Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Whomever was destined to be my mate will be the person I will give my entire love to. At that thought, a face appeared in my mind.

Blake's POV

Pacing back and forth in my room, my mind going a 100 miles an hour, and I couldn't shake the nervousness out of my system. I rubbed my now clammy hands on my jeans as I listened to the sounds that came from downstairs. The constant chatter of my pack got me on edge. Their eager voices reached my sensitive ears and it was not helping my situation whatsoever.

I have been waiting for this night my entire life, and now it has finally arrived. My eighteenth birthday. Anyone would think that the only reason why it is so special is because it symbolizes one's growth into adulthood; and they are not wrong. But for us werewolves, it is quite different, especially if you are a descendant of one of the most powerful Alphas in the entire country.

My pack is the Black Forest Pack, hence the reason why we live in Black Forest, Colorado. We are the largest pack in the United States as well as the most powerful one. We have over 400 pack members and the number increases with every year after a couple mates and bears a child. It is quite extraordinary being raised in a pack as large as mine, but it has its faults as well. It's difficult to keep track of everything and I am amazed that my father handles it so well. He is currently the Alpha of my pack and in three years he will be handing the title to me; and just the mere thought makes me anxious again. Great.

Tonight was the night where I will finally meet my mate. I know what you are all thinking, shouldn't I have found her the second I laid eyes on her? Well, that is the case for ordinary werewolves. When they meet their mates, the sparks fly instantly and they immediately recognize each other; but I'm different. Being of the Alpha bloodline forces me to wait until I am 18 in order to find my mate. My father actually told me that before we come of age and where our true Alpha powers ignite within us, making us the most powerful wolf in the pack, we can actually sense our mate. Not to the extent where we automatically know they were created to be ours, but we just have that small feeling. He once told me at a very young age that when he set eyes on my mother for the first time, he had felt something. It wasn't the immediate sparks everyone talks about, but it was still something. On the night where he turned eighteen, he immediately caught her scent in the crowd and the rest is pretty much history.

It's really annoying if you ask me, having to wait until that age just to find the person I am destined to spend the rest of my life with. But I know it will be worth it. I couldn't help but wonder how my mate will be like. Will she be a part of this pack or will I have to travel to another just to find her? What if she was a rogue? I couldn't help but shiver at the thought. Rogues were soulless and having a rogue as a mate will be quite….difficult. I know I wouldn't give up on her, but it might arise some questions as to how great of a leader I will be; but I didn't care. Whomever was destined to be my mate will be the person I will give my entire love to. At that thought, a face appeared in my mind.

Ever since I had laid eyes on her, her face had never once left my mind. She even appeared in several of my dreams this week! My dad had mentioned about a pair of humans moving into our territory and I was sent out to keep a watchful eye on them. When I once spotted them, I knew instantly that they will not be a threat to our pack. I was about to head back to the pack house until I spotted her. Her face made me stop dead on my tracks and I couldn't help but emerge from the trees as she looked out the window. She spotted me instantly and I knew she wasn't believing what she was seeing. Of course she wouldn't. Anybody who ever saw us in the woods by accident would think we were mutated wolves or something. We are quite large in size, especially me because of my bloodline.

The very next day, her first day at school, I had immediately caught her scent and verified that she was indeed a human. As my best friends, Anthonio and Marcus, walked beside me, caught up on whatever conversation they were talking about, I couldn't take my eyes off her. My wolf kept on pushing me towards her but he never dared to tell me why.

She was heading my way and I took this very chance to just be close to her. She had been walking on my right side so I moved in front of her path. She probably thought it was a mere accident, but it wasn't on my part. I didn't know what made me do it, but I felt at peace once I held her in my arms. It was quite amusing to see her blush at my touch and I couldn't help but smile at the gesture.

Marcus and Anthonio had asked me after our little encounter what was going on, but I just insisted that my dad told me to keep an eye on her since she was new to the territory. Anthonio knew something was up but didn't dare question it. Anthonio, as always, just went with it and began talking about another subject.

Once I had reached homeroom, ignoring the constant chatter of my pack mates around me, I instantly smelled her scent approaching us. I couldn't be more happier when I saw that she had the same homeroom as I did. I was rather disappointed that that was the only class we had in common, but at least it was better than nothing. I did plan on getting to know her better.

When the professor had walked in, he had done the usual greeting to everyone and the usual respectful one to me. Unfortunately for me, she instantly noticed and I dared not look in her direction. I had instantly scowled at the professor, but forgave him easily seeing as he had forgotten about the new human student. He won't be making that mistake again.

She actually isn't the only human being in our pack. There are two other human families living here and they both know our secret. We had trusted them enough to tell them and they vowed to my father that they shall never speak a word about us. They still have kept their word to this day. In our school, there are three humans, excluding the new one who has captured my interest since the very beginning. One of them is graduating this year with me while the other two are sophomores.

Anyway, all this week I had been observing her, and there really isn't much to say about her. She is quite the puzzle and my wolf keeps urging for us to get to know her better; but he knows I can't. It will ruin my reputation. I know it sounds cruel for me to say but if I were to get acquainted with her, I would never hear the end of it from the rest of the pack members.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps coming up the staircase and towards my room. The footsteps stopped before the door and a knock was heard. I could easily smell the scent of Anthonio and I approached the door with a nervous hand.

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