"I remembered that night, the night that changed my life for good, it was funny how I took a new load of responsibility after that night. I recall vividly walking through the forest that night, I beheld the strangest thing ever. I wouldn't have believed if not that my two eyes witnessed it and my all body was changed due to what i encountered in the forest that night. Madame Hornet asked me, Elsa, to gl to the forest that night to get her a special spice in other to prepare a special delicacy for her visitors. I was so vexed that I complained to no one in particular as I walked the lonlely part a bit scared. Suddenly, I heard something groaning in pain and as I moved closer, the moon came out in its brightness and I saw it. From that day, my destiny changed and i I took on a whole new responsibility."
War they say is costly! No one knew the cause of the war but nobody can ever forget that day. In the small City of Astra, everyone lived in total peace and happiness. There wasn't much that could be seen except for it's plentious fruits, few people and the ever magical forest. The people found the forest magical cause every full moon, blue lights where seen floating in the air and no matter how far a person wandered into the forest, there was something that always brought them back to the entrance of the city. While on other evenings, white lights were seen forming different creatures in the air such as butterflies, birds, dragons and so on. At certain times, these lights formed human that immediately took the shape of a wolf. As inquisitive as humans will always be, they never found anything out of the ordinary when they went deeper into the woods in search of those lights.Everything was indeed normal. These wonderful lights emitted such peace and happiness that no body expected what was coming.
That bright afternoon, fire broke out from this forest and every effort made to quench it proved abortive. Men ran with water and soap while others threw sand into the fire all to quench the fire. Before any knew what was happening and before they could think of running away from the city, the fire was already causing damages as it burnt down houses and anyone in it's path. Many died, homes were lost and the once peaceful city had nothing to remind people of its past beauty.
Days later, some merchants from the East came into the city having heard of the wild fire that broke out. They came in search of any precious objects that they could sell.
Lying on the ground covered with dirt, was a 18 years old Elsa who was unconscious for some days now. Having confirmed she was still alive, she and four others were carried by these merchants. With the fire's impact in the city, no one else survived apart from these five people. Elsa's wounds were attended to in a nearby inn and after much care from the health giver, she regained consciousness after four days. For a while, she forgot all that happened in her city and tried helping the inn keeper until the merchant who brought her there came around. The remaining four were each taken by different merchants for care.
When Asthar the merchant came, he paid the inn keeper and left with Elsa to his home. He didn't ask her any questions but only what her name was.
"Elsa" she replied.
'Good' was all he said. He give her necessities of life but never got attached to her. A week later, he told her to get ready as she would be leaving him soon for another. Elsa could only begin to imagine what lied ahead of her as she rested her chin on her arms holding her knees.
"I will survive" she thought. Though she couldn't remember clearly yet what happened in her hometown, she felt there was something important she was yet to do.
The day Elsa was suppose to leave finally came and she thanked Asthar. "Thank you for everything sir. I really don't know how I would have lived without you for these past few days. I can't remember all that happened before you came into my life but I'm grateful for letting me stay with you this long, and treating me well" she said. He walked up to her, place his left palm on her head and said;
"Be strong"... Elsa has always known Asthar was a man of few words. He smiled at her for the first time and said
"Let's leave now".
They walked a few miles and stood in front of a house. It wasn't bad looking from outside and she wasn't disappointed when they went in cause the house was well decorated as that of a royalty. They sat on available seats while they waited for the Madame of the house.
"Welcome" they heard someone say and rose to give a bow
"Is this the girl?" she asked.
Asthar only nodded.
"She will grow up to be a beautiful woman".
"Well, she isn't bad, so I'll pay right away" she continued.
What was I expecting?
I was been sold to this chubby pretty woman with red short hairs, brown eyes and a mole on her left cheeks. She was pretty and I could tell she would make a beautiful singer from her voice. After some minutes, Asthar left without a goodbye or final words.
"I'm Madame H, H for Hornet and henceforth, you work for me" she said. She scanned me from my head to my toes and asked about the black mark on my left hand.
"I was born with it" I said staring at the mark that is located a little above my elbow. Having been well fed at Asthar's place, my beauty shone. I had a blue eyes that complimented my bright skin with a long black hair. )
.The two beauties on my chest stood and added beauty to my hips. I am beautiful!
"Take her to your room she said to a girl who walked in few minutes later. I ate and went to bed wondering what the days ahead would bring. I knew deep down that I had a life outside Madame Hornet and who knew be this feeling I have been having for days would come into reality thid soon.****