Sarah jumped up from bed as the message tone rung .Throughout that evening she had been disturbed and praying within herself for a miracle, She prayed silently wishing it was a possible response from one of the companies she had applied in.Still baffled whether to read it or not she decided to do the cross sign on her forehead before she opened it and what she saw almost made her scream out loud that night.
Drake Holt had just texted her even after what she did to him at the office , she did not know whether to be happy or sad as she did not know what he was up to .Drake was the first and only man she ever had in her life and working for him wasn't the best option right now .
But she certainly didn't mind but will risk it . She had thought about it like over a hundred time and yet she could not let this opportunity go by . She will do her best to avoid any form of intimacy,as that was her worst fear . And most of all avoid unnecessary conversation or drama between them.
This job determines a lot to her and her family. And so therefore she will keep her personal feelings out of the way.Looking at the message again she finally let a quick smile before she jumped back into her bed.
And then the thought of Drake's body earlier that day strucked her mind ."or was it his voice ?" She wondered .
He was sexy , no qualms .He had it all ,and her heart began to beat fast in her chest. He was unbelievably sexy and powerful, she could tell by the way he had so much confidence and the air around him screamed success. She was intimidated and shy and had needed to get the hell out there and away from him. She recollected how she had scurried down the corridor with her head bowed acting all tough and furious.
He had been so repulsive and yet endearing like it was nothing . She hoped it was just the fact that she saw him a long time ago that had made her head so confused and fuzzy. She left the office as fast as she could and hailed a taxi to take her home.
Probably if she didn't find a taxi she might have gone back to his office begging for another chance like she did two years ago.She has since then never felt this hot for someone before.
" focus Sarah , focus ."
She murmured quietly to her self as she rubbed her head with her hands . She should not be doing this . He didn't deserve her and she will never let him win over her anymore.
Her door opened and her sick brother walked in , Ben is eight years old but one will mistake him for a twelve years old boy ." I told you to always knock ."
" I forgot ."
" you always do ."
Sarah hugged him as he sat closer to her , he was all she had left , she didn't have any friend at all . Five years ago after her mother had died , it been only her and Ben and her dad who was currently receiving treatment in the hospital. Ben has athsma and her dad is sick from a kidney disease.
" I thought you slept already. "
" I had a bad dream, can I sleep here tonight?. "
" yes sure ."
Sarah pecked his forehead sweetly before she tucked him in her bed , Ben was a miracle child , he just happened for her parents as they were not expecting babies anymore after several trials . They had given up on trying to make a baby until he came. There was so much joy when he came ,her parents were more than happy. But her mother could see him grow for two years . Tears fell from her eyes when the memories came flooding back.
" why are you not sleeping ."
Ben touched her lightly when he noticed her crying, Sarah wiped the tears in her eyes quickly and adjusted into bed cuddling him closer .
"I will sleep now ."she said as she nugged him closer
The next morning , Sarah dressed Ben up quickly for school , packed his lunch as fast as she could before his school bus arrived.
" please don't forget to use your drugs Ben , they cost a fortune.' She said as she dropped his inhaler into his bag
" it was just once sis."
Truly the school nurse only reported once to Sarah that he didn't come for his drugs but she just wanted to remind him .
" I know right .Your bus is here honey ." she pecked him before he carried his back
" remember no rough play and no running Ben , easy does it ." Sarah said as he walked out of the door .
" okay." he replied slowly
Sarah ran up the stairs to get ready , luckily she still had enough time for herself , she had her bath quickly, threw on a suit down and a flat pair of heel , she will call Mrs Spencer her neighbour to let Ben stay with her after school , just in case she starts working today or get back late .Not so sure about how she was feeling right now .
Anxious and at the same time not sure if that's what it was. Getting to Drake's company she was immediately led into his office . It was obvious he had informed his secretary already . Now she was beginning to feel relieved of her curiosity.
" the boss wants to see you Miss Rosewood and congratulations." the secretary said as she opened the door for her to go in .
" welcome ." he said firmly barely letting her shut the door behind her
" we need to make a deal Sarah." He said immediately walking up to her .
" I have contacted the hospital your dad is at, I just want you to know that I want something very simple in return."
" what are you up to Drake , if you think I am going to be a part of any game you are up to , trust me I am not interested ."
" I am covering for your dad medical bills and all I want you to do is pretend to be my fiancee for a month or two at least ."
" your fiancee?. " she laughed sarcastically as she stood akimbo
" its a simple thing Sarah."
" you think it is easy to get my dad out of that hospital right . You don't know how far I have gone and how much I have tried so just cut this crab."
" I have my ways Sarah ."
His gaze warred with hers for endless seconds, like so many of their battles in the past. It was strange, but this was one of the things she’d missed most about him. He was never one to shy away from an argument and nor was she. She had always secretly enjoyed their verbal skirmishes because most, if not all, of their arguments had ended in bed-wrecking make-up sex. She wondered if he was thinking about that now—how passionate and explosive their sex life had been. Did he miss it as much as she did? Did he ever reach for her in the middle of the night and feel a hollow ache deep inside to find the other side of the bed empty?
No, because his bed was probably never empty.
Sarah was determined not to be the first to look away even though, as every heart-chugging second passed, she could feel her courage failing. His dark brown eyes had a hard glaze of bitterness and two taut lines of grimness bracketed his mouth, as if, these days, he probably only rarely smiled.
The sound of his phone ringing on the desk broke the deadlock and Drake turned to pick it up. ‘'padre?'’ The conversation was brief and in Italian but Sarah didn’t need to be fluent to pick up the gist of it. She could see the host of emotions flickering across Drake’s face and the way the tanned column of his throat moved up and down. He put down the phone and looked at her blankly for a moment as if he’d forgotten she was even there.
‘Is everything all right?’ Sarah took a step towards him before she checked herself.
" your father will be fine and a donor has become available.’ His voice sounded strangely hollow, as if it was coming through a vacuum. '‘I thought there would be more time to prepare. A week or two or something but... The surgery will be carried out within a matter of hours.’' He reached for his car keys on the desk and scooped up his jacket which made some papers fell on the floor , his jacket which was hanging over the back of his office chair, his manner uncharacteristically flustered making Sarah speechless and distracted.
" you just need to sign the papers Sarah so the doctor can commence ."
Drake had never seen Sarah so out of sorts. Nothing ever seemed to faze her. Even when he’d told her he was leaving two years ago, she’d been as emotionless as a robot. It intrigued him to see her feeling something. Was there actually a heart beating inside that impossibly small chest? he bent down to pick up the scattered papers and, tidying them into a neat pile, silently placed them back on his table.
‘I can’t let him down,’' she said in a low mumble, as if talking to herself. ‘Not now. Not like this.’'
‘'Would you like me to go with you?'’ The offer was out before Sarah could stop it. ‘'My flight doesn’t leave for a few hours so I have somtime to spare ."
Her expression snapped out of its distracted mode and got straight back to cold, hard business. ‘If I come with you, I am coming as your fiancée right ? "
"Deal or no deal.’' he asked