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Chapter 4 - The wedding 2

After the ball, the nobles only spoke about how Prince Liam was smitten with Rosalyn, how they had danced and talked with only each other all night long. From the moment the Prince had laid his eyes on the beautiful Duchess Castex, he had been charmed by her fair skin, doe brown eyes and long silky blonde hair. She truly was considered one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom.

Seven days later, Prince Liam asked for Rosalyn’s hand in marriage.

The betrothal between Prince Liam and Rosalyn lasted six months, during which preparations for the nuptial ceremony were made. When her dowry and gowns—sewed by master tailors—were ready, invitations to the nuptial ceremony and the feast after were sent out. This time, Mina did receive one.

To add salt to the wound, soon after receiving the bracelet from Prince Liam, Rosalyn read Mina’s journal—the one into which she poured all her heart—and learned her darkest secret. In exchange for her silence, Rosalyn had Mina attend to all her needs, and Mina endured in silence, as she always did. Every chance Rosalyn got, she would remind Mina that Prince Liam didn’t love her because not only was her mother from the Yeton Kingdom—the land of the nomad gypsies and their one hundred traveling caravans—making Mina a half-gypsy but because of her upbringing as well. Only those with fair hair and skin were considered beautiful, and Mina, who had inherited her mother’s black hair and dark skin, was unappealing to the Nodorians. She also had her father’s green eyes, like those of the mermaids who were feared, for their songs lured men into the depths of the dark waters, never to be seen again, making many fear she would bewitch them.

If only her skin were as fair as Rosalyn’s, Prince Liam would have fallen in love with her. She hated—hated—her skin, hair, and eyes. She hated herself.

The Arch Mage reached the last part of the ceremony. Somehow, Mina mustered the courage to lift her head and look at the altar, an action she deeply regretted a moment later. Prince Liam, who looked more handsome than ever, radiated with happiness, his eyes locked with Rosalyn’s. The light filtering through the windows made his blonde hair appear golden, and for a moment, he looked like an Angel, making Mina forget to breathe. Her heart wept as she came to realize she would never find happiness.

Why had the Gods cursed her like this? And how much longer would she have to endure living with her uncle? If only she were not half-gypsy, maybe then someone would love her. If she were in a room full of men, they would turn their heads away, repulsed by her skin. Even in the Fire Church, the church of Inoss, the creator of the world, she could not escape their judgment. No one wanted to sit beside her, making her feel even worse, never letting her forget her origins.

Despite Nodorians disliking those who were ‘different’ or did not meet their ideals, Mina’s father had fallen in love with a young gypsy woman who later became his wife. When he bought her a bracelet and asked her to be his wife, he did not care about his social status or her dark skin. All he cared about was his heart telling him she was the one.

Mina had always loved her parents’ love story. In time, it became her only beacon of hope and the only reason she still dreamed that one day… her fate would change. If the Gods were good.

If only Mina were born a man, it would have been so much easier. Then her uncle wouldn’t have resented her so much for being the daughter of a poor gypsy wench—as her uncle liked to refer to her mother—who traveled from village to village and town to town, moving from one kingdom to another, inciting men with her indecent dances. That was how Adinet Castex, the oldest son of the Castex family, met Emlya of the Desert, as she danced in the night in front of a crowd.

At least that’s what her uncle claimed. Mina didn’t know what to think about it as her parents never mentioned this to her. Even if it were true, she didn’t see anything wrong with it, as it was just two people meant to be, finally finding each other.

The Arch Mage kept talking, but she barely heard what was being spoken.

Tears swirled in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Someone grabbed her left hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“You look as if you are attending a funeral instead of a nuptial ceremony,” her cousin Hugo whispered. “Smiling won’t kill you, you know.”

Despite the pain she was feeling, Hugo’s words made her heart feel light. Hugo was the only person in her life who truly saw her and loved her. More importantly, Hugo did not agree with how his father and sister treated Mina.

