Chapter 3: Time Would Tell



“Wow!” Zain gave Juan a manly handshake. “You have a son!”

“Yeah, but Sylvie is my little princess.” Juan smiled, raising an eyebrow.

“Speaking of which, where is she?” Zain asked, looking around.

Just then, a cute little girl with light brown curls wearing a frilly pink dress saw him. “Uncle Zain!” She ran toward him, and he scooped her into his arms and nuzzled her neck, playfully scratching her with his day-old beard. “Ew!” She laughed, pulling away.

“Do you have a kiss for your uncle?” Zain asked, turning his cheek to her.

She gave him a big kiss on the cheek and then squirmed to get down. “Love you, Uncle Zain!”

“Love you, too.”

When he stood her on her feet, Sylvie grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the backyard. “Come on! Everyone’s here! Abuela’s waiting!”

Zain laughed. “I’m sure she is. Well, let’s get this over with. But will you promise me a dance?”

Sylvie stopped in her tracks and twisted back and forth, watching her frilly dress flare out. “Sure! Let’s go!” Then she started pulling him toward the backdoor again.

Zain turned to his sister and smiled. “It looks like I’m being summoned.”

Carmen chuckled. “Yes, I think you are. Now go!” She waved her hands dismissively. “Before you incite a riot!”

He laughed, letting Sylvie pull him toward the backyard. As soon as he stepped outside, everyone cheered and clapped, as if he were a returning hero, finally home.

“Welcome home!” Raphael, Zain’s best friend, gave him a manly handshake. “It’s about time you got here! Where you been?”

Zain shrugged. “Surfing.”

“Aaahh!” He nodded, giving him a knowing look. During the summer, they spent most of their time on the beach, or at the batting cages. “Wanna go tomorrow?”

Zain laughed, looking around. “Depends upon what happens tonight. Hangovers are a bitch.” But he mainly said it for Raphael’s benefit. He had no intention of drinking too much. For the rest of the summer, he needed to hit the batting cages and keep in shape.

Raphael nodded. “True.”

“There’s my boy!” His mother placed her hands on both sides of his face. “It’s about time you came back!” She scoffed as she turned to face Raphael. “Can you believe that he took off as soon as he arrived?” Then she turned back to Zain, not waiting for an answer, and kissed him on both cheeks. “Love you, son. Welcome home!”

Zain smiled. “I love you, too, Mama. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “Now, go! Eat! There’s plenty of food! You’re too skinny.” She thought for a moment and then added, “Would you like me to make a plate for you?”

Zain laughed as Raphael smirked but stopped when Zain threw him a warning look. “No, Mama. I’ve got it. But thanks.”

Zain scooped Sylvie into his arms, holding her on his hip with one arm as he greeted and talked to everyone, shaking hands and thanking them for coming.

Soon, Sylvie started squirming, so he stood her on her feet. Then she grabbed his hand. “Dance!”

Zain laughed. “Yes, I promised you I would, didn’t I?”

Sylvie nodded vigorously, smiling as she grabbed his hand.

They had one dance, and then he sat beside Carmen, feigning having to catch his breath so he could eat. So, Sylvie ran off in search of another adventure.

“So, when will you settle down and find a nice Cuban girl?” Carmen wrapped her arm around Zain’s and leaned onto his shoulder.

“Oh, stop!” Zain laughed. “Now you sound like Mama.” He tried to pull away, but she held fast, obviously wanting to say more. Since they came to America, Carmen had become like a second mother to him.

She shrugged, looking up at him. Carmen knew him, better than anyone. She always saw more than anyone else. “I see the way you are with Sylvie.” Carmen nodded toward her daughter. “You need some kids of your own.”

Zain let out a deep breath. “College first.” He looked down at her. “I promised Papa.”

She nodded, letting out a deep breath. “I remember.”

“He wanted you to go to college, too,” Zain said, hating himself for reminding her. “But you know, Poppie would have been proud of you and the life you’ve chosen for yourself.”

“Thank you.” She smiled as she kissed his cheek and leaned against his shoulder again. “I tried college, but I think I went too soon out of high school.” Carmen had gone to college for a year and a half and then quit. “Then I met Juan, and the rest is history.” She inclined her head toward her daughter. “But when I look at her, I have no regrets.”

Zain nodded, understanding as he slipped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

She smiled. “But I’ll go back to college one day... when I’m ready.”

Zain leaned back and looked into her eyes. “Yeah?” Then he looked out at everyone sitting at the wooden picnic tables, under the strings of colorful lights hanging overhead, creating a continuous atmosphere of celebration as the sky began to darken. “Well, you’d better hurry! I’m going to need a manager soon.”

Carmen sat up, laughing. “Yes, you are.” She slowly got to her feet and kissed his cheek. “Well, the baby’s kicking, and I have to rest.” She tilted her head to the side. “Want to feel?”

Zain looked at her funny, and she gave him a playful slap on the arm. Then she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. They waited a moment, and he felt the baby kick. “Hi, Sebastian! I’m your Uncle Zain. I can’t wait to meet you.”

“Yes, but not tonight.” Carmen nodded toward Juan, silently letting him know that she was ready to go. Then she kissed the top of Zain’s head. “Welcome home, little brother.”

“Little brother?” he smiled, raising an eyebrow.

Carmen laughed, absentmindedly rubbing her stomach. “Hey! I can’t help it if you’re already a giant!”

Zain laughed as he watched her walk away, wondering if he would ever love someone the way his sister loved her husband and family. But time would tell.

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