Chapter 1

Third person's POV

The master of Auxier is a girl named Nivia Genesis. The Auxier is a stone that possesses powers that can be used whenever the holder desires. Still, it only includes the one who is truly aware of how to use it and the chosen one. If Auxier discovers the type of human who possesses the Auxier Stone, it will deny its possession to that human. Nivia was born on December 20, 1958, and she received the Auxier Stone when she was 18 years old when she was old enough to understand what the stone was for.

The Auxier stone is small in size, but its creation is unique. There is a magical red aura that encircles the stone inside. The stone is black, with a red aura inside half of it and nothing on the other. The stone's abilities, however, have yet to be discovered.

Nivia realizes that the Auxier Stone is more than just a necklace when it lights up as she stares at it; she is amazed and intrigued by what she sees. The Auxier Stone infiltrated her body. She was taken aback by what had occurred. The nine Auxier protectors were summoned to the Auxier Kingdom chamber at once because they had detected a new master of the Auxier Stone.

Their ages were the same as Nivia's, 22 years old. The Nine Guardians of Auxier are intimately acquainted with each other because their souls share half of the Auxier Stone Powers: Teleportation, Fire Power, Wind Power, Water Power, Electric Power, Earth Power, Alchemist Power, and Dark Power.

"It's been years since we were summoned. The master of Auxier has been determined. We need to know who they are, and we need to find them right away," Lucas Collymore said as the eight protectors analyzed their bodies.

The last Auxier master died many years ago. Nonetheless, the protectors remain devoted to the stone, knowing that the stone will eventually choose another master. They will be summoned once the master of Auxier has been determined or desired.

Their possession of half of the stone power keeps them alive as immortals. Their abilities make them distinct in areas where they excel. They will never die or be gone for a while if they obtain half of the stone from Auxier's current master. The nine protectors decided to travel throughout the Kingdom of Auxier. They came across the princess of the Auxier Kingdom while wandering.

The nine protectors approached the lady because they felt a strong connection to her.

"Greetings, your Majesty. Are you the Auxier Kingdom's princess?" Lucas questioned Nivia, and she looked around at the other present people, including Lucas.

"Who are you? Why are you asking if I am the princess? Are you bandits from within who came here for gold?" Nivia said. Lucas noticed the Auxier stone light in Nivia's chest, indicating that she had the Auxier stone.

"I apologize for my impoliteness. I've just arrived here for appointments with your father," Lucas told a lie. Logan laughed, and he felt a pain in his chest when Nivia became angry, but it wasn't too painful.

"I've never seen you around here before; I'm going to ask my father about it to be sure; you all stay here, and I'll call some guards to fetch you outside the kingdom," Nivia said as she walked towards them.

"What is going on with me? Is it possible that she is Auxier's master? Because only the master of Auxier can inflict such pain on us when they became angry with us, I felt a slight pain in my chest," Logan asked specifically of Lucas, then turned to face the others.

"I was correct in my observation. She is Auxier's master. While talking to her, I noticed a light in her chest. We can't leave, so we have to tell her the truth about Auxier Stone," Lucas explained, and the nine protectors walked in the direction Nivia had gone.

Nivia had an odd feeling about the nine protectors when she arrived at his father and mother's chamber. However, her mother is the only one present. She walked up to her mother and poked her.

"What is it, Nivia? Is there something wrong?" Nivia's mother inquired.

"Where is dad? I want to question him about something," Nivia inquired.

"What about your father? He is sitting on his throne in the main hall, commanding his men to perform their duties," Nivia's mother explained. She wasn't sure if she should tell anyone about the nine protectors she met today.

"I forgot father is very busy because he is the king and needs to manage and lead his people," Nivia explained, and her mother smiled.

"Mother, I'm going to see my father right now. Thank you for responding to my inquiry," Nivia said, but she was about to leave when her mother interrupted her.

"Are you alright, darling? Is there something bothering you? You know that I am your mother, and I can read your thoughts in your mood face," Nivia's mother said. Nivia laughed because she had already heard that sentence multiple times when Nivia acted weird.

"I'm fine, mother! Don't worry about me," Nivia answered as she exited the chamber of the king and queen before her mother spoke again.

Nivia noticed a dark aura pass through her figure because that is one of the Auxier Stone's abilities. She looked in its direction and saw the nine protectors hiding at the side of the wall, hoping she to notice the dark aura.

"What exactly are you doing here? Are you all witch and not going to go outside the kingdom?" Lucas approached Nivia after she inquired.

"Your Highness, your observation is remarkable. May we speak with you? We all need to talk to you. It's important, and I know you don't know us, but we'll introduce ourselves if you let us speak in a private place." Nivia looked at the nine protectors as Lucas said.

"You appear solemn? Okay, fine, follow me and don't do anything stupid," As the nine protectors smiled, Nivia said.

They followed Nivia and looked around as they walked. Nivia entered the library chamber, and the nine were astounded. Nivia approached the end of the bookshelf and picked up the mathematical book, the bookshelf, which then moved.

"No one is allowed to enter this private place except me; now that you know about it, keep it to yourself," Nivia said as she walked down the secret chamber to the large round table with ten chairs.

"This Secret Chamber has been here for many years; I'm not sure why there are ten chairs here, but I think it's from my father and his men in his adult days when they are planning?" Nivia said as she sat in the center of the table. The chair she was seated in was white with an Auxier City design.

"With all due respect, your majesty, you are unfamiliar with the Kingdom of Auxier," Lucas stated as they stood in front of Nivia.

"Why aren't you all seating? You said you needed to talk to me about the important matter you mentioned," Nivia said, but Lucas began to introduce themselves.

"My highness, please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the Auxier Nine Protectors. You have the Auxier Stone inside your body, which means you are the new master from now until we die," Lucas stated. Nivia was taken aback because she remembered her mother's stone.

"I'm baffled; nine protectors? Are you referring to the stone? What is looks like? My mother gave me a stone, but it entered my body when I was eighteen, and I never saw it again." Nivia spoke up, and the nine protectors were taken aback.

"We'll show you its appearance," Lucas said as they raised their hands and created the Auxier stone's appearance. Nivia recognized the Auxier stone that her mother had given her long ago.

"That's the stone I received when I was eighteen," Nivia explained, her skin flushed.

"Then it is settled," Lucas said. "I know this is suddenly, your highness, but you are the new master of Auxier Stone."

"From this day forward, we will serve you until our last breath, and we will be loyal to you as your nine protectors." Nivia stood up as the nine kneeled in front of her, as Lucas said.

"This is sudden, but please introduce yourself and tell me about that Auxier Stone you mentioned and explain every detail of it," Nivia said to Lucas. The others smiled, ready to serve their new master.

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