Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

As I glared out the window, my breathing coming out in heavy pants as I tried to calm down my now agitated body, I suddenly felt a pair of dark eyes on me.

Fiona's POV ( new chapter

The week went by rather quickly, and before I knew it, it was already Friday morning; and I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy that the weekend had finally arrived. I mean, it's not like it was a bad week or anything, it's just that no one even bothered to get acquainted with me.

I sat down in my seat, pulling out my notebook for this class and doodling absentmindedly around the cover. I didn't exactly know what I was drawing, but it seemed like it was just a bunch of squiggly lines if you asked me. I became intrigued in the conversation that was starting to occur just a few seats behind me. I recognized the voice instantly.

"So….are you excited for tonight, Blake?" she asked my savior who sat next to her. Ah, so that was his name. Yes, within this entire week of me attending this school, I never even dared to listen in for his name. It didn't even matter anyway.

"Yeah, I guess. More like nervous if you ask me."

There were a few bits of laughter from the other students sitting around him. I couldn't help but wonder if he was the one throwing the party that everyone around the school seemed to be talking about. He did seem to be Mr. Popular, but I never once noticed if he was in some sport here. He was fit to perfection and it seemed as if he did some extracurricular activity, but I never saw him staying after school for any sort of practice. Instead, he would always be standing in the parking lot with a whole mess of people surrounding him, particularly girls. I know, I sound like a stalker but it was a little bit hard not to observe these things since there always appeared to be an eager crowd surrounding him within every hour of the day.

"So who do you think is your mate? Do you think she's part of this pack or do you have to travel to another one?" Cicilia asked him, her voice sounding a little higher than usual.

Mate? Pack? What the hell were they talking about?

My eyebrows pulled together as I tried to decipher the meaning in her words; but I wound up with nothing. Instead of giving myself a headache, which was already starting to occur on my right side, I just went on with mindless doodling and continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. It might have seemed rude, but they were talking loud enough that practically the whole school could hear!

"Shh!" This time, it was a masculine voice. It probably was one of the guys that was standing beside my savior….Blake….earlier this week. I didn't know his name, but oh well. I wasn't looking forward to learning any names unless it was necessary.

"Shut it, Cicilia ! You can't talk about that around here!"

I could practically picture her brown eyes open wide in confusion as she asked, "Why not? It's not like…."

Her voice suddenly trailed off as I felt many eyes on me seconds later. I couldn't help but grow tense under their gaze. Why were they all looking at me? I felt the urge to look back and tell them off, but something in the back of my mind held me at bay. There was something unorthodox about them, everyone in the school really, excluding a few students that seemed normal in my eyes, and I felt as if talking back at them would only put me in a load of trouble that I was far from interested in.

"Oh. You mean her?" she asked quietly, but her voice was still audible to my ears. Sure, go ahead and talk about me as if I'm not even here!

"Who cares about her. She doesn't even know what we're talking about. I don't even know why she even came here to begin with. She doesn't belong with the rest of us."

"Cicilia !" The same masculine voice scolded at her. I remembered noticing that their features were pretty much alike and I couldn't help but wonder if they were related in some way. Siblings maybe?

"What?" Her voice was laced with fake innocence and I couldn't help but glare down at my notebook. Something about her just ticked me off and the sudden urge to just give her a piece of my mind was increasing; and that thought literally took me by surprise. I never was a violent person. Call me a hippie but I never believed that violence was ever the answer when a conflict would arise. I preferred talking it out before things got out of hand. But hearing that irritating voice of hers got me on edge and wishing that she never even existed.

"Cicilia, I suggest you quiet down. She doesn't need to know about this."

His voice was literally music to my ears. It was low yet firm, and there was a hint to it that puzzled me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it felt like he was in a way disgusted, yet at the same time disappointed. Strange combination really.

I turned my head slightly as I allowed my eyes to gaze out the window. Since I had my hair piwecked up in a ponytail today, it wasn't that difficult to see them from the corner of my eye. With my eyes trained on the scenery outside, I immediately focused my attention on him. Blake. It was a nice name for a guy and I couldn't help but repeat it a few times in my mind. It just felt so natural for me to say it. Weird, right? But as I my attention was set solely on him, a rush of anger boiled up inside of me as I caught the sight of someone's hand on his left shoulder .

I had to admit, Cicilia wasn't exactly ugly like I hoped she'd be. Instead, she was quite attractive much to my dismay. She was tall and slender with a fair tan, dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She always seemed to wear clothes that were a bit too revealing for a school; probably trying to get other male's attention, especially his. Today she was wearing a light pink tank-top with khaki shorts and flats, despite of the chilly air that was now taking over the town.

What confused me the most was my reaction to seeing her hand lying carelessly over his shoulder.

From where I sat, I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable at the gesture and I couldn't help the urge that ran through my body to simply stand up and rip her filthy hand off. Okay, where were these thoughts even coming from?

As I glared out the window, my breathing coming out in heavy pants as I tried to calm down my now agitated body, I suddenly felt a pair of dark eyes on me. I immediately looked back down at my notebook, a hint of red taking over my cheeks. I felt embarrassed for being caught in the act. I knew they were eventually going to find out how I was eavesdropping on their conversation, but I definitely didn't want him to be the one to do it.

I gripped my pen harshly with my hand, my knuckles turning white and I was surprised to see that the pen hadn't snapped in my grasp; which I was grateful for. I needed this pen for the rest of the day. I had accidentally forgotten my small pouch where I keep all of my writing utensils on my desk at home and I was lucky to find this one hidden at the bottom of my backpack.

