Can't Catch a Break
She shakes her head and replaces the mask over her lower face, turning to look at him he can tell that she's upset. "I'm not, and compliments won't get you anywhere with me. Stronger men and more charismatic men than you have tried and failed."
He chuckles and sits up, feeling stronger than ever before. "And here I thought waking up with a beautiful woman in my bed was a good way to wake up."
She glares at him for a moment before waves her left hand nonchalantly. "Let me see your wounds. I got to make sure you are healed enough to go back to work. You've been out for two weeks now with fever."
His face shows shock at her statement as he speechlessly pulls his shirt up. The Captain kneels down in front of him and removes the bandages as gently as possible while looking at his chest. Nodding silently she rises to her feet and walks to the table. "You are healed enough to go back to work in the kitchen, light duties though, I don't want you to reopen those wounds now that they are healed up some." She packs the scattered supplies on the table into the basket and turns to watch him as he sits on the bed.
"I … was out for … two weeks?"
She nods and leans against the table, her legs crossed at the ankles though the slits in her dress opens and shows him the full view of her legs. "You developed a fever and were out of consciousness for a while. It got so bad that you would throw yourself from your cot, the only way to keep you on the bed was for me to lay down beside you and act as a buffer. Even then you didn't sleep well."
He continues to look at her in shock for a few more moments before he slumps his head down to his chest. His chin rests on the bones of his ribs while he looks at the floor. She rises from the table and gathers the basket onto her arm. Turning away from him she walks to the door and opens it. "Report to the kitchen once you are cleaned and in clean clothes."
He doesn't pay any attention as she walks out and gently closes the door behind her. Sitting on the cot for what seems like hours he finally rises and goes to clean up. Walking out of the shower Draven feels like a new person and dismisses the fact that he was sick for nearly a month from just a few scratches from one of the Guardians. As he arrives at the kitchen, he is told by Twise that he has been demoted from butchering to root preparation. Draven does his job as quickly as he can and once the cooking is done he goes with the rest of the crew to the mess hall to eat the evening meal.
When he arrives he takes his place at a table away from the rest of the crew and settles down to eat, only a rather mild argument between the oldest man on board and the feminine dressed man erupts to a full-fledged heated argument. Draven stands and steps between the two when he sees the elder man has a sharp dagger in his right hand, the blade aimed at the younger man. He tries to calm the situation but it doesn't work and he is quickly sandwiched between the two trying to disarm the elder man.
The Captain enters with her sisters and the Second in Command. Looking at the group, Draven notices that her eyes seem to grow angry when they see that he is in between the two men.
"What happened here?" Her voice is cold and distant, a tone that he has never heard before that moment as he takes a deep breath.
"I don't know what the fight was about, but I saw the knife and stepped in to try to defuse the situation before someone got hurt."
At his words the Captain looks at him with an angry expression. Her green eyes are flat in her anger, as she looks him over and steps to the men who stand shamefaced to the side of Draven. She doesn't even appear to look at either of them as she then coldly asks, "What. Happened."
The elder man spoke first, "He… he refused to … return to my room Cap 'in. All's I wanted was what he was offerin'."
The younger man spoke up fervently, "You know I don't fancy men you old coot. I just dress like a woman because it's comfortable and reminds me of home!"
The Captain holds up her hand and both men stop speaking, even though they do look at each other with anger and hatred in their expressions. Continuing to look at Draven the Captain motions her pointer finger forward. The female with the band over her eyes steps forward and takes the elder man out of the mess hall and as the two leave Draven speaks up. "Wait. Where is she taking him?"
The third sister, one that is covered from head to toe in brightly colored veils steps up behind the Captain; who with a curt nod steps back and allows the female to speak. "Our sister is taking him to be punished for attempting to force someone to a sexual act without provocation." Draven can hear the soft rasp of her voice, the tone and pitch that of one who used to have a beautiful voice that has been ruined by outside forces and not from lack of use.
"So what? He's going to be sent to his room without anything to eat?"
"Oh no young Draven. He is going to see the Dungeon Master to suffer his punishment for his crimes."
Draven looks at the Captain and then at the female in shock. He takes the comment that was made and then lifts his hands up and steps back. "Very well. I guess. I mean, it IS your ship and it IS your right to punish those aboard as you see fit." The Captain nods and leaves the room, her sister reaches out and gently touches Draven's elbow. Leaning forward she whispers softly towards him. When she looks up at him all he can see is her eyes, a color that is the same as the Captains' eyes.
"Do not judge her too harshly Draven La'Fon. She does what she can to keep order here on ship. If she was not forced to remind Cal that rape is not tolerated then he might decide to try again and again until it gets to the point where no man on board will feel safe. She really is trying her best to do what is right."
Draven shrugs and walks back to his seat. He doesn't hear the soft sigh, nor does he see the veiled sister turn and leave the mess hall to return to her own meal and her sister. He eats quickly, not even tasting the food that rests on his plate, nor does he taste the liquid that is in his mug. Dispite the rapid pace of his eating though, the rest of the crew quickly finish before him and leave the mess hall before he is done eating. Used to being alone Draven just finishes his meal and walks out of the mess hall to return to his room so that he can rest. The excitement of the situation beforehand having tired him out and caused the wounds on his chest to hurt.
As he walks he doesn't notice that every door is shut and that no one is around him until he hears a door open and shut loudly. The sound echoes down the hallway and turning to see who had left their room he sees that there is a large man standing behind him. The man stands as tall as the corridor and is as wide as the hallway, which is tall considering from floor to ceiling is seven feet and there is five feet of space from wall to wall. He sighs softly as he turns and faces the larger man who has his feet spaced apart and his fists are clenched tightly at his sides.
"Can I help you mate," he asks softly, fatigue tugging at his body and causing his words to come out slow and carefully. The man just stares at him before he charges at Draven. Draven, still a little excited from the showdown not too long ago, tries to step to the side, but as the larger man raises his hand and aims for Draven's jaw Draven ducks to the side and feels his cheek bone break as the fist grazes his jaw.
Ducking down to his knee he aims a punch at the giant's groin, grazing the thigh as the larger man steps to the side. Using his smaller size Draven aims another punch to the center of the mans' chest, wincing as the giant scores a hit on his arm and breaks the upper bone. However, due to the other mans' distraction at beating Draven to a pulp, he doesn't protect his chest and the hit that Draven aimed there hits with a forceful thump. The giant collapses, his heart fluttering from the impact that would have killed a smaller man, but still alive.
"So, you think your tough just because you defeated a Guardian and now you have laid my friends' friend there on his back do you?"