Chapter 5: The Death of Him


Zain hadn’t slept well all night, thinking of her. When he finally got to sleep, it had been fitful. As soon as the faint rays of sunshine peeked in through the window, he showered and hurried out, in a hurry to get to the beach to see Jasmine.

Jasmine. What a beautiful name. It suited her well.

Zain quickly grabbed his board, wanting to get to the beach early to meet her. Even though they had just met, he couldn’t deny his attraction to her. But even if they ended up just becoming friends and nothing more, that would be fine with him. It would be nice to have another surfing buddy for the summer.

Zain slipped out the front door and locked it behind him, feeling like a kid sneaking out. He started the engine and soon was on his way to South Pointe. He didn’t want to seem like a stalker, but he couldn’t help himself.

Turning the truck down another corner, he wondered what he was doing. Jasmine was clearly only eighteen, and he was twenty-one and would be twenty-two by the time he graduated college. Technically, there were only three years—four tops—between them. If they were older, the age gap wouldn’t matter so much. But at her age, it wasn’t as good. He was probably an old man in her eyes. But he’d give it time. After all, they had only just met, and he had nothing but time.

When he got there, the sun was up, and the seagulls were already chirping their lazy song. The ocean waves rushed to shore, sending sea spray into the air. Zain loved the beach, where he felt the most relaxed. It must be the Scorpio in him or the fact that he had grown up in Miami. Whatever it was, he wasn’t going to question it. It had been a while since he had a day just to relax, and he planned to enjoy it.

In California, he spent most of his time playing baseball, practicing, going to championships or tournaments, and they had just come back from competing in the College World Series, all of which left little time for fun and games. He played all positions from right field and all the bases. But usually, he played first base. He loved it there. But as long as he was on the field playing the game, he was happy in any position the coach placed him.

But his strength was as a power hitter. His coach had him on the first string, batting cleanup—fourth in the lineup, and he started every game.

It had been clear to him at a young age that he was meant to be a baseball player, and he loved the game. Zain had started off playing little league as soon as he was old enough. His team had even made it to the Little League World Series one year. They played their hearts out and they won.

Zain played high school ball after that. It was then that he started attracting the attention of college scouts and recruiters. Now, he was at USC, ready to go pro, and the rest was history… or at least he hoped.

But he knew the hard work had only just begun. Everything up until this point had merely been training and a warmup compared to what was to come. But nothing worthwhile in life was ever easy. He had learned that lesson at an early age.

Zain had no idea how long he would have to be in the minor leagues before going to the majors. But he was in it for the long haul and would do what he had to do to make it to the big leagues and would play the game for as long as he could. He owed it to his father, if nothing else.

Zain looked along the beach for a good place to put his things. Finding one, he tucked the ends of the blanket into the sand. Then he looked around, trying to be inconspicuous, but didn’t see Jasmine anywhere. For a moment, he wondered if she would even show. Or maybe she just wasn’t interested.

But he mainly just wanted someone to laugh and have fun with. Someone with the same interests. He tried not to think of anything else. Zain looked across the beach again but didn’t see her. Maybe she had thought about it and decided not to come. He shook his head and chuckled, knowing he was probably just being paranoid. It was early, after all.

Zain pushed the thought aside, eager to catch some waves before starting his day. As hard as he worked during the course of the year, he played just as hard during the summer.

Zain laid on his stomach on his surfboard and paddled out. When he was in the right spot, he sat up on the board, letting his feet dangle in the water. Occasionally, a shark would come up, but they usually left surfers alone.

A moment later, the water started to swell, and he could feel the energy surge. This was it. He laid down on his board and started paddling hard toward the shore. Just when the wave crested, he dropped in.

Following the wave, Zain leaned toward the left, feeling one with the ocean. The wave rose, and he rode the crest, balancing himself on the board as he rode the wave, finally feeling free. He moved the board up and down the wave, enjoying the ride until the it came to an end, and he jumped off.

“Bravo!” Someone started clapping from the shore.

Zain’s head snapped up, and there she was, wearing a pink bikini with a sari wrapped around her waist, covering her lover half, leaving a slit at the legs that revealed a dainty ankle bracelet that came to rest on the top of her lightly tanned feet. She also wore what looked to be a leather bracelet around her wrist, the straps dangling onto her hand. It looked great on her. And her long brunette hair was pulled up into a ponytail, revealing her long, thin neck.

“You came!” Zain smiled as he picked up his board and jogged toward her. Without thinking, he leaned in and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. She pulled back slightly, obviously taken aback by the gesture, and then he realized what he had done. “Oh! It’s a cultural thing. We always kiss our friends and family on the cheek in greeting when we see them. No big deal. Sorry.”

She laughed. “No, that’s all right. But I have one question.” Her lips curled into a mischievous grin. “Do you greet your male friends with a kiss, too?”

Zain laughed, cocking his head to the side. “If they’re as cute as you, oh yeah.”

To his relief, she laughed.

“Why don’t you put your things down on my blanket? Then we’ll go out.” Zain smiled, his heart feeling lite, carefree. “The waves are great this morning, and there’s not much of an undertow.”

She smiled as she arched an eyebrow, looking sexy without trying. “Is it cold?”

He shook his head, already enjoying her company. “No, it’s gorgeous and not cold at all.” He motioned with his head toward the ocean. “Get your board. Let’s go.”

Jasmine nodded. “You go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

“Don’t take too long.” He grabbed his board, headed toward the ocean, and called out over his shoulder. “I might catch all the good waves before you get out here!”

She laughed as she called back, “We’ll have to see about that!”

Before Zain reached the ocean, she took off her wrap, and a pink sexy strap was wrapped around her waist, falling just above her hips, accenting her gorgeous waistline.

“God help me,” he mumbled under his breath.

Then she took off the leather wristband and hid it in a towel but left on the ankle bracelet. She was gorgeous and didn’t even know it.

Smiling, she lifted her board, tucked it under her arm, and ran toward him, looking as if she had just stepped out of “Bay Watch” or something. Then she laid down on the board, pressing her breasts against it, and paddled out to where he was waiting. But he forced himself to think about their day of surfing ahead instead of how gorgeous she was. But he wondered if he was going to make it.

“Okay….” He bit his lower lip and raised an eyebrow. “Let’s see what you got.” Then he cringed. “Ooppss! That didn’t sound right.”

“Now, you sound like me!” She laughed, shaking her head. “It’s okay.” She looked out over the ocean and nodded. “Want this one?”

Zain had been so enthralled with watching her that he hadn’t even paid attention to reading the ocean. “No. Ladies first,” he said, shaking his head. “You go ahead and take this one.”

She waited for just the right moment and started paddling. When the wave crest, she stood on her board, balancing herself perfectly, becoming the personification of poetry in motion. She twisted and turned gracefully back and forth, and then fell into the ocean when the ride ended. When she stood, her hair was slicked back, and her nipples were hard under her bikini top, making her look even more beautiful than she had before.

Yup! I’m in big trouble, Zain said in his mind, knowing he was a dead man. If he hung out with her too much this summer, she was definitely going to be the death of him.

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