Chapter 4: Robbers Robbed

The two of them laughed heartily to the lady who made fool of herself, the cold night breeze brushed on the two of them

Regan looked at Diana, and thought a bit, he snapped his hand, and the party gown was replaced with a trouser, and a white T-shirt.

He placed a figure at his lips and thought “let's try red” he snapped his fingers, and the T-shirt changed to a red one, he shook his head “white is better” he said, and repeated the same action.

Diana watched all these with surprise, she was unable to move any part of her body, she stared at him with admiration “Who are you?” she asked him, holding on to her breath.

Regan winked at her, and she blushed looking away “you will know when the time comes” he held her hand, and the both of them strode on the now deserted street.

A big billboard of a pretty lady hung on the street, it was conspicuous, an advert of a cream, Diana sighed, and looked away from it, quickly.

“She is truly beautiful” Regan commented, while staring at her with a smile, she looked away and blushed.

“Let me sing for you” he said, and started singing a melodious song, he paused, and turned to her “join me” he requested.

Diana started slowly until the both of them were lost in the flow, except the sounds of moving cars, their voices were the only thing that could be heard in the street.

Two pairs of eyes in the dark, observed the two of them from afar “those couples are careless, disturbing everyone in the street” a voice with baritone tone came out of hide out.

“I heard if someone falls in love, he loses his senses” another commented, they laughed heartily.

“Let's go rob them, and take all their valuables” of them suggested, they all agreed, and made their way from the dark, numbering ten of them.

Diana and Regan were sitting on a walkway bench, when they came, and surrounded them.

“I am so tired, I can't walk anymore” she told him, he nodded with a smile that melted her heart, she looked away sharply.

The masked ten men, brought out their knives “give us all the money you have or, we will kill both of you” their masked leader threatened.

Regan eyes lit up the moment he saw that the thieves have valuable gifts in their pockets, Diana shivered in fright, fear clouded her eyes.

The men were shocked by Regan reaction, they felt a bit uncomfortable, and made an attacking stance.

Regan stood, “hey, don't come close, or we will stab you” one of them threatened.

Regan dashed at one, with a punch, that landed on his face, his fist was forceful, that the person he attacked, covered his face, and started groaning on the floor painfully.

He darted at another one, and kicked him away, he landed ten meters away, his movement sleek and fast, rendering anyone he got close to, into a human vegetable.

In a blink of an eye, eight of the masked robber lay on the floor, wailing in ghastly postures, the two standing, swallowed the lump of saliva in their throat, cold sweat covered their backs.

They held firmly their knives with an attacking stance, their legs wobbled, and they felt hot sensation in between their legs, their eyes widened.

Regan kicked their hands, and they lost grip of the knives, the knives fly high, and landed on the concrete, Diana watched with shock.

The two masked men quickly fell on their knees, and kowtowed to him “we are sorry, Bro, we are sorry, Brother” they begged repeatedly, banging their foreheads on the concrete.

Regan coughed lightly “I will pardon you, give me that watch, I like it” he requested, immediately the person wearing the gold wristwatch, unbuckled it, and tossed it to him.

He pointed at the other “your phone, I like it” he requested, without much ado, he pulled out his phone from his pocket, and gave it to him.

He kept on requesting, until the men were left with only boxers on, Diana looked away when she saw their half-nakedness, she blushed in embarrassment.

“Okay, okay, I am done with you, too” he waved his hand in midair, in a manner of dismissal, they scampered to their feet, and scurried away.

Regan eyes lit up, seeing that the people on the concrete ground, were mountains of valuable items, he went after each one of them, stripping them almost naked.

Throwing all the valuables into his dimensional pocket, he piled them up like a mountain, he watched his handiwork, and nodded in approval, he clasped his hand, and bowed slightly, before turning around.

He took Diana's arm, and dragged her along, Diana was staring at the people in pity, they arrived at a motor shop, along the way.

A man, came to them, trapping them in a place “pretty sir, and … p… Madam” he stuttered, in an attempt of addressing the couples, Diana's face gave him quite a scare.

Diana's eyebrows locked tightly, he has read of this motor industry, they are known for fraudulently selling their lowly cars with big amount, using spin luck.

“Hello Sir, my company is giving out opportunities to low-income earners, to buy trending cars, with such a few bucks,

you can get an expensive car, it depends on your luck though., to spin properly” he said, keeping a straight face.

Regan eyes lit up “I want to try” he accepted, the man joy known no bound, he jumped and led them inside quickly, asking him to fill forms.

He brought the spin board, and their price tags, Regan grinned when he saw the spin board of ten thousand dollars price tag, with ten million dollars car,

he pointed at, and the man grinned, and placed it on the spin rotator.

Diana frowned, realizing every other cars in the spin board was lower than ten thousand dollars.

The man instructed Regan to spin it, he stepped forward, and spun it.

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