To my relief, I heard the door open and the professor enter. He didn't bother greeting us and went straight to the lesson for the day; but this didn't stop Rose from continuing the conversation.

"So Blake, what do you think are the chances of me being your mate?"

Desperate much? And what was this constant talk about mates? It just sounded deviant when these people kept on saying it. Told you this was a weird town.

"I don't know, Cicilia . We'll just have to find out at the stroke of midnight," he responded nonchalantly, which surprisingly made me at ease.

"If you guys artes, I would feel extremely sorry for the moon goddess pairing you guys up. My sister is not easy to deal with." This was the other masculine voice who had spoken earlier. Huh, so they were related. Possibly twins.

"Shut up, Anthonio! Nobody told you to get into this conversation!" She retorted, a lace of anger filling her every word.

"Well it's kind of hard not to when you're sitting right behind me."

A low chuckle erupted from someone in the group and I couldn't help but smile at the sound. I knew exactly where it came from and just the mere sound of it filled me with butterflies that were becoming extremely difficult to control.

"Well I wouldn't mind you being my mate Cicilia. There would be a few things I would love to do to you the second you realize you belong with me," another male voice responded. I can only guess this was the other guy who had been standing behind Blake that day.

"In your dreams, Marcus ." With that, I could sense that she had settled herself in her seat and I couldn't be happier. Amazing how someone finds out a few names by simply eavesdropping on another's conversation without their knowledge. It's quite entertaining really.

"Alright, settle down. You may talk about Blake' party after class. Right now we must focus on your upcoming assignment. It will be a book report on one of the books on this list." He lifted up his hand and showed the class a stack of papers. Probably the names of different books we most likely had to read.

The sound of groans erupted in the class and I was pretty sure that everyone was slumping lower in their chairs, unlike me. I was already used to writing many book reports and there was no doubt in my mind that I had already read at least one of the novels on that list. I always liked reading books that were a level ahead of me. I always found it fascinating discovering new words that I could add to my vocabulary.

The professor walked around the class, handing a few sheets of paper to each student that were sitting in the front row. As I was handed my stack to pass along to the person behind me, I took a quick glance at the list. At least half of the list were books I have already read, as well as I enjoyed, throughout this past summer. The only reason why I had read them to begin with was because my teacher back in Chicago had handed me a sheet that showed a general list of books which most schools in the United States had to read for their senior English class. Seeing as I had a lot of time on my hands, I read almost every single book that I was able to purchase at the nearest bookstore.

After a quick scan, I left a sheet above my notebook and passed the rest of the stack to the person behind me. A smile crept along my lips as I folded the paper in half and placed it inside my notebook. Well this was going to be an easy assignment. For me at least.

The last bell had finally rung and I was more than happy to leave AP Government. I always dreaded my history classes. It wasn't like I didn't like history or anything, the teachers that always taught them were just plain BORING! And the professor I had for this class had to be the top most boring history teacher I have ever encountered in my school years. I prefer reading out of the books rather than listen to that monotone voice of his.

I walked over to my locker, pressing in my combination before I opened it wide. These locks weren't the ones where you had to twist and turn them a dozen times before you were able to open the damn thing. These were simple. They had small number pads where you punched in a four-digit code and it opens automatically. How cool was that?

I placed all the needed materials I would use for the weekend in my backpack and left the others inside the locker. I slammed it hard, the locker protesting with a small groan as I walked away. I didn't want to stay here any longer. I needed to be in a place where I felt comfortable, or learned to feel comfortable since I had only lived there for merely a few amount of days.

As I passed through the doors, I couldn't help but smile slightly as I remembered the fishing trip my dad had planned for us this weekend. Luckily for me, the job he currently had wasn't one that needed him practically 24/7. With this one, he was actually able to take the weekends off and spend some quality time with me.

The funny part about all of this was that we actually rent a cabin south from where we are now. When we used to live in Texas, my dad, mom and I would spend the summers there and go fishing. How funny it is that we now actually live in the same state! Well, it's not technically ours because we only rent it; but we are practically the only ones that actually do. My dad hopes to buy it someday so when he finally retires, he can live there and go fishing for as long as he wants.

I know what you're thinking, why is a vegetarian going on a fishing trip with her dad when she doesn't eat meat? Don't worry, that answer is simple. I never actually eat the fish. I do help my dad cook it since he isn't one of the greatest cooks on this planet, but I do it reluctantly. Whenever I do, I feel as if it's screaming out in agony, begging for me to put it back in the water. Weird right? But that's how I usually think. As my father enjoys his meal, I tend to just eat a homemade salad I bring along as I read a book outside on the back porch. That's sort of my sanctuary. My dad only intrudes whenever he thinks it's getting late and I should go off to bed. Other than that, he allows me to be outdoors in the quietness of nature as he watches something on TV in the living room. Thankfully for me, the living room is on the front side of the house, so all I could hear is the soft murmuring of the voices talking.

I passed by many cars with teenagers lounging about, talking about the party for tonight. What was so great about it? I know he is the talk of the school but do they really need to make such a big deal about it? They were acting extremely idiotic if you asked me. It's just a party that most likely will happen again and again throughout the year. Seniors were known to party until they were partied out, especially because of all the alcohol and drugs that were sooner or later snuck in; hence the reason why I never go to any of them. That, and I never seemed to get invited. Pity.

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