End of Day One

When the majority of the filth is rinsed off Draven turns and looks in surprise at the various bathing utensils that have joined him in the bathroom. Looking out and seeing that there isn't anyone in the room with him, he shrugs and chooses a soap that smells like sandalwood and begins to bathe himself. When he gets done he dries himself off and scoffs in disgust as he sees that his hands had left blood and gore on the clean clothes he had brought with him. Exiting the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his hips, he is startled to see a small boy in the room putting clothes and books up on the shelves and in the armoire.

"Who are you and why are you in here?"

The small boy cowers fearfully as he edges his way back towards the door. "Nobody not do nothin' wrong. Jes followin' da Capin's orders ta make sure all new ones are cumfortatable." The small voice stutters as the boy then darts away from Draven and leaves quickly. Frowning at the way the young man seemed to fear him; Draven walks and sees the boy had put new clothes in to replace the ones Draven had taken out. He picks out a new outfit and quickly dresses himself. A knock sounds at the door and when he opens it he sees another woman standing in front of him. She's dressed in a tunic and pants that appear to be made out of dark brown leather and her hair is shoulder length and a light brown as well but with golden highlights. Her eyes however are covered, and tell-tell scars peek from the edges of the band. She looks up at him as if she can see him and steps back. "I'm here to take you to the mess hall since the Captain's Second failed to show you where everything is when you first boarded." As she walks away from him, Draven is left wondering if she is blind or merely wearing a covering to hide whatever scars that must be around her eyes as he follows her.

Upon entering the mess hall he sees that the room is much larger than what he would have thought when looking at the outside of the ship. There are four long tables that line the room, each table holds between 40-60 men. There appears to only be four seats that can be spared, and each one is at each table. The first table has a seat beside an old man who appears to be surrounded by other men who look to be over the age of 30 years old. The second table holds a seat beside a mid-twenty year old who dresses extremely feminine, the third table holds the kitchen crew and the fourth table appears to be where silence is golden and those who sit there mind their own business. Not feeling like sitting with the men that he had just worked with, Draven takes a seat at the far table beside a man of indeterminate age dressed in black.

Draven sits and a plate appears in front of him as well as a tankard. Seeing his startled expression the man chuckles as he pours Draven a drink from one of the pitchers. "Guess you wouldn't be used to whatever you need just appearing out of thin air now would you?" The pitch of the mans' voice is low, and it rumbles through Draven's bones causing him to feel like he has to catch his breath. He nods and watches as his favorite foods pile on his plate. "The sisters like to take care of the men who serve them. Dunno how they got their magic, but something awful had to have happened to them to cause them to cover up the way they do. They come from a different world entirely so maybe their coverings have meanings for where they come from." The man shrugs before standing to his feet. "The ship is a vigilante ship. The sisters hunt down evil-doers and punish them for their crimes. Don't know how they know how to find them, but they do seem to have a knack for finding the worse humanity has to offer. Even the worse that non-humans can produce, for all that, they've been sailing these oceans for about ten years now." With that the man walks off, leaving Draven to finish his meal. After Draven finishes eating, Twise walks up to him and tells him to go on to bed and not worry about helping in cleaning up the kitchen, which Draven does gratefully and falls asleep to the swaying of the ship.

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