
"Please, I just want to talk." He said, his voice desperately pleading with her.

"Why are you in my car?" Sammy asked horrified, "And where the hell are your clothes?"

He was sat beside her in nothing but a pair of loose shorts, that left nothing whatsoever to the imagination, and now Sammy was nervous, he was so close, and he smelled surprisingly good.

His stare was intense as he looked into her blue eyes. She was clearly annoyed and uncomfortable, and he feared he may be the cause. But, even so he couldn't walk away.

This beautiful woman was his mate, and he had to fix this, because her current opinion of him, was killing him.

"Well, erm, the house normally gets messy tonight, so this is just kind of easier," he shrugged, with a half smile hoping that at least if she understood his state of undress he would be less of a creep to her.

"Aw, does the maltreatment of animals ruin your clothes. You poor thing," Sammy retorted sarcastically, "Now, get out of my car." Her voice dead panned.

He sighed, "Please, don't be like that, you don't understand. We really aren't mistreating any one."

"You have wolves, in your back yard as part of a Halloween stunt!" Sammy said with a raised voice, "In what reality is that not a massive abuse, they deserve to be free."

"They are free, though, I promise," he countered his body turning to face her completely.

If it weren't for her anger, Sammy thought briefly she would be angry for a whole different reason, damn this man's abs were distracting.

"What?" Sammy cried out her frustration giving way to her annoyance, "Free from what? Stretching their legs in the wild, roaming the mountains and the forests as they hunt? Building true pack bonds? Raising their cubs? You're insane!"

His eyes widened, how could this little human mate of his be so on the ball about the desires of his wolf. If all the thoughts running through his head, especially the cubs, briefly he hoped theirs would have her eyes, her passion, her fire.

He had to make her understand, it was the only way, she was intoxicating him, and he was desperate to touch her, but she was so angry, and her fist was already bruising from the shot to his jaw,he couldn't risk her harming herself again.

"No, they are free as in they aren't held captive. We have no boundary fences, and the wolves do as they please. They treat the mansion as their territory and occasionally feel the need to protect it." He pleaded with her, "Any wolf here, is here of it's own volition, I promise you."

It wasn't a complete lie.

Sammy scoffed though, "Bullshit! Complete and utter bullshit! Wolves do not behave like that! It's just not normal."

"Really?" He said with a smirk, "And how exactly would you know how wolves behave, Gorgeous?"

He didn't mean for the pet name to slip out, but he couldn't help it. His mate was stunning, and her scent was almost lulling him into a trance; what he wouldn't do to push that hood off her head and see her face properly.

Frowning at his challenge though, Sammy snapped back at him, her thoughts a million miles away from his, "Do not patronize me. I have spent my entire adult life with wolves. How dare you presume me ignorant of their natural behaviours, when you attempt to keep them as nothing more that watch dogs, for your luxury elitist lifestyle. It's disgusting, and I have no idea how you sleep at night." She seethed out.

"What wolves have you been with, what pack?" He growled out, his jealousy piercing through his countenance.

If anyone had hurt her, he would kill them, packs only accept humans when they are mates or prisoners, he didn't know which he feared more.

"Not that it's any of your business,  but I have worked rehabilitating three packs, and for the past two years I have been working with the blue valley wildlife Sanctuary pack." She answered, mistaking his jealous tone for a challenge to her experiences, "Previous to that I qualified as a vet, with the sole intention of working with wild animals. Not to mention the time spent during school where I studied and volunteered at my local sanctuary, just to be around them. I have learned from the best experts in the field, so do not dare sit there and patronize me over my experiences, you complete asshat! Now kindly, get the fuck out of my car!" She ranted, releasing her pent up energy, by waving her hand around in front of his face.

"What's your name?" He suddenly asked, completely calmed by her explanation, and enamoured by her dedication, he was determined to salvage their meeting somehow. "I'm Daniel, by the way."

He said all this, still without moving from his seat, and even went so far as to stretch his arm around onto her headrest, unable to resist the thought of being closer to her.

"I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot, please tell me your name, and can I take you to dinner tomorrow evening to make up for this mess?" He asked her, an air of arrogance surrounding him.

"Excuse me? What? No. No, you cannot. Get out!" She spat back in shock, all the while leaning forward uncomfortably away from his muscular arm.

Daniel smirked, "Please? I promise if you say yes, I'll explain absolutely everything."

"Ha," Sammy laughed in disbelief, "It's not me you have to explain to. I will be calling animal welfare first thing in the morning. It's them you will need to justify this baloney to."

"Baloney?" He laughed, "You're so damn cute."

Sammy let out a growl of her own at this.

"Sorry, I'm sorry," he apologised, holding up his free hand in a mock submission. "Please, what if I take you out back, I will show you the area is clear. The wolves will have no doubt moved on by now anyway." He added, throwing out a quick mind link to clear the yard.

"Why should I?" Sammy asked defiantly.

"It will show you there is nothing untoward and it will get me out your car," he teased her, with what he hoped was a disarming smile.

Sammy sighed, "Fine. But, so help me if you try anything, I will remove your balls and keep them as earrings."

Daniel almost choked at her threat. His mate was one hell of a woman.

"Understood," he coughed, and opened the car door, "Maybe afterwards, you can accept my invitation to dinner?"

"Don't push it," Sammy said with a sigh, and opened her door.

She was slowly swinging her legs out, when Daniel got out quickly and closed his door. He was intending to rush around to help her, but instead Sammy quickly jumped back inside,  slamming and locking all of the doors behind herself.

"What? Wait, please, no." He called through the window, pulling on the handle.

He knew he could force it, but it would reveal too much, and scare her. He couldn't risk it.

Despite Daniel's pleas Sammy turned the key in the ignition, she was leaving, she would text Susan when she was at a safe distance.

Daniel was now stood in front of the headlights though, squinting as she flicked on the full beam.

She thought he looked pained, but she just needed to leave. She wasn't an idiot, there was no way in hell she would let this man lead her around to a dangerous pack of wolves. Who knows what would happen to her?

His hands were on the bonnet of the car, as if he could hold her in place, but he couldn't block her every direction, so Sammy put the car in reverse, and hitting the gas she spun her car away from him, hitting at least three plant pots before she pulled forward and drove as of her life depended on it.

Daniel stood there, watching her tail lights get further away. Until he snapped.

He would not lose her.

His body violently exploded into his wolf form, and he ran. He ignored the chatter of his pack through the mind link, and focused on one thing, and one thing alone.

The dark green car driving down the road. Carrying his soul mate away from him.

He was definitely not about to let her escape. She would be his.

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