had a very good sleep, Mamita.” I also kissed her head before sitting on her right side.
I carefully put the piece of cloth over my thigh as I turned my gaze to all the foods served in front of us. I suppressed my sigh because of the amount of food on the table. It was too much for the three of us. Often, these were just leftover and wasted. I then felt pity for the creatures that had almost nothing to eat, if only I could share these with them.
“Mr. Bear, come here and join us. Let's start having our breakfast.” She turned to look at our butler who was still standing by our side. I then saw him nod in agreement with Mamita's invitation.
"Thank you, Señora…" said Mr. Bear before walking towards the
I laughed as he slightly collided with the table which caused the food on the table to move. I could hear the clinking of cutleries. For a moment, I felt like there was a sudden earthquake here in our dining area.
“Oops!” I stared at the cup of coffee and immediately levitated it to avoid spilling over my Mamita's shirt.
"I apologized, Señora!" Our butler apologized as he sat in a chair that was made just for him.
“That’s fine. Let's eat.” My grandmother just shrugged and didn’t mind it at all.
I just smiled looking at them. I could see the nervousness on Mr. Bear’s face. He thought that Mamita would scold him. He may look tough and scary from the outside because he is indeed a big and tall man, he could even pass as a giant character in some movies for kids, but in real life, Mr. Bear has the softest heart.
Ever since I was a child I have been in the habit of calling him in that name because he is almost as big as a bear. Though, a kind bear. Whenever Mamita is away, he takes care of me and watches over me.
I decided to start eating. I simply place a piece of pancake on my plate and drizzle it with chocolate syrup. My eyes were gleaming in excitement. This is heaven! I love chocolate!
“That’s enough, sweetheart. That's too sweet.” Mamita suddenly interrupted
I pouted at her. “Just a little more, Mamita. Please? Just a little…”
I gave her my sweetest smile and I could taste victory when I saw her nod.
“Thank you, Mamita. I love you so much!”
She just caressed my head and smiled at me. I'm confident she won't be able to resist me.
We continued to eat in silence until she spoke up once again.
“How was Amaris' training, Mr. Bear?” Grandma turned to Mr. Bear who is currently busy munching his food.
I was so quiet in my seat while slowly chewing my food to keep up with what they were talking about.
“She’s doing great, Señora. Your granddaughter is so good that it is almost very difficult for me to keep up with her.” Mr. Bear glanced at me giving me a wide and proud smile.
I then smiled at him in return. Every day Mr. Bear and I were having training, specifically hand-to-hand combat. He is my official trainer.
"That's nice to hear!" my grandmother said clapping her hand before looking at me.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart." She gently caressed my cheek as I could see how proud she is of me.
I mouthed thank you and genuinely smiled at her. This was all thanks to them. I can’t do that alone and I am thankful for all the help they are giving me.
"Oh, and I have good news for you, sweetheart."
I looked up again and in surprise turned to her. I could hear the excitement in her voice. I, on the other hand, was uncontrollably nervous and excited at the same time.
"What is it, Mamita?" I have no idea what she is talking about.
My grandmother loves surprises, but I think she already gave me everything that I needed. I'm not fond of material things, because I don't use them very much. I am already contented with what I have now. Maybe if I was asked I would ask for something else—freedom.
"I have decided to enroll you at Laurent University, sweetheart." The smile she gives me goes wider.
My eyes dilated as my mouth gaped in awe. I was too stunned by the sudden news. I was no longer able to swallow the pancake I was supposed to eat.
Oh my god! Is this for real?! Am I hearing these right now?!
"Really, Mamita?" Happiness was visible in my voice.
I saw her nod and she even looks happier and more excited than me.
Her surprise didn’t end there yet. She handed me a beautiful envelope with gold linings on all four sides. It is a letter of admission from the aforementioned university.
“Oh my god!” I almost shrieked because of the mixed emotions I am feeling right now.
I wrapped my arms around her and smothered her with kisses. God, I don't know how to react!
To: Ms. Amaris Atkinsons.
I felt my hands tremble when I read that. This is exactly what I've been hoping for!
Dear Ms. A. Atkinsons,
We are delighted to notify you that you have been accepted to Laurent University with great honor. The next day is the start of your first semester.
You'll see a pendant with the Golden Fangs insignia within. The pendant is required to enter Wroumouth's grounds. You will find a list of essential items, as well as the upcoming year's schedule, attached to this letter.
We are excited to welcome you as part of the new generation of Laurent history.
Headmaster Fernando Laurent