What Happens Without His Mask.

Four years later in the Robin's house::

"Good m…." Crystal who was hurrying to go into the kitchen tried greeting but then Red interrupted her kind gestures.

"Will you get your filthy face off my sight this minute!!" He ordered in a rude tone. He got disgusted seeing how she had ran out from no where and bumping into him.

He disliked it when humans who weren't related to him acted all weird more especially when it was a female gender.

His hands were fixed into his blue jean pockets and his gaze on Crystal was cold. She felt shirtless as she stood in front of him.

She prayed that the ground would be divided into two and swallow her up so she could escape his cold gaze.

She always heard about Red, the billionaire's son but she had never encountered him before.

It was her first time meeting him face to face. She had always wondered what his real face looked like though.

"You don't get it right!!" he bellowed pulling Crystal out of her thoughts.

He looked at her from head to her toe before smirking . "I guess being filthy is actually your thing, now if you don't mind, I have an important place to be in" he whispered with so much disgust written all over him as he saw her clothes dripping looking wet and water dripping from it.

He pushed her to the side , making her fall to the ground and spraining her ankle.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed in pains.

He paused for a while after taking a step, "You shouldn't have disobeyed me Blondie" he tsk before walking away with his hands in his pocket.

"He should have just tried to go easy on me" She whispered as she tried standing up from the ground.

"Aah" she exclaimed placing her hand on her ankle. "Guess am doomed today" She concluded before trying her best to get up on her feet.

Seeing that she had wasted A lot of time with her rude boss Red, she had to hurriedly do the dishes before her Aunt arrived .

After few minutes of pains in her ankle as she stood to do the chores, she decided to rest a bit realizing that she was almost through with everything.

She heaved a sigh before looking at the clock which was hung in the kitchen.

"Shit!!" she cursed as she stood up from her stool and finished her cleaning within a short while.

She ran to her room although it wasn't that easy for her, reached for her bag which was torn and had to take out her work uniform.

She made her way to the bathroom and had a quick shower. She wasn't going to let anything distract her so she tried her best not to think about anything.

Crystal was a graduate and she only did the house chores in the Robin's home just so she could have a place to stay.

She allowed her aunt to treat her badly because she felt without her, she wasn't going to live comfortably.

She worked part time jobs just so she could save up for an apartment to stay in. She was already sick and tired of getting brutalized by her aunt, she wished to be free and that was what she was working towards achieving.

"Here we go" She grabbed her blue top that was on her bed, tossing her towel to the end of the bed.

If her aunt finds such she was going to be dead for the day so she walked up to where her towel was kept and hung it close to the wall.

She quickly put on her black skirt which was becoming too short for her as the day went by.

She barely had enough money to feed let alone buy clothes for herself.

"Am going to be late" She cried out as she packed her long black curly hair in a ponytail style before dashing out of her room.

Crystal couldn't find her aunt anywhere so she decided to leave the house without seeing her.

She was already late so she had no other choice than to leave immediately.

"Please stop" She begged trying to flag down an incoming vehicle on the high way.

"Please stop!!" she yelled out as she waved her hand like it was her last day on earth.

"Finally, thank you sir" She climbed into the car panting like she had ran a marathon race. She was pretty late and it would cause a deduction in her salary.

"Bazz Coffee" She stated clearly when she discovered that the driver had kept on looking at her like he was lost.

He nodded before started his car engines and in no time, he zoomed off.

Bazz coffee was one of the best coffee selling café in Seattle. A lot of people trooped in and out of it on daily basis just to have a taste of their sweet creamy coffee.

Crystal got a job there because she knew who the owner of the store was. It wasn't easy for others so they envied her.

"Here we are ma'am" The driver spoke out rightly as he awaited his pay.

"Thanks, bye" she climbed out of the car, handed his cash over to him and bowed before turning to go into the store.

"Where the fuck have you been crystal?? We have a lot of damn customers this season and you know it" cherry who was close to Crystal at work scolded as she walked up to Crystal.

" Am sorry ok!! I just had a lot on my mind" Crystal returned lying. She couldn't tell the truth about her Aunt maltreating her after her parents death to anyone.

She preferred keeping everything about her family a secret no matter how long it was going to take.

