
Havana City,September 2018.

The old woman lies dead, face down on the kitchen floor. There are no obvious signs of struggle, everything is in its proper place and the entrances have not been forced, but we know that this woman recently received an unpleasant visit from strangers.

I feel the jugular of the old lady, I know perfectly well that she is dead, not listening to her heartbeat is an obvious conclusion, but I am unable to fight against centuries and centuries of practice.

—They were here. - my lord mutters through his teeth.

The scent that the three immortals have left behind is evident. I recognize the sweet and cloying smell that Jeanne gives off, the other two aromas are impossible for me to recognize. Her companions are of our kind, vampires no doubt, but I can't identify them.

—They have an hour ahead of us, sir. That's roughly how long this woman has been dead.-I do a quick scan of the kitchen with my eyes. The aroma of the intruders, inside the house, is restricted to this one room, they must have entered through the back door and the victim must have invited them in.

My gaze falls on the calendar stuck with magnets in the fridge.

— I know where they are headed, sir. They go after the girl.

Alexandros follows the direction of my gaze and quickly understands.

We must hurry or they will kill her.

We shot out, through the open back door. We run, going through the streets of Havana at high speed. Three blocks from the address indicated by the note on the calendar we heard the roar of a car colliding with a human. Alexandros visibly pales, I instantly understand his suspicions and we head in the direction of the accident that just occurred.

Indeed. My Lord's worst fears are confirmed. The girl lies in the hideous pool of her own blood. We approach her, taking defensive positions and remain standing, one on each side of her body. Alexandros approaches her, stabs at her side and takes her hand. I stand to the left of her, watching the street in case the attackers return.

—The girl is dying... one of her ribs pierced her right lung. She is drowning in her own blood.-Alexandros whispered, his voice laden with great distress. I understand that he feels guilty about what has just happened to the girl.

—Arrrggggh, Pfffff.- stammers the dying woman.

— Shh- Alex delicately caressing her forehead. - It will be over soon, calm down.

In quick, concise movements I see him pick up a piece of glass from the ground and, opening a huge gash on his wrist. Blood drips down onto the girl's gaping, sobbing mouth.

In moments she loses consciousness and her wounds begin to heal. My lord sighs in relief. He sits on the ground, hiding his face between his hands .I had never seen him so affected by the impending death of a human.

—She will be fine, my Lord. A few minutes have passed and she is already healing at impressive speed.

Alexandros compresses his lips, stands up and looks at me, aserious expression on his face.

— We have to get her to a hospital. She was very close to dieing and has lost too much blood. We will stay here in Havana until we make sure she will survive, we will need hotel rooms. Get Henry on the phone, have him select a group of his best men and send them here as quickly as possible. This girl cannot, I repeat, cannot suffer even the smallest scratch from now on. Make sure to assign constant protection to her.

—Yes, sir.

—And have another team track Jeanne. She must answer for what she tried to do.

—Yes, sir.

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