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Chapter 6 - Commander Jayden 2

A man looking for her? Except for a Water Mage named Navin, a few Fire Mages, and the men from her family, she seldom talked to unknown men. Who could possibly be looking for her?

Hugo suddenly seemed to be of good humor. “A gentleman looking for my cousin you say? Well, don’t make him wait.”

“But, young Duke, I have to warn you that–” Anette began, but Hugo interrupted her.

“Whatever it is, I will deal with it later, bring him in.” Hugo dismissed her.

Anette left to guide the guest to the Drawing Room.

“Let’s see if this gentleman of yours is worth our time,” Hugo teased Mina.

She would have replied, but her words died on her lips as her gaze went to the tall man who appeared in the doorframe.

Beastly shadows danced on the walls behind him.

The sun filtered through the windows and cast a halo of light around his short black hair, and for a moment, it looked like a golden crown. He wore black pants and a matching jacket, with a brown tunic and boots covering his feet. Embroidered on the jacket’s chest were three wolves’ heads. Next to him stood a big black wolf.

The man’s piercing caught Mina’s attention. He was a bastard. Not just any bastard either, but the one she saw with Rosalyn several times five years ago. Mina had tried to find out who he was and how he came to know Rosalyn, but he remained a mystery. She had tried to talk to Rosalyn about the people she was talking to but it fell on deaf ears. When Rosalyn stopped going out so much, Mina thought that maybe her cousin was finally starting to act according to their family name, but she was starting to believe the reason was a different one–like the man in front of her joining the war.

Mina and Hugo stood.

“Commander Jayden,” Hugo said. “When did you arrive?”

Commander Jayden. The Bastard Commander, as many called him. The man who saved Hugo from being killed by the Necromancer.

The entire Kingdom of Nodor had praised his name since he defeated the Necromancer. A bastard born in a brothel at the port of Athea was now the savior of Nodor.

Everyone in Athea had been waiting for his arrival, many balls would be held in his honor.

The most important man in the kingdom, after King Baswein and Prince Liam, was in the Castex Mansion. But why was he looking for her? Mina did not know him.

“This morning.” The Commander sounded impatient.

“You’re just in time for breakfast. Join my cousin, Mina, and me,” Hugo invited him.

Commander Jayden entered the Drawing Room, his wolf following him. His gaze went from Mina to Hugo, his upper lip curling up, revealing his teeth, his nostrils flared and his blue eyes turned gold for a moment. A mere trick of the light, Mina told herself,  as the sunlight was falling on his face.

A low growl came from the wolf.

The Commander frowned as if something bothered him. “I’m not here to eat but to find my betrothed.”

Why would Commander Jayden look for his betrothed in the Castex’s house?

Hugo glanced at Mina, a question on his face. Did her cousin think she was Commander Jayden’s betrothed? “Oh. Mina made lemon pie. Have a slice while you tell us about your future bride.”

Commander Jayden’s gaze rushed to the serving platter. “I only like apple pie. Regardless–”

Mina–who always acted like a proper lady–interrupted Commander Jayden. She didn’t want to, but he made her nervous. “I made one with apples as well.”

Commander Jayden grew even more impatient. “Duchess Castex. Where is she?”

Mina was confused. She wasn’t the only one.

“You are looking at her,” Hugo replied.

Commander Jayden threw Mina a disinterested look. She was used to it by now, and it rarely bothered her, but seeing the Commander do the same as any other man hurt her. “Not her. Rosalyn.”


The Commander was looking for Rosalyn.

“Why are you looking for my sister?” Hugo wanted to know.

“She is the one who will soon become my wife.”


Blood rushed to Mina’s ears. Commander Jayden was looking for Rosalyn. She was his betrothed? Surely, it was a mistake. When younger, Rosalyn was more imprudent and often talked to men as she loved to receive attention, but even she knew where to draw the line. Not that there was something wrong with Commander Jayden, but Rosalyn was married. Even if she weren’t, the Commander was a bastard, and Duke Tedric would never accept one like him into the family. For Duke Tedric, reputation was everything. Thank the Gods he was away for a few days, for a tragedy would have surely happened if he had been home.

Hugo blinked once, then twice. “I beg your pardon?”

“She accepted a bracelet from me and promised to await my return. Yet the moment I set foot in Athea and heard of a tea party organized by Princess Rosalyn. I rushed straight here, with my clothes still full of the dust from my long journey. Now, I ask again, where is my betrothed?”

Realizing the danger Rosalyn had put everyone in, Mina said harshly, “You already know. She is not here. There is nothing for you here. Please, leave and never return.”

“She married another after she laid with me, became my woman and promised to wait for me?” Commander Jayden snarled.

Hugo paled. “She did what?”

Commander Jayden glared at Hugo. “You heard me.”

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