"Well tell that to the boss because he's headed over here" Cherry ran out to work after she had ended her discussion with Crystal who was still struggling to tie her apron around her waist.

"Let me help you with that" Jack spoke out softly with a bright smile on his face as he took the rope and began to tie the apron around her waist.

"You know, you shouldn't be late at all times. I might be forced to sack you" He whispered into her ears teasing her as he watched her giggle.

Jack was the only man who could make Crystal laugh that hard. They've been close friends since junior high and of course they were dating currently.

"We are at work jack, we will talk later ok" She placed her hand on his chest when she realized that he was coming closer to her lips to kiss her.

She just didn't want anyone to know that they were dating. She disliked it so much when people made fun of her because she was dating Jack.

She experienced a lot of that in School and she didn't want to go through such anymore.

She loved him so much but when it came to business, she doesn't joke with it or let anything interfere with her aims in life.

"Its okay, I guess I would see you at dinner tonight right? And please don't tell me you are busy please" he begged politely before walking out on her.

"I wish we could just be like other couples" Jack heaved a sigh as he walked to his office.

"Crystal!! We need you here now!" Cherry suddenly showed up requesting for her presence.

"Coming Cherry am a human you know" She hurriedly arranged her stuffs at the shelve before running out to go help the others do their work.

"Ok am here what should I do? Which table is next?" Crystal asked as she stretched her hands.

She was ready to go and immediately, she started serving different individuals who sat down at different tables.

After few minutes, A guy with a scar on his eye stepped into the café. His hands were inside his pockets and just as thought, he was Red.

He had removed his mask from his face after leaving the house for the first time in a long while.

He decided to spend his day outside the Mansion without his mask. He paused for a while as he looked around the café before he tsk .

He walked to an empty table and sat down on the seat close to it. As he passed a lot of girls in the café, he was admired not minding the scar on his eye.

"When will they grow up" He snorted as he tried to ignore the stare from different girls including workers in the café.

Crystal was still busy with her work and well focused that she just didn't know he was in her midst and even if she saw him, she wasn't going to be able to recognize him.

"Crystal?" cherry called out softly which sounded more like a whisper.

"Yeah?" Crystal responded curiously.

"Come over here" She spoke out like she had a secret to keep. Crystal was curious so she had to go closer to her friend immediately she dropped the tray on a table.

"See the cute guy over there," Cherry directed Crystal's gaze towards Red who wasn't recognized by her.

"Ok?" she asked.

"Isn't he cute Crystal??" cherry giggled happily like she had seen some fairy .

"Don't tell me you called me for that?" Crystal hissed as she tried walking away. She disliked distraction more especially when Cherry did it.

"Hey wait up!" Cherry begged with her puppy looking eye balls.

"What now Cherry!" Crystal grumpily returned.

"He has placed his orders. Could you go serve him? Please am kinda shy. Here you go Crystal" She handed over the cup of coffee with cream on it over to Crystal.

"Aarrgh, you owe me one Cherry!" Crystal mumbled as she walked to his table with the coffee in her hand.

"Here you go sir" Crystal dropped the coffee on his table and immediately turned to leave.

"And who the fuck do you think you are to serve me that way?" Red spoke out rudely.

He was already getting pissed out seeing how she dropped the cup and was about leaving.

"Sorry sir, but I have things to do. So if you don't mind…" Crystal bowed as a sign of respect before walking out on him.

"Twerp" Red bellowed as he stood up from his seat and was about walking out.

"What did you just call me?" She hurriedly grabbed his hand as she inquired while looking into his eyes.

"Get your infected hand off me silly" Red reacted to her actions.

"Oh no you didn't just say that!!"Crystal spoke out.

"And what if I did Twerp??" he mocked as he stocked out his tongue to her face.

Crystal who was angry grabbed his hair and dragged it like she was going to make him hairless.

"Help, she's a monster!!" Red yelled out.

The other colleagues rushed to make her calm and tried taking her Hands off his hair as he begged for help but she refused.

Red knew who she was but Crystal didn't know he was her boss and that was why she reacted in such way which actually served Red right.

"CRYSTAL!!?" everyone paused as they turned to find out that it was Jack who had bellowed.

The café was already empty and it made him furious.

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