The Familiar Stranger
The nurses said that for a tattoo that large, I had to undergone such intense pain and I found that stupid. Why would I do that?
I hate wolves, whatever they was. Why would I do that to myself, it was one of the things that I would never know or remember.
When I realized that I was Astoria, I had a faint memory of someone calling my name, and I was surrounded by a big bright light too. But this light was painful to touch and it also turned things to ashes, so I hated it. Whoever called me then, knew who I was, and I tried to remember his face, or what he had meant to me but I couldn’t.
The doctor’s entire conversation revolved around how I would never wake up. The entire staff knew that. They also came up with a name for the room I was staying in. Room 123, the haunted room, and I could tell I was probably more annoyed by their lack of creativity than I was about them deciding that I would never wake up.
It didn’t matter to me if I were to wake up from my coma, or stay in it forever, because I had nothing. They talked about that as well. Apart from a girl who always asked if I had woken up and kept on dropping money for my treatment, I had no one else. I found out that was a kind samaritian, who had found me and brought me here. It hurt to know that no one had been looking for me and you didn’t have any family or relatives. It hurt to know that you were just wasting someone’s else place. They always said, that many people could use that same bed I was laid on.
After I heard their conversation, I wished I could wake up for five minutes and ask how long I have been in a coma. I lost count from the start and that seemed to be a long time ago. Then I would ask them to turn off the life support system. I had no reason to keep on going. I knew nothing about myself aside my name.
I had lost hope…or so I thought.
It should have been a normal day. One I would hear the daily conversation about me not waking up and the new gossip about what was happening in the hospital. For a moment, I thought that there wouldnt be any new events because the day was almost over.
Then everything changed!
I felt the rays of the sun on my skin and I felt how much time has passed and how the light dimmed. I heard them when they turned off the lights and the only sound in the room was the beeping sound of the machines they hooked me up to.
I always knew when there was a full moon, I didn’t know why, or what it meant, but it was just a part of me, in a way; I could sense it. I guess. I knew that it’s light slowly filled the room and all that should have been something normal. It had happened before, but this time it was different.
Something was here!
Someone was here!
I was still amazed why I couldn’t pick up his footsteps or hear the noise the door usually made when someone was entering but I knew I could feel someone here. The scent was in all ways weird, didn’t smell like any cologne I had perceived before, but it was mixed with nature and wet dew. The part I had been craving for, all my life.
I panicked, this wasn’t visiting hours so what was the person doing. Was the person lost? Or did the person know who I was. Was this my family? Then the negative thoughts flood my brain as I heard his or her footsteps approaching towards the bed.
What if this was an assassin? Sent to kill me? To finish the job. I began to scream, to panic. I needed to move, fight, scream, and no matter how hard I tried , my body failed me. I couldn’t feel anything. I could feel the tears sliding off my face. I held my breathe as I awaited the worst.
My only regret was, I didn’t even know what I looked like. My panic was cut short when I felt a very warm hand hold mine and squeezed it.
I seized my breath and I could feel sparks, or something like electricity jolting through my body. I couldn’t understand what was happening.
Who was this person and did his touch feel different? An assassin wouldn’t wait to strike. Or was he savoring the moment before he dealt the blow? Was it a silencer or a knife he was going to use to end my life. I had picked this up over an argument that the two nurses had over the movie they saw.
Nurse Taylor had argued that he should have killed athe enemy with a knife to make sure that the enemy feels the entire pain and died slowly instead of sending him to the grave, so fast. Brutal, I know.
Was this going to be my case too?
I wanted to pull away from his hold…yes, it was a he, due to how manly his hand felt but I couldn’t.
I felt him leaning across me and I seized, waiting. This was the blow; the moment of truth. This was when a normal person would shut their eyes tight out of fear and pray for a miracle to happen but mine was already shut tight and no miracle was happening.
Then I felt the most tender lips peck my forehead in a brisk way, before I hear him speak.