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The wedding

The huge doors before me began to open and the popular wedding song, “Here comes the bride” was being played by the church’s pianist. Dad held my hand in a loop as we slowly began to walk down the aisle.

The guests, who were already seated in the church, stood up at the sound of the music and turned to look at me, the bride.

Dad walked me to the altar where Sebastian stood, looking very handsome in his suit but at the same time, totally unconcerned about what was going on.

The pianist stopped playing and the congregation stood their seats as the program commenced.

“We’ve gathered here this beautiful day to bear witness to the union between Sebastian James King and Jasmine Nova Hills in holy matrimony. Where are the rings?” the priest asked us.

The ring bearer whom I had never seen brought forth the rings. I picked one of the expensive looking diamond rings and Sebastian picked the second one and we faced each other.

The priest turned to me and asked, “Do you Jasmine take Sebastian to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? In riches and poverty? Till death do you part?”

I heaved a sigh before saying, “I do”. Then I slipped the ring into Sebastian’s ring finger.

Then the priest asked me to say the following words after him which I did.

“I, Jasmine Nova Hills, take you Sebastian James Kings, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us path”.

I turned to look at my parents and they were smiling so shamelessly. Then I turned to look at Sebastian’s parents and his mother held a look of gratitude. Poor desperate parents, I thought.

The priest turned to Sebastian and asked, “Do you Sebastian take Jasmine to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? In riches and poverty? Till death do you part?”

With an unenthusiastic voice, he replied, “I do”. He also slipped the ring into my ring finger, a little too rough. Does he want to cut off my finger? I thought. Bro, I don’t want this marriage too.

“Then repeat after me”, the priest asked and Sebastian did as he was told.

“I, Sebastian James King, take you Jasmine Nova Hills, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us path”.

“Is there anyone in the congregation that does not approve of this union? Speak now or forever remain silent”, the priest said.

How I wish a pregnant woman would stand up from amongst the congregation and announce that Sebastian was the father of her child.

But no matter how much I waited, it was never going to happy and the truth about that infuriated me.

“If there’s no objection, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride”, the priest said.

If he had known that this wedding was forced, he probably wouldn’t be asking us to kiss neither would he have conducted the wedding.

The wedding ended and we were led to the reception hall. I wasn’t in the mood for partying for I didn’t want to offend Sebastian’s family

Soon, it was time when the bride and groom dance; we danced for only a few minutes. Sebastian told the guests he was feeling a little sick. The party continued as more people flooded the dance floor.

I knew Sebastian didn’t want to dance with me so he made up an excuse. Like I want to dance with you too, I thought sarcastically.

Few hours later, people began to leave after wishing us a happy life together. Like that was going to ever happen, I thought.

Before the last batch of people could leave, my parents and Sebastian’s parents walked us to a Mercedes-Benz Maybach that would be taking us to the house we would be living in together.

A tear tinted my cheeks and I quickly wiped it off so no one would see it.

After the pleasantries, we got into the car and the driver drove away. The faster the car drove, the faster my heart kept banging.

Welcome to one hell of a marriage, I said to myself. I noticed Sebastian was on his phone doing only God knows what.

I was bored out of myself throughout the ride. We’ve being riding for what seemed like hours and this was like a trip with no end. Soon, I noticed that the car was slowly coming to a stop.

Finally, I thought. I looked out the window and saw a gigantic gate, opening on its own accord. Wow, this was remarkable! The driver started driving again for what felt like minutes.

There were beautiful trees along both sides of the narrow path as we drove on the concreted road. I was so lost in the beauty of the environment around me that I didn’t realize the car had come to a halt.

It was until I heard the door on the other side opening and closing. I looked around and saw that the vehicle had halted. I opened the car door and climbed out of the car.

There was a huge and grand building before me. This was where I would be living now? I’m beginning to like this place already.

I saw Sebastian already walking into the house. Rude much, I said under my breath.

I hurried after him because he was walking too fast.

Then I remembered my bags inside the car. Sebastian’s mum told me during the party that my parents had already brought my belongings and that my car was already parked at Sebastian’s mansion.

I ran back to fetch them but the driver who looked like he was in his late 20’s smiled carefully at me and said,

“Do not worry about your bags, Mrs. King. The maids will bring it up for you”.

“OK thanks and please just call me Jasmine.

Mrs. King makes me feel too old”, I said, smiling back at him.

I turned back and walked into the house. Oh my God! The living room was so big. It was like 10 times the one we had at my parents’ house.

I wonder how massive the bedrooms and kitchen would be. I was just mesmerized by the things I was seeing.

“Would you keep looking around the place or would you let me show you to your room?” I heard a cold, disgruntled voice behind me.

I turned to the direction I heard the voice. He was standing upstairs, looking down at me with icy eyes and a stony look.

“My room?” I thought. “Were you expecting us to sleep in the same room?” he asked with sarcastic tone. Oops, I think I said that out loud, I thought. “Will you keep standing there or would you follow me?” he questioned, agitated.

I strolled towards him, climbing the stairs slowly until I reached the top. I walked up to him and he pointed towards the door behind us.

“That is your room. You shouldn’t come into my room except I call for you which would never happen. There in your room, you’ll see a folder on the table.

It entails of the rules and regulations you must abide by if you do not want to get me upset and attract penalties to yourself”, he said. “Read it carefully, word for word, line by line”, he showed.

After he had said all he wanted to, he walked away and entered a room next door. I sighed and walked to the door he has just shown me. I got in and was wowed by the interior of bedroom.

The walls were painted white. There was a chest drawer on the left, a vanity table and a huge bed. The bed was big enough for two or three people. There was a bedside table too. The creamy colored drapes made the glamour of the room more apparent. There was a door in the room which I assumed to be the built-in bathroom.

I looked at the table and true to his words; there was an orange folder on the table with “RULES AND REGULATIONS” boldly inscribed on it.

Obvious much. I opened the folder and a paper fell out of it. I bent down and picked it up. I began to read what was written down in it and I must say it was silly.

“These are the rules and regulations you should follow while you’re living in this house:

You mustn’t go into my room or my home office for any reason whatsoever.

You must not go into my library without my approval first.

Whatever happens in this house must stay in this house. That means, do not tell my parents or yours. You do not have the right to question me.

Don’t question my actions. You’re free to do whatever you want just don’t do the things I say you shouldn’t do. You must not hold a private party here if I don’t approve of it. This will do for now but if they’re anymore, I'd inform you of it.

I was overly shocked after reading the so called rules and regulations. This was worse than being locked up in a prison. I kept the paper back into the folder and sat on the chair in front of the table.

Well, if I just follow those rules, I should be able to live peacefully. I’m grateful we have separate rooms at least he’d mind his business and I’d mind mine. I’ll just stay out of his way. It’s for the best. I can do that; it’s so much better this way.

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