Chapter 5
Meanwhile, somewhere in a church in Mississippi, a young girl is seated at the back of the church, she is listening to the priest break down her favourite bible passage and she was happily paying attention
The story of the good samaritan was the focus, and Father Nathan was making the most of his interpretations.
"In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus used the Parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of loving those who may not be our friends. Jesus was asked to confirm what he meant by the word 'neighbour'. This is when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke, to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies.
But did you get another deep meaning to how this parable might be twisted to relate to us? Well move along with me, Hallelujah"
The congregation responded "Amen".
He continued "Verse 30:
A certain Man; this Certain man represents you and I children of God.
He was moving from Jerusalem to Jericho; now Jerusalem signifies the presence of God, his covering and his love for us.
While Jerico stands for The World, sin and all vices.
While on the road he encountered robbers, who beat him half to death and took away his possessions; the robbers signify the Devil, beating him means the Devil leaves us miserable and taking his possessions means he was stripped of the glory and covering of Yahweh.
Verse 31:
By chance, a certain Priest was passing by and saw him and moved on to the other side and left him.
The Priest signifies Our Religious leaders, who can't help us in this world, our help comes from just a source.
Verse 32:
Likewise, a Levi came and reenacted the doings of the Priest, and left the man for dead.
The Levi stands for Religion, which can't save us from the world of sin too.
Verse 33:
But a certain Samaritan ventured that route too, saw the man, was moved with compassion to help him.
The Samaritan represents Jesus, the only part back to God, the Way the truth and life, no one goes to the Father except through him. And Jesus was the perfect Samaritan cause Samaritans were and Half Jews half Gentiles. Remember Jesus Lineage has to do with The Prostitute Rehab and also the foreigner Ruth, whereas half-Jew half Gentile.
Verse 34:
He dressed his wounds, used wine and Oil on his injuries, took him in his bosom and took him to an inn to be nursed.
The bandages used on his wounds signify, the change of Garment of sin and the renewal of new garments of righteousness.
The wine was used to Revive him meaning, it was a Revival to bring him back to the love of God.
The oil was a show of Anointing, as children of God, we are all Prince and Princesses.
Taking him in his bosom means, he has accepted him back to the fold.
The inn signifies the presence of God.
Verse 35:
And he took a payment worth two days and gave it to the innkeeper and told him to use it and treat the man, what evermore he needed he should spend he will pay on his return.
The innkeeper is the Holy Spirit, the comforter sent to take care of us, till Christ return.
Where did Christ go? He went to prepare a place for us till his return.
The payment means Christ gave the Holy Spirit everything he needs to take care of us, and if we lack we should ask of him.
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory and love of God.
But if we go back in humility and ask for forgiveness he is faithful and just to forgive us.
And only the hungry will get the grace of God, like the man who was desperate for help and he got it. Go back to God with full repentance and get your share of Grace".
Father Nathan was done with the sermon, made announcements for donations and ended the service for the day.
As the little girl scrambled through the crowed of churchgoers who stopped abruptly In their tracks to exchange pleasantries with each other, she finally reached the entrance but was stopped by a middle-aged woman, with black hair and blue eyes, the woman asked
" What is your name darling"
"Amy," the girl said.
"Amy, I need your help, do you know a Sister Rose?"
"Yes she is my mother"
"Your mother?"
"Yeah, and she is inside, who are you?"
"Mary, my name is Mary Spencer, so you say Rose Spencer Is your mother?"
"Yes" Amy was getting impatient
"Call her for me will you?"
As they were speaking, a woman, plus-sized, but with a striking resemblance to Mary came up from behind, as Amy scurried away.
"Hello Mary"
"Ten years Mary ten years"
"Who did Amy come about"
"Long story"
"I missed you"
With teary eyes, she hugged Mary and each other held on for a while and wouldn't let go.
They went into the apartment by the church holding hands and talking as they went, soon they reached the from of the apartment and met with Amy at the doorstep seated talking to Vince her cat and telling him everything Father Nathan had said in the sermon of the day.
"Pretty soul, lucky you, how come?" Mary asked
"Not biological mine, not left my promise to God yet," Rose said smiling as she took off her shoes " someone last her on that doorstep 8 years ago and since then raised her like mine" She added.
"Lucky her then" Mary smiled
"How is Damien" Rose Inquired?
"He went and got himself into a bit of a mess, a huge one actually" Mary's aura had shifted.
"What kind?" Rose asked
"He went on to win a competition and now he is meant to be the Antichrist," Mary said
Rose did the sign of the cross " so what now she inquired"
"He and his uncle are looking for solutions, he rejected the post and Lucifer is hell-bent on him taking it up," Mary said, "I was even captured and taken to hell but I escaped with his help and uncle's help his father's too but I think Lucifer has him, so I need your help I need to stay in the church's artic for now, as a safety".
"Let's go talk to Father Nathan," Rose said, as she got up and I trailed behind her.