5. The Royal Surprise
*The Dragon Kingdom Capital,
London England.
For a logical reasoning exclusive to the minds of the Royal dragon hosts, The Red Dragon Clan women were ushered to the ball without the accompaniment of their men.
While Reya and Chasity were escorted to the ball by a few maids and guards, Reya could not cease her ponder on the words of the maid Roanna.
Reya had become a bit more observant of all the incidents that had occurred ever since their presence was hosted in the castle walls.
Was it not quite odd that the Red Dragon Clan women were separated from the men?
Why was Chasity the only Alpha’s daughter that had escorted them to the capital?
For all she knew, Alpha Charles had Nine other daughters.
Something felt off and Reya’s detective instincts were triggered.
Unfortunately for the redhead Nancy Drew, they were to depart the Capital early on the morrow and not much could be done to aid her investigation.
Reya exhaled and set aside her grievances, just try to enjoy the night.
The ballroom was a colossal glass dome sitting in the center of the grandeur courtyard of the castle.
The Glass dome could be indubitably likened to a sleeping flower surrounded and safeguarded by the majestic golden towers of the Castle.
A heavy rain hammered fiercely against the glass but it stood unscathed.
An umbrella was lifted over Chasity and Reya as they were led to the entrance of the dome, soft pitty patters of the rain resonating in their enhanced dragon ears.
The Royal Announcer was signaled and Chasity was slightly nudged to the front of their trail.
Because Chasity had a title, It was by customs that she must be introduced first.
The magnificent oak wood doors parted as Chasity was to ingress.
“The Eight Daughter of Alpha Charles of the Red Dragon clan. Lady Chasity Colium!” The Royal Announced echoed, demanding the attention of the swarming crowd of Dragon Nobles.
At once, she descended the stairs but Reya did not see much of what happened after because the doors were closed.
Reya inhaled slowly and exhaled, situating an icy calm on her racing nerves.
She had always avoided any social gathering at the Red Dragon Clan with the excuse of being busy at the hospital.
Theoretically, this was Reya’s debut into Noble society.
From now on, she would constantly be invited to these gathering and would be required to get used to such things.
When the doors were spread out once more, it was time for Reya to make her entrance.
“The Adopted daughter of Alpha Charles of the Red dragon clan. Doctor Reya Colium!” His voice echoed.
The Symphony’s melody was switched to a sweet melancholic melody that oddly, highlighted Reya’s descension.
Soundtrack- Piano Rendition of Sweater Weather by Joel Sunny.
With her shoulders elevated and her chin tilted into the warm air, the doctor picked her skirts and descended the wide flight of stairs graciously.
Even though Reya kept eye contact with no one, she could not help but notice that hundreds of eyes in the ballroom were watching her intently.
The once chattering crowd had been swept into an eery silence, one that most certainly disconcerted the doctor.
But one of her surplus talents was her ability to shield her emotions beneath an emotionless mask.
She gazed discreetly around the ballroom in awe, enchanted by the countless lights illuminating the vast space.
Reya found herself in heavy appreciation of the pellucid glass, admiring the view of the night sky the transparent material afforded her.
At Two hours till midnight, the night sky was picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky so clear you could almost see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. A constellation of stars were sprinkled behind it, a few large ones but mostly a multitude of little white pin pricks. Every now and then, a twinkle caught her eye.
Even though Reya had dressed to impress this crowd, she felt so small and plain. Even the Carrara marble floors shone so bright it overshadowed her deep red dress. The golden glimmering walls made her feel pathetic. The ballroom was not the only thing lowering her self esteem for the Noblewomen and Men shimmered in ostentatious jewels.
That was the only amount of steps Reya took into the ballroom before tons of dignitaries were swarming towards her.
“She might be this Season’s incomparable” A group of elderly female nobles were already gossiping.
“I believe Lady Bethanie Baughan of The Blue Dragon Clan surpasses her” another woman whispered.
Hums of agreements made Reya fight hard to resist a roll of her golden brown eyes.
Those ambitious mamas were like eagles waiting for a juicy piece of gossip.
