
Sammy had been in the surgery as planned for the rest of the morning, but just before lunch they had an emergency call come in, and she had to leave to attend an animal elsewhere.

She had spent the afternoon, with wildlife rangers forty miles away, trying to save the life of an injured bobcat.

He had been shot.

Her efforts were in vain. While the animal was on a wildlife preserve and hunting here was illegal, it still didn't stop certain people from ruthlessly trying to profit from the animals on a fairly regular occurrence.

It was now about five thirty when she made it back to the office. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her pants were covered in mud and blood from where she had knelt trying to stem the bleeding as she fought to repair the damage done by the rifle shots. They didn't even have the time to raise him onto a fold out table.

What made it worse, the people who had shot the animal, were doing it for sport. Despite the illegal fur trades that tried to operate in the area, she knew that this fellow wasn't one of their victims.

The pelt was too damaged, four shots along the animals back. No, this fellow was a glory killing, and the thought hurt her heart so much, especially in relation to how he had suffered.

In the end, she had to euthanize him.

Slamming her car door shut, she carried her bag stomping towards the office. Totally oblivious to the other vehicle beside her own, or the green eyed man waiting inside it.

The offices were empty, and she carelessly deposited her vet bag onto her desk and walked to the toilet. Turning the cold tap on after closing the door, she proceeded to splash her face with water and attempt to calm down.

On days like these she liked to get an early night, but today there were other plans, and she had to find a way to suck it up.

Which of course meant, Sammy had to pull herself together. Patting her face dry with paper towels she stepped out of the toilet, and straight into Daniel, literally.

"Oooft," she stated as his arms circled around her.

She looked up and locked eyes with him, her mind momentarily blanking.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, his heart rate escalating when he realised how upset she was, not to mention the smell of animal blood coming off of her.

Sammy had no idea what possessed her, but at his question she suddenly dropped her forehead onto his chest. The tears came before she could stop them.

They poured freely from her eyes and she found, she didn't have the strength to stop them.

When they did finally stop, she registered his hand lightly stroking her back, while the other rested on her thigh.

She was sitting. On his lap, and she was completely clueless as to how she got there.

"Sorry, I..." she began, trying to move away.

"No, shhh," Daniel replied, tightening his grip momentarily. "You're fine, I've got you."

Sammy allowed herself a couple of moments longer to settle her emotions, before she very awkwardly pulled herself free, and stood up.

Which was much to Daniel's annoyance, because suddenly his arms felt strange and awkward; like he didn't know what to do with them if they weren't holding her.

"The bobcat didn't make it," Sammy said with a small shrug, assuming someone told him where she had went. "It's stupid because I know there was nothing else I could do, but it's still something I take personally."

She stood in the middle of the room, feeling like a spare part in her own office.

"You don't have to explain yourself," Daniel smiled, moving towards her.

He lifted her chin, forcing her to look from her feet to his face.

"I'm just glad I could help," he smiled genuinely, "Even if it was just a hug."

Sammy found herself smiling back warmly.

"Oh, and it's not stupid. You care, that's a good thing." He corrected her.

"Thank you, Daniel." Sammy smiled genuinely, taking his words to heart, despite her fraught emotions.

"Can we start again?" He asked hopefully, his hands resting on her upper arms.

Sammy chewed the inside of her lip quietly for a moment, considering everything that she had learned today, including the donation they had received from The Andrew's Foundation. But, mostly she thought of how Susan called her to let her know that Daniel was waiting for her return, and that he had then held her while she cried her heart out over a dead bobcat.

Maybe there was more to this man. Maybe she should give him a chance.

"Okay," she smiled self consciously.

Daniel's face lit up, his green eyes crinkled adorably when he smiled, revealing a dimple in his left cheek.

"So, my name is Daniel, and I would love to take you to dinner?" He asked suddenly.

Sammy smiled at his way of starting again.

"That would be lovely, I'm Sammy by the way." She added, playing along with his game.

"Pick you up at seven?" He suggested, elated at getting to spend some time with her.

But, Sammy's face fell.

"I'm so sorry, I can't do tonight," she began, hating how Daniel's eyes dulled, "I have plans tonight, I can do the night after tomorrow?" She offered hopefully.

"Who is he?" Daniel asked coldly, his grip tightening.

"Who is who?" Sammy asked, momentarily confused. "Wait, what?"

"The man you already have plans with, who is he?" Daniel ground through his teeth.

"Excuse me!" Sammy snapped, throwing his hands off her body in anger, "How dare you," she began.

"Just tell.."

"No, you do not get to interrupt me!" She bit back aggressively. "First off, if I were seeing someone else you can be sure as shit I would not have agreed to go on a date with you. Secondly, not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm moving this week and tonight and tomorrow are the only evenings I could hire the removal van to cart my furniture to my apartment. "And thirdly, go to hell."

With that she stomped past him to grab her vet bag, and lock it in the surgery. When she was done Daniel was still stood there looking sheepish.

"Days over, Mr. Weston, time to leave." Sammy stated, opening the door and pointing beyond it.

"I'm sorry," Daniel began, "I misunderstood, I thought..."

"I don't care," Sammy sighed, "Please, just go, I've had a shit afternoon, and I have a busy evening, so please, do not hold me up any longer."

Daniel moved outside to respect her plea, so far that is, as not holding her up was concerned. After she had locked the door however, he chose to follow her along, still apologising as they went.

"I'm an idiot. A huge one. Please,  forgive me?" He all but begged, as he walked backwards in front of her.

Sammy sighed, "Look, I'm busy..."

"I know, so, let me help," Daniel offered on instinct.

"What?" Sammy suddenly stopped.

"I can help, I mean, I'd like to help. I can help you carry your furniture. I'll even bring pizza?" He offered.

"You dont even know where I'm moving to," she began.

"Actually, Tom did say you were moving next week into Armitage." He admitted. "I just didn't join the dots because I was excited, and I really like you, and did I mention I'm an idiot?"

"Of course he did," Sammy muttered, trying not to be taken aback by Daniel's confession.

She knew she had exploded unreasonably in the office, Daniel's implication had touched a nerve. But, now he was looking at her desperately, and it melted her resolve.

"Alright," she sighed, "meet me at seven, by the storage units on Baker street.

"Really?" Daniel asked, slightly astounded that she agreed so easily, and praying somehow she was feeling the mate bond as well.

"Yes," Sammy replied with a smile, "But please, no mushrooms on that pizza, I can't stand mushrooms."

Daniel smiled back widely, "Me neither, hate them."

Sammy scrunched her eyes, "You're lying," she acused him.

"Maybe a little," Daniel laughed, with that cute smile.

"Okay, go now." Sammy said with a head shake, "I need to shower, and get changed."

"Right," Daniel nodded. "See you at seven."

With that he walked away, trying not to punch the air with his success. His mate was going to let him help, and even agreed to him bringing food. Plus he would get to see her new home, and okay, if he had his way, it wouldn't be her home for long; but still, the fact she was happy to show her new territory to him, had him almost skipping back to the jeep Abigail had left behind for him.

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