It had been three weeks since Hugo returned from the war, an injury in his right shoulder produced by a dark spell had left him bedridden and unable to fight. The Fire Mages were still trying to heal him, but the Necromancer’s magic was strong, as his father was a Dark Elf.

“I don’t particularly feel like smiling today,” Mina let Hugo know.

Hugo knew how she felt about Prince Liam.

“You are young, Mina, barely of age. You will meet many young men, and I am sure many will approach my father with a marriage request. One day, someone will love you as you deserve,” Hugo tried to encourage her.

Even if that were the case—which she highly doubted—her heart would always yearn for the one she loved. “The only reason someone would want me as a wife would be my fortune.”

“And that’s why they will need my approval first if they want to put a bracelet around the wrist of a Castex Duchess,” Hugo huffed softly.

Mina hated her family name. Not only had her father been one of the most influential individuals in Athea, but one of the richest, too. Because of that, there were constant comments on how she dressed, talked, or acted in public. Her only reply to those who spoke ill of her was a gracious smile. As the only child of her parents, it was her duty to be on her best behavior at all times.

“Prince Liam LaRue, do you take Duchess Rosalyn Castex as your wife and always promise to protect and love her?” the Arch Mage asked.

Prince Liam did not hesitate, not even for a moment, to say, “I promise to do so!”

“Duchess Rosalyn Castex, do you accept Prince Liam LaRue as your husband and promise always to obey and love him? To stand beside him and support him when he becomes the ruler of this great kingdom?”

Rosalyn gazed at Prince Liam, “I do!”

When Inoss blessed their union, the Arch Mage said, “You are now one, your union lasting until the end of time. You may kiss the bride.”

Prince Liam stroked Rosalyn’s cheek.

Mina closed her eyes as Prince Liam and Rosalyn shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

The Fire Church erupted in ovation for the young couple.

A celebratory feast was to be held at the Royal Palace, and Mina tried to excuse herself, claiming she was unwell, but her uncle told her, “Don’t embarrass us,” letting her know her ordeal was not over yet.

After the feast, when the couple prepared to retire to the nuptial chamber, Rosalyn took advantage of Mina being alone and approached her.

A cruel smile appeared on Rosalyn’s perfect face. Mina braced herself for whatever Rosalyn was about to say. Over the years, she got used to hearing vicious words, yet what came out of Rosalyn’s mouth next was like a hot iron rod through her heart.

“While I lay with my husband tonight, remember that you will be sleeping alone. And I don’t think that will change soon because who would want to wed someone like you?”

Mina gripped the skirts of her dress, her knuckles turning white, and bit her tongue. It was not the time to reply in anger. “I wish you all the best,” Mina said from the heart. “I hope you make Prince Liam happy. And he, you.”

Only men were allowed to remain and see proof of the consummation, so Mina left.

A week later, Wolf Army Garrison

When Jayden joined the war a year ago, he was just a scribe’s apprentice. Four months later, during a surprise attack, Jayden demonstrated that his true talent was on the battlefield. And the Commander of the Wolf Army took him under his wing, helping him train with a sword and a bow. In only eight months, Jayden became one of the most promising soldiers in the Nodor Kingdom.

In the past week, news about Prince Liam’s upcoming nuptials had spread like wildfire around the Nodor Kingdom’s troops. The bride’s name was a secret to protect her identity from the enemy. It was not something that particularly piqued Jayden’s interest, but it did lift the army’s spirit as good wine and fresh food had been sent from the capital.

It was around noon when Jayden received a parchment from Rosalyn.

*‘My beloved Jayden,

I hope my missive finds you well. The days pass slowly as I anxiously wait for your return.

I miss you, and I hope to see you soon.

With love, Lyn.’*

A lock of her hair was attached to the parchment, and Jayden kissed it before putting it in the locket he wore around his neck.

I miss you too, my beloved Lyn.

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