“That is true. They say she is Eight and Twenty. That is a long time for a woman to go unmated. Lady Bethanie is only One and Twenty”
Reya paid no heed to their gossiping and fixated her gaze on the rows of men before her.
“Miss Reya,” a familiar voice called her, leading her to turn her frame towards him.
The Alpha’s heir of the Blue Dragon Clan was smiling warmly at her and as per manners, she was required to bow to him.
“Alpha Bevan” she curtsied gracefully, lowering her eyelashes as she was taught.
He was one of her many suitors that frequently called on her.
The only reason she believed he was attempting to court her was because she had conceived the cure to the Death Sentence and was also a White Dragon. Alpha Bevan had always rubbed her off the wrong way because whenever he thought she was unassuming, he would glance at her with a gaze full of lust. She hardly believed he was the gentleman he had portrayed himself to be.
Reya never felt like she was the prettiest woman and most definitely did not believe that she deserved the amount of suitors she has acquired over the last two months.
“I hope your dance card is not already filled up” he said with a charming smile, one that would have dazzled her if she was interested.
“Hardly,” was her sweet reply.
“After all, You are the first man I have conversed with this night,”
A satisfied smile lifted his lips and his blue eyes scintillated, the cobalt blue ring in his pupils now conspicuous.
It was plain to see his dragon approved of the white dragon she possessed.
In fact, all the men surrounding her seemed to be focused on the white ring surrounding her irises.
The other young Noble women fixated their glares on Reya, clearly displeased that the next Alpha of the Blue dragon clan was showing interest in Reya.
The Blue dragon clan ranked directly behind the Royal dragon clan in power, strength and size.
They were the closest allies to the Royal dragons and the only clan asides the Royal clan to have possessed a white dragon over centuries ago.
It was only wise The Alpha Bevan courted Reya.
The white dragon was a symbol of power, blessing from the gods of the five pillars and the perfect Luna material.
The white dragon was the only dragon to have possessed healing powers. They also had the strongest children and made whatever clan they were situated in to flourish.
Simply put, a white dragon was a rare Diamond.
Reya had proved herself to be a legendary white dragon when she put an end to the pandemic.
Because Reya was an adopted daughter of the red dragon clan, there were theories that she was sent directly from the gods.
Everyone wanted to be acquainted with her or be her.
Suddenly, Alpha Castiel materialized right beside the redhead and pressed himself to her side possessively.
Seeing as it was inappropriate to act so shamelessly in the public eye, she politely took a step away but not without curtsying to him.
“Alpha Castiel” she muttered, concealing her disdain for his arrogance and lack of manners.
“No need to be so formal. I am courting you after all”
Reya’s head snapped up in shock at the blatant lie he just told in a bid to ward off her suitors.
She had already sighted a few men looking apprehensive.
“Trying to, you meant to say” Alpha Bevan jumped to her defense with that fixed and confident smile of his.
Alpha Castiel’s burning green eyes snapped towards him and he rudely glared at the Alpha that had challenged him.
“After all, I sight not a ring on her finger. Let us allow Miss Reya to explore her choices” Alpha Bevan averted his gaze to the doctor.
Reya found herself blushing in discomfiture as the swarm of men and ambitious mothers had their eyes on her.
“For if it were that simple then I would also like to declare that I, Alpha Bevan am courting Miss Reya,” he rose his tone, attracting more attention to themselves.
Reya did her best to shield her angry glare as the Alpha males bickered back and forth.
Men were stupid and she knew none of them cared truly for her. They only saw her as a prize, the potential Perfect Luna.
Thankfully, the attention casted at the potential scandal in front of them soon dispersed as the Royal announcer’s voice rang through the ball.
“The First daughter of Alpha Benedict of the Blue Dragon Clan. Lady Bethanie Baughan!”
Reya almost gaped as the beautiful Alpha’s daughter descended the stairs.
Her skin was so pale and her big eyes so blue.
She had the appearance of a freshly bloomed lotus flower, blonde petals for hair cascading down her shoulders.
Lady Bethanie Baughan wore an innocent smile on her pink lips, beautiful blue eyes shining with excitement as she glanced around the ball.
