Chapter 4

Asmodeus took out a piece of clothing from his demi jean jacket and wiped his hands with it and passed it to Mary, who used it to come clean me up. As she dabbed my face with it I felt a sudden rush of guilt and shame, it was my fault, I brought this on all of us if I had just left it and left all of my pride, shoved my ego into my throat, this wouldn't be happening

" Mum, I am sorry," I said. Mary held my face and said "hey son, it is fine"

"No mum it is not, I should have listened to you, not like I need this respect anyway now that I got it, what good has it brought, but endangering uncle and you".

" Look son, I didn't give birth to a quitter, you wanted your father's acknowledgement and you went for it, you think it didn't work but it did, if not he would not save Asmodeus so he could cone save you," Mary said

Asmodeus asked Mary "Do you still have a sister in the convent?".

" yes," she said.

"Will you stay there while Damien and I make some findings?"

"Why can't I come along"

"You'll be safer around Heavenly Objects and in Godly places, nowhere here is safe".

" Please keep my boy safe, I beg you".

"No problem Mary"

Then she turned to me and said

"Please be safe I pray for you" and hugged me, kissed me on the forehead, stood back and said.

"I am ready"

Asmodeus created a vortex that opened up at the gate of the convent in Mississippi, and Mary went through it while turning to look at us before the vortex closed.

"So what now," I asked.

"We move to New Jersey"

"What's in New Jersey"

"A medium"

"Why do we need a medium"

"Only a medium can help us access heaven, and now we need heavens knowledge".

I asked no more questions as Uncle conjured up a vortex that took us to a deserted ally in what I suppose Is New Jersey.

We went around the corner till we got to a fortune-teller shop, we knocked and went In, I could sense so much familiar spirits hovering around and it was certain I was not in their best thoughts, but they could do nothing as j was accompanied by their master Asmodeus.

"Hey Asmodeus" the fortune-teller greeted

"Hello Jacob" Asmodeus replied

Jacob was a man who may be in his forties, with blonde hair, and a dress sense which spelt out the fact that he was a gay man.

"Long time no see, how has eternity been to you old friend, ageless I suppose" he beamed a sly smile and continued "who is your friend"

"That's Damien my nephew," Asmodeus said.

"Yes, the famous demi-demon who escaped Lucifer twice and refused to be the antichrist, more like the Jonah of the dark side". Jacob said

" So what is a medium?" I asked

" the link between light and dark, good and bad, positive and negative, angels and demons," Asmodeus said.

"So we are here to meet an angel right?"


" are all fortune tellers mediums?"

Jacob let out sarcastic laughter and said "No only blood descendants of the first medium can be mediums".

" So who was the first medium," I asked

"You young demons and losing your history, when the Angels were cast down to earth, Enoch was the link between them and God, and he didn't see death, so do we his mediums," Jacob said.

"So how old are you?" I asked

"Four thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine," Jacob said as he moved into the backroom as gestured for us to follow him.

"So you are here to see Michael right? he missed you a lot," Jacob said as Asmodeus looked away and nodded.

"Well here you go," Jacob said as he pulled the sheet over a chair, it sat on a podium that spins. He asked us to sit on it as he spun it he muttered some spells.

The walls seemed to be caving in the room grew smaller with every passing second, I felt dizzy and I phased out.

I dove into a vision, I saw everything, the great war, the entire thing flashed before my eyes, from the day Lucifer first mentioned his idea to Beelzebub to when he made his first speech to his followers, and then you witnessed the great war you saw your father he was in his element, the war was intense, and the battle seemed one-sided in favour of Lucifer's side, the hosts of heaven were being dealt great blows, till it was revealed, the angel killers, mighty glowing swords and the were wielded by Michael and the other six Archangels.

They rode into the battle on white horses and then the war took a different form as the upper hand shifted to the side of the heavens, as the seven archangels began breaking the ranks and defences of the rouge angels and chased them down from heaven.

I saw the one on one stand Micheal had with Lucifer, the clashes of the Bident and Angel killer, but Michael prevailed and Lucifer was cast down to earth and all his comrades.

As we opened our eyes, standing before us was Archangel Michael and he was the finest immortal my eyes had ever known

"Hello, Jacob, Damien son of Mary the brave and you father of lust and my love Asmodeus".

Asmodeus and Micheal shared a bond, no one understood, Michael is the reason Asmodeus wasn't dead, during the great war Micheal spared his life but rather threw him down, there was no need to kill the love of his eternal life, nobody was perfect, right? Even among perfect beings.

They approached each other, Micheal took Asmodeus' face in his palms staring Into his eyes, then they lend in and kissed, the kiss was the most passionate thing I had ever seen, and all Jacob did was clap, giggle and jump like a cheerleader.

" You guys are making a stir in the spiritual realm, your doings are hot gist for the hosts of heaven and the folks in hell even the spirits that roam the earth have your names stamped on their lips, especially your Damian," Michael said as he went over to Jacob and hugged him.

"O Jacob, Enoch is still mad you picked the dark side, but what can he do, the dangers of free will, thankfully there are other mediums and they at least choose the side of light," Michael said.

Curious I asked, "they are others"

"Yes," Michael said "two are even in your linage"

"Really? Who", I was adamant to know.

Asmodeus cut in " we brought you here for another reason, we need your help"

"I know you do my love, and I know what you want to ask of me and the truth is In as much as I want to kill Lucifer, I cannot, God hasn't authorized it, and you know on whose instructions I work under" Michael replied".

"So why can't you kill Lucifer," I asked "Is he unkillable" I added.

"No, although he has a higher resistance to the Angel killer he can still be killed, I wounded him with it remember". Michael said

" So what's the reason God doesn't Authorize his removal"

"It's in God's masterplan, the presence of Lucifer is the balance of free will, the balance of the world, to every darkness there is light, to every evil there is good, so Lucifer is the other option for humanity to exercise their rights to free will, but we in heaven hope the pick good". Michael said.

"Can you lend me your angel killer?" I asked " I will be doing humanity a great deal of favour if I end Lucifer" I added.

Michael roared out laughing " Every angel killer is assigned and can only be wielded by whom it was assigned" he walked up to a book, picked it up and flipped through the pages, and continued "you know Asmodeus here once asked me for the same favour, he wanted to kill Lucifer to see if God would look on the gesture and restore his angelhood, sad it didn't happen".

"So you are saying that there is no way?" I asked

"Yes there Is," Michael said

"But not for we demons" Asmodeus chipped in

"Why, what is it" I inquired.

"The nail that was used to hang Christ," Jacob said as he came back into the room, nobody noticed when he went out "sorry I went to close shop" not like any of you cared by the way," he said as he rolled his eyes on us.

"Why can't demons use it", I asked frowning.

" The blood of Jesus Christ will kill us," Asmodeus said.

"But there is something about you Damien, that is strange and I can feel it in my bones, and it is a strong feeling, it tells me you aren't an ordinary demon and you can touch the blood," Michael said.

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