Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Oh, so now is when my wolf decides to come out of nowhere and respond. He had been quiet all week without uttering a single word to me. I could always feel his agitation as he awaited for this day to finally arrive, and now that it already has, he was more unsettling than ever.

Blake's POV

As I opened it, I was greeted by a smiling Anthonio. I didn't bother to smile in return, I had other things on my mind. Especially her.

"You ready for this dude?" he asked cheerfully.

I frowned at his mood. If only he knew how stressful this event was for me. I didn't answer and simply shrugged, looking past him.

He immediately understood and nodded. That's the good thing about Anthonio. He knows exactly what's wrong with someone and will try the best he can to help. There's no point in lying to him because he would immediately catch it, unlike his annoying sister of his. I still wonder if she was dropped in the head when she was a baby because she was definitely a handful. The only reason why you'll know that they are related is by their appearance. They both have the same dark hair and light brown eyes. The only difference is that Anthonio is someone I can actually cope with.

He reached out and patted my shoulder, his way of comforting someone.

"Don't worry, man. Tonight's your night. You just let it flow and everything will fall into place."

I rolled my eyes.

"Easy for you to say. You're not going to be forced to find your mate by your wolf and you will not be taking a high position in the next few years."

He chuckled at my childish behavior. "Aren't you forgetting that I'm being announced Beta when you become Alpha?"

I had to admit, he had a point. Lucky for him, Anthonio had already found his mate within the pack when he had turned 16. He didn't know of the pressures of waiting to find your mate, especially when you were a person like me. But like he just said, he is going to be my Beta once I take the Alpha position. It was really hard to choose which person will become the second most powerful wolf in the pack, seeing as I have two best friends. But Marcus was quick to step back and hand the position over to Anthonio. He was a very intelligent guy, but he never took anything seriously. Once, we were playing out in the woods in our wolf forms for the first time, and he had accidentally fallen over a steep hill and cut his hind leg wide open.

The bone could be seen and everything. Instead of crying out in pain, he simply just laughed. I swear he had problems, but you couldn't help but love the guy.

"Let's go, your mom would make a scene if you don't get downstairs this instant. And besides, it's almost time."

He had a point. My mother was one of those people who went insane if you never got to a place on time; and I didn't want to be standing in the middle of the crowd with her screaming at me. I had no doubt in my mind that even though I came downstairs right now, she would scold about my appearance. I had settled for a light gray t-shirt, dark jeans and converse. I was going to be shifting anyway so what was the point in dressing up?

We made our way downstairs and I was instantly greeted by many welcoming smiles and respectful bows. I may not be the Alpha yet, but I was still next in line for the position. I looked around the crowd, trying hard to find if she had even made it to the party. My father had informed me that he had invited them since they were part of our territory now. It was really a disappointment to see that she was no where to be seen and I hadn't smelled her scent since the first guest arrived. In a way, I was happy she wasn't here. How do you think a human would react if they were to see me run to the woods at the stroke of midnight, and emerge as a big black wolf? Yeah, I don't think I'd be hearing from her or her father any time soon if they had decided to come tonight.

As we crossed the large clock that my mother seemed to adore more than me, I noticed that I still had 15 minutes before midnight. We walked outside where the rest of the pack was and I was instantly bombarded with a thousand questions from the one person who was worrying about this night more than me. My one and only mother.

"Where were you? The guests began to arrive almost an hour ago! It is not Alpha-like to arrive so late! Is that what you're wearing? Couldn't you have at least dressed up for this special night? How do you think your mate will react when she sees you in this attire?"

I rolled my eyes at her. She really was quite a handful. My mother was literally a foot shorter than I was and I had to look down at her. She had light brown hair and hazel brown eyes that were now glaring up at me. I may tower over her easily, but she always made me feel like I was just a few inches tall whenever she looked at me like that.

"Hello to you too, mother," I said sarcastically as I gave her a kiss on her delicate cheek.

As I pulled away, a man that looked like the older version of myself appeared beside her. He wrapped an arm around her waist securely before planting a kiss on her head.

"Relax, Lucy. You're making the boy more nervous than he already is." My father gave me an apologetic look but I simply shrugged. What else would I expect from her?

"Are you ready?"

I nodded and gave them the best smile I could fabricate. I didn't know if it was convincing, but I didn't want to seem like a coward in front of my pack. I was meant to lead them one day and showing any signs of weakness would be futile.

With a nod of his head, he led my mother away who was still shooting daggers in my direction. Great, I will not hear the end of it once I made it back home later on tomorrow. Well, that's if my mate wasn't so far away.

'She's not.'

Oh, so now is when my wolf decides to come out of nowhere and respond. He had been quiet all week without uttering a single word to me. I could always feel his agitation as he awaited for this day to finally arrive, and now that it already has, he was more unsettling than ever.

'Calm down, you're making me more nervous than I already am', I scolded at him.

I could feel him smirk at me before he went back to his wordless self. Man, my wolf could be stubborn sometimes! With that, I felt him growl inside me and all I could do was smile. He really did act like a child when he wanted to.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I felt two slender arms slither their way around my neck and I couldn't help but wince at the contact. Where the hell did she come from?

Cicilia, who was wearing a tight red dress that clung to her body and was nearly exposing her long legs a little too much for my liking, was now pressed against me and giving me a wet kiss on the cheek. I tried my best to not look disgusted at the gesture, but even Anthonio could see how much I was struggling in her tight grasp. All he did was laugh silently beside me. What a friend he was.

"Blake! I have been looking all over for you!"

I smiled weakly. Man her voice was annoying. How in the world did Anthonio put up with her all these years? This girl had to be one of the most irritable females in the entire pack! I mean, I did have practically all the un-mated females drooling at my feet without even trying, but she was the most persistent one of them all. I had even heard from some of the few pack members that she had personally went up to every girl that would say hi to me and told them that I was hers. How in the world could I be hers if my wolf never even recognized her as a contender? And trust me, I have actually given her a chance and tried to see if I felt any connection with her, but it was simply hollow. The only thing I felt towards her at this moment was annoyance and irritation.

As if on cue, I felt her loosen her grasp around my neck and move away from me. But to my surprise, she wasn't moving away by choice, she was being forced to. As I turned to look at her, I noticed that Marcus had appeared out of the blue and pulled her away from me. He now had her pressed against him and secured her by wrapping his arms around her waist. She struggled against his grasp with an irritable expression.

"Marcus! Let go of me!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her protest. Like he was ever going to do as she asked. Marcus was quite the womanizer and he always had his eyes set on Cicilia. Why? I have no idea. I'm telling you, I have no idea what goes on in that boy's head. Anyway, ever since he noticed that Cicilia was attracted to me our Junior year and I was clearly not interested, he always pulled her away at the perfect times. I owed this kid my life for saving it, who knows how many times, before because of this chick in front of me. Then again, Marcus was the type that he would go for any girl in the pack. I wouldn't even be surprised if he had already slept with Cicilia.

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