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Chapter 6 Mate (flashback chapter)



"Boss, the breeding lab has called for the time and place of the cat's body check." My Beta Ansel reported to me after he entered my office.

I lifted my head from the mountain of paperwork and thought of the damn responsible pet breeding lab and the cat that had caused me so much trouble.

I just hoped I had spent some money on a rare toy for a date that only produces 2 a year. Little did I know that the top pet breeding lab in the world would require weekly emails from the buyer about the cat's well-being.

Even worse, the breeding lab was funded by the Redstone Group, with whom the Blue Moon Group was interested in co-operating. Moreover, Alpha Martin of Red Stone Group was a weird old man who was fanatical about cats.

Furthermore, I had already ended my dating relationship with Camilla and left the cat at her house when I received the email from the lab and knew its sponsor.

If I ignored the request, then the breeding lab would probably report to Alpha Martin that I abused the cat, which in turn would affect the cooperation between the Blue Moon Group and the Redstone Group. I heard Yellow Star Group was also interested in seeking cooperation with Red Stone Group. If I let them both work together, Blue Moon's position would be threatened, even though my group was slightly larger than either of them.

My original plan was to get Camilla to ask for the cat back and give her money or precious gems or something. Then I would ask Ansel to recruit a professional vet as a pet sitter to take care of the cat. Much to my surprise, Camilla told me that the cat was lost.

Ansel found the girl who picked up the cat and confirmed her identity through the city's CCTV. However, I didn't receive the cat from Ansel because the girl refused to answer the phone. I had to bring Ansel to pick up my cat in person.

"Boss, do you need me to contact Miss Ronan now?" asked Ansel, still standing in the office doorway waiting for my response.

"No need. There's still half an hour left of work. I'll go see her myself. About the body check time..."

I thought for a moment about my schedule later.

There was a board meeting tomorrow morning and a pack meeting in the afternoon. Saturday was Blue Moon University's centennial celebration. Sunday was my mother's birthday. Next week was a business trip to Chicago to negotiate a business deal with the Redstone Group.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and told Ansel, "Cancel tomorrow's pack meeting and replace it with the cat thing at 1 p.m. Ask them to wait at that villa on the lakeshore."

"Copy that."

After Ansel left, I put down the project file in my hand. I should have been working on work emails by now, according to my usual work schedule. But my brain showed me Miss Ronan's face and honestly directed my hand to open my personal mailbox. I opened the email Miss Ronan had sent me last night.

She carefully introduced that cat's dinner in this short 10-second video. And she failed to change the cat's name. So, while she was talking to the cat, I even thought she was talking with me.

Every time I opened her emails in the past three days, I couldn't help but get the idea of going to see her, probably because of the weird pull between me and my mate.

Yes! Three days ago, I met my mate, the blonde girl Ella Jane Ronan, who picked up my cat and gave it my name. When she appeared in front of me, I realized that she was my Luna. The unique coffee aroma from her rushed into my nostrils, teasing my nerves and even inducing the urge to kiss her.

But before I met her, I clearly overheard what she had stated about my private life and the Blue Moon Group. The bad impression of this rude girl had dulled the surprise and excitement that came from my physical instincts after I found out that she was my mate.

Moreover, Miss Ronan didn't seem to realize I was her mate. Perhaps because she came from a small pack with only 7 members. Even if she is an Alpha's daughter, her sense of smell and mate perception is not as good as mine. No, she might not be as capable as Ansel in my pack.

As an Alpha of the Blue Moon Group, how could I accept this girl who was so rude to me as my future Luna?

I didn't tell anyone about she was my mate. After all, not all shifters have to be with their mate forever nowadays. As soon as I took my cat away, I would have no more contact with Miss Ronan.

Fortunately, I was wearing sunglasses so that no one else would notice my changes. I tried to slow down my breathing, but every time I breathed in, the air I inhaled smelled like that damn tantalizing coffee blend. Also, I had put my full attention on her, which was beyond my control.

While she went to her bedroom to get the cat, I turned on my smartphone and tried to distract myself by taking care of business. But I couldn't read every word on those contracts. There was only one question left in my head-why hadn't my mate come out yet?

All the changes made my mood irritable. I just wanted to leave this hellhole as soon as I got the cat.

However, Miss Ronan seemed to be born to be against me. Just because she heard Ansel say I didn't like felines, she refused to return the cat to me and even challenged me because of a cat and a check.

I took off my sunglasses and stared at the naive girl. The sun shone through the apartment window on her face, making her hazel eyes look like glowing jewels. Although it took less than three seconds, it felt like two bold butterflies ran into my stomach and fluttered. I had to admit that I was lost in her beautiful eyes.

This must have been because the mate pull had influenced my subjective thoughts. I resisted the effects of the mate pull and taunted the girl who claimed to be the cat's owner. The cat jumped on the table in front of me and bowed up at me in a warning.

Felines were literally annoying, especially those with the same name as me. However, there were such a group of shifters who got domesticated by cats- such as Miss Ronan, who spoke to the cat and used he instead of it to refer to it, and Alpha Martin of the Red Stone Group, who supposedly built a villa for his cat.

Wait! Noticing the cat was hugging Miss Ronan's leg, I suddenly thought of a somewhat risky but good idea. It might lead to the cooperation of Blue Moon Group and Red Stone Group's project.

Miss Ronan, who had taken care of the cat and seemed to make it obedient, was a better choice than a vet who was entirely new to the cat. I could even ask her to take the cat with me to see Alpha Martin.

After reviewing her plain resume, I hired Miss Ronan as my pet sitter. Still, of course, my intention was not to keep seeing her in the future. It was for the sake of the $100 billion projects and the future of the Blue Moon Group.

Since she agreed to accept the offer, I immediately left that small apartment. Otherwise, I didn't guarantee whether I could continue to resist the influence of mate pull.

However, I obviously underestimated the power of mate pull, even if I was an Alpha.

After parting with Miss Ronan, I thought of her whenever I stopped my work. My longing for her didn't ease after talking to her on the phone.

However, this was not what I wanted. I was able to change my date every few days, but I couldn't accept being tied up with a mate who was just an ordinary girl and held prejudice against me.

I firmly believed that my Luna would be the best she-wolf selected by myself rather than arranged by the Moon God.

For the next two days, I was completely immersed in my work during the day. After work, I went to my friend Roy's newly opened bar to hunt for girls. Maybe I could still have enjoyable casual sex. But I found the pretty and stylish girls utterly unappealing to me. I even lost interest in responding to their pickups, which made me realize the seriousness of the problem.

My mood was terrible, like a sky filled with dark clouds. It didn't receive a ray of sunshine until I played the video Miss Ronan sent me and heard her voice.

Perhaps I had been looking for a chance to see Miss Ronan, and when Ansel asked if he should contact her at once, I immediately seized that chance.

I drove to Miss Ronan's apartment after work, only to find Camilla Lewis' car. Ansel had once reported Camilla had been contacting him recently to ask if I'd found the cat. I seemed to order Ansel to ignore this woman.

However, as I stepped through the apartment door, I smelled blood. My mate was sitting on the floor with her bloodied hand back. Her right hand was holding a tomato.

Camilla apparently was trying to strangle my mate. This was something I absolutely would not allow!

** Flashback End**

"Camilla, what are you doing?" I ask Camilla in the coldest voice.

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