From what Reya had heard, Lady Bethanie was only One and Twenty.
From the barely concealed curiosity in her eyes, it was clear that this was her debut into Society.
Now Reya understood why the Noblewomen had called Her the Season’s incomparable.
But asides her clear awe for Lady Bethanie’s beauty, Reya had noted something important.
Like The Red dragon clan, The Blue Dragon Clan’s women had been separated from the Blue dragon clan’s men.
Her theory had no loopholes because clearly, The Alpha’s heir of the Blue dragon clan was standing beside her.
Why were they segregating the respective entourages?
Reya knew it was wiser to forget her curiosity but she was sensing something important was about to unravel itself.
Shortly after Lady Bethanie started socializing with the crowd, Alpha Bevan invited the doctor to a waltz-much to Alpha Castiel’s distaste.
“Forgive me if it is out of line but I need to ask,” he said, guiding her gently through the ballroom.
Reya caught Alpha Charles’ disapproving gaze but she chose to ignore it as she kept conversation with Alpha Bevan.
“How did you find the cure to Draconoma?” He inquired, warm blue eyes sparkling gently.
“Sleepless nights” was her vague reply.
“I am a woman passionate of her profession and the disease forced me to say goodbye to the children of the clan. It is a painful experience I will never like to recall. I believe that was my only motivation. I feel as though I figured the cure too late. Too many people died” she shook her head sadly.
Draconis Island suffered the disease so horrendously that the population of dragons had dwindled over the years.
Dragons were already a fading pillar in the Five pillar of Supernaturals. While the population of the Nightblood, wolf, vampire and witch pillar were well over five million each, the Dragon pillar had but Nine hundred thousand.
That was why the Mating Season was so salient to them.
“Better late than never Miss Reya. What you have done for our kind is beyond commendable. Do not feel sorrowful. If you were not here, our kind would have suffered unimaginable losses by now. I might have been dead too” he shrugged.
“Let us not think too far,” she offered him a small smile.
But on the inside, Reya wanted to run to Chasity so she could eat something and ignore the men in the ballroom.
She was so hungry.
Once the dance was over, she curtsied to Alpha Bevan and resisted the urge to hoist up her skirts and sprint towards Chasity.
The brunette was attempting to resist the urge to pick a cupcake from the refreshment stand.
With a smirk and not so polite evasion from the Beta of the Grey dragon clan, she strutted towards Chasity.
“Am I going to be a chief bridesmaid soon?” Chasity smirked.
“I’m not getting married to anyone,” was Reya’s reply as she sipped some Champagne.
She hated socializing with the wealthy folks of the Dragon Kingdom.
The doctor was sick of pretending to be courteous and an innocent bride when she was very much conversant with the Male anatomy and to the smell of blood and death.
These kind of gatherings did not suit her personality.
Reya’s eyes averted towards the massive doors of the ballroom as they parted outwards.
“The third daughter of Beta Zachary of the Royal dragon clan, Beta Princess Roanna!”
Charity and Reya’s eyes widened in surprise as the woman they had assumed to be a maid descended the stairs.
Her beauty was unmatched!
Instead of a smile or a passive face, the Princess had a very subtle smirk on her lips.
Her eyes seemed to roam the crowd and when they landed on the female duo of the Red dragon clan, her smirk widened.
“That’s impossible!” Charity gasped, her eyes widening and her face paling.
The doctor was just as appalled.
She had been on a quest to search for clues to prove something was amiss but she certainly did not expect that Roanna was in fact, a Second grade princess!
That fact had thrown her completely off balance!
A second grade princess was a daughter to a Royal Beta. Because the Queen had no daughter, there were only Second grade princesses and hence they were as important to the Kingdom as a First grade princess.
“H-how?” Reya gasped, pressing a napkin to her face to hide her shock.
Something serious was going on behind the scenes and Reya was more than determined to find out!
At once, The redhead picked her skirts and glided through the ballroom swiftly.
She had to understand what was going on and she was not afraid to confront Beta Princess Roanna!
Author's Note
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