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Chapter 3 - The wedding 1

A year later

Everyone living in the Uzlaya Continent knew of the hate between King Baswein of the Kingdom of Nodor and King Stig of the Litus Kingdom, as they never saw eye to eye when it came to matters regarding the safety of the continent against pirates and other invaders. When the war between the two kingdoms started almost two years prior, it came as no surprise. Tension was always felt at the border between the kingdoms, and quarrels broke out between the garrisons regularly.

Determined to win the war, King Baswein used most of the gold from the treasury, thus festivals were no longer celebrated. People were worried the Necromancer, who battled at the front lines of the Litus Army, would make his way to the heart of the Nodor Kingdom, as he, along with his undead troops, was dangerously close to reaching the border with Nodor. Among all the bad rumors, one piece of good news stood out: a new recruit to the Nodorian army who had recently been promoted to the rank of Commander had put a stop to the continual advances of the Necromancer’s undead army. It was said that he and his men had been the only ones fearless enough to face the Necromancer.

Despite the deaths caused by the raging war, another piece of good news made the Nodorian soldiers fight harder. This news was something the Kingdom of Nodor had been waiting for for many years—Prince Liam, the only child of King Baswein and heir to the throne, had finally chosen a bride. For months, Athea prepared for the nuptial ceremony—as those on the Uzlaya Continent referred to marriage—between Prince Liam and Duchess Castex.

On the day of the nuptial ceremony, Mina found herself sitting on a bench inside the great Fire Church of Athea.

While everyone was celebrating, she was grieving. How could she not? She had been in love with Prince Liam since they were children. Not a day went by without Mina dreaming about her nuptials with the handsome Prince Liam.

Yet Prince Liam chose her cousin, Rosalyn, as his wife, not Mina, who has been his childhood friend and confidant. It hurt, but more than that, she felt betrayed. She didn’t understand why, though. He had always been honest with her and told her he only saw her as a sister. She had never confessed her feelings to him, letting him believe she, too, saw him only as a brother. She had come very close once but made it look like she was jesting when he started laughing in her face.

Prince Liam and Rosalyn stood before the altar, the Arch Mage officiating the ceremony. Watching, Mina recited the words of the ceremony in her head as she had learned them by heart, always thinking of the day she would be the happiest woman in the world. That day would never come, her heart had shattered the moment Prince Liam gave Rosalyn a golden bracelet encrusted in diamonds. All hope of being with the man she had loved for so long was gone.

“We have gathered today to share the joy of Prince Liam LaRue and Duchess Rosalyn Castex as they come before Inoss to ask for his blessing,” and so the nuptial ceremony began.

Mina kept her gaze fixed on her hands sitting in her lap, knowing all too well she couldn’t stop her tears if she looked at the happy couple because Prince Liam was indeed happy to wed the woman his heart desired.

Despite her heartache, she wanted to be happy for Prince Liam… yet all she could feel was profound sorrow, as she had loved him for as long as she could remember.

Her father, Duke Adinet Castex, had been a good friend of King Baswein, and Mina spent a great part of her childhood visiting the Royal Palace. It was there that she met Prince Liam and fell in love with him.

When her father and mother died in an accident, Prince Liam had been the one to comfort her and wipe the tears from her face. She had prayed that King Baswein would allow her to live at the Royal Palace, but Duke Tedric, her father’s brother, claimed her guardianship. She had no choice but to go and live with her guardian uncle.

While her parents were alive, her uncle, who had always been a cold man, treated her well, but the day she set foot in his house the abuse began. From her uncle, Mina had endured verbal assaults, his words making her feel ashamed to be alive. Rosalyn, though, had been more physical, hitting Mina when no one was watching.

If not for the fortune she inherited from her parents, Mina was sure her uncle wouldn’t have accepted her into his home. There had been many nights when she asked herself why her father had made Duke Tedric her guardian. Moreover, why did women need guardians in the first place? She was capable of taking control of her wealth, yet Duke Tedric had that role, and on the day she wed, her fortune would be passed to her husband, along with a considerable dowry, as was expected for a noblewoman like herself.

Like her father, Duke Tedric was a friend of King Baswein and would often go to the Royal Palace. However, no matter how much Mina begged and pleaded, he never took her. Rather, Hugo, Duke Tedric’s only son, would accompany him while Rosalyn studied in one of the most prestigious schools for young ladies in the Kingdom of Sitia—the land of the noble High Elves. Rosalyn, home only during the summers, mostly complained about the heat or dedicated her time making Mina’s life impossible. When Rosalyn turned sixteen and no longer attended school, she began hosting tea parties with her friends almost daily, forcing Mina to serve them.

Meanwhile, Mina sent several parchments to King Baswein, pleading with him to allow her to stay at the Palace in exchange for working there. The only reply she received was to obey her father’s wishes and live with her uncle. When her messages to Prince Liam barely received any answers, she knew she had to endure the cruel treatment her uncle and Rosalyn subjected her to. And so she did, hoping one day someone would save her from her fate.

Despite the ongoing war, the wealthiest families in Athea still organized balls—balls that only Rosalyn had attended. Like any young lady, Mina who was already of age and old enough to receive a nuptial proposal, had hoped she would receive invitations, but none ever came for her.

When Prince Liam invited all eligible young ladies in the city to a grand ball at the Royal Palace, excluding her, she felt lonelier than ever. For weeks, Rosalyn only spoke of the upcoming event, trying on dress after dress while mocking Mina for always being left behind, saying, “Who would want someone like you in their presence to spoil all the fun anyway?”

It was at that ball that Prince Liam reunited with Rosalyn for the first time since they were children. A few dances later, he fell in love with her, destroying every hope Mina had of finding happiness.

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