The ritual

Alpha Derick's POV

''Answer me.'' I yelled and pushed her to the wall which made her cried out in pains.

I hated not getting answers when I needed them.

''Mate.'' My wolf whimpered in pains, but I ignored it and focused my gaze on her

''What did you do, tell me what charm you made.'' I yelled and tightened my grip on her arms.

'I don't…. know…what …you …are talking about.'' She begged with tears filled eyes, which weakened my wolf, but I totally ignored it

''My wolf is confused thinking you are his mate, but I have one mate, so tell me what you did.'' I threatened

''Believe me, I did nothing alpha, I don't know what you are talking about.'' She begged as she fearfully shook her head

''Lies, you are lying.'' I yelled and hit her back on the wall, causing her to wail in pains.

I swear I would have done worst to her if not for the constant howling in my head, which was making me uncomfortable and restless.

''Derick, where are you, everyone is waiting for you to perform the rituals.'' I heard Emma's voice through a mind link.

Angrily I groaned and replied''On my way.'' I mind link those words to Emma and let go of Victoria's arms.

Quickly, she moved away from me and massaged her arms as she gulped in pain and fear.

''You will surely hear from me, and don't you dare tell anyone that you are my mate, or else I'll make sure you don't live to tell the story.'' I threatened and walked away, while my wolf kept whimpering in pains.

''Shut up, just fucking shut up.'' I angrily said those words to my wolf, as I took the stairs back to the sitting room.

Slowly, I took a deep breath when I saw everyone amused eyes on me.

''We've been waiting for you.'' Emma smiled widely at me and wrapped her hands around my arm.

I and Emma were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes, and I just couldn't wait to make her my Luna. With her by myself as my Luna, my pack will be one of the most feared and respected pack in the world.

''Let's begin the ritual.'' I said those words loudly to everyone, who cheered in return and circled around me.

Slowly, Emma stood aside while I stood at the center of the room.

I took off the black Jacket I was putting on and gave it to a man standing beside me whom, I assumed, should be my beta.

I took off the white shirt I was wearing and handed it over to him, making me shirtless and naked from my stomach upward.

Slowly I knelled on the floor as Father walked up to me with a bowl of blood which belongs to our ancestors and have been kept for ages.

''It's time to rule over your pack, but first you have to be found worthy by your ancestors.'' Dad said those words and picked up a knife from the tray, which was held by a servant.

''Are you ready.'' He asked, proudly.

''Always ready.'' I spoke proudly and without fear in me.

I mean, I've been waiting for this day.

''Very well then, let the ritual Begin.'' He moved closer to me and with strength, he ran the knife deeply on my right arm which rush out blood profusely. Quickly, he placed the bowl of blood under my arm and let my blood fell in the bowl.

If my blood is being separated from the other blood in the bowl, that means I'm not a son of my father and my ancestors did not accept me.

Curiously, everyone fixed their gaze on the bowl as my blood kept dropping in, to see if my blood would be separated from the other blood, but to my greatest joy my blood mixed with that of my ancestors.

''Whooo.'' Everyone in the sitting room howled happily as it was confirmed I was accepted by my ancestors.

''Hail Alpha Derick, all hail alpha Derick.'' They all chorused in unison as I stood up from the floor.

''Proud of you, son.'' Dad said those words proudly before walking away.

''Please let me help.''a young guy who should be about my age walked up to me

''Clinton?'' I asked,

''I'm glad you could still remember me, alpha.'' He slightly lowered his head in respect.

''Let me help with that.'' I nodded my head to his words, and he took my bleeding arm.

Slowly I noticed him took in a deep breath with his eyes closed and like a twinkle of an eye the wound vanished, leaving just a tiny mark.

''You have an astonishing gift.'' I commended

''Not as amazing as yours.'' He slightly lowered his head and moved back to the crowd.

''Congrats dear.'' Emma smiled at me as she handed my shirt and Jacket to me

''Thank you.'' I smiled and took the clothes from her

''When should I start getting ready for my ritual.'' She asked excitedly

''Very soon.'' The moment I said those words, I perceived that familiar alluring and fascinating scent.

I moved my nose around only to meet eyes with her again, she noticed my gaze on her and quickly hide behind the crowd.

''Are you looking for someone.'' Emma asked

''No.'' I said those words and put on my shirt, left two buttons opened, and hung the Jacket on my shoulder.

''Congratulation Alpha Derick.'' Edwin, Emma's brother, brought forth his hand for a handshake

''Thank you, I hope we become friends and allies in the future.'' I replied and took his hand.

''Of course, my sister will be your Luna in the next few months and I think that will strengthen our relationship.'' He explained with a soft Chuckle

''Well said.'' I said those words and walked away while Emma followed me behind.

''When are you announcing me as your Luna.'' Emma asked with a soft grumble

''Very soon…''I replied, but my eyes couldn't help but turned towards the direction of the tempting fragrance...

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