Too Much Martinis
Alex adjusted his tie then went on the couch to review the documents he placed on the small table in front it. He heard a knock on the door and went to open it Gina stood very sensual like a goddess. “Oh lord, give me the strength to focus on business matters for the next four hours.” He thought. “Good night, can I offer you something to drink?” He asked with a very pleasant smile.
“No, thank you, I´d rather save the drinking for after the meeting is over.”
“Agreed, shall we,” he gestured for to take a seat on the couch.
Quarter to eight, they had been discussing the plans of what she will be required to transmit to the investors with the primary detail of how profitable the business has been throughout its existence as one the top distribution of oil for years now. She nodded in compliance, offered her suggestions. He considered some of them, but proceeded to give her his instructions. They arrived early to the conference room and greeted the potential investors moments later.
When it was time for the meeting Gina made sure to remain seated beside Alex so he could whisper what he wanted her to translate and what he wanted her to omit. He desperately tried ignoring the scent her sweet perfume while conducting business.
The French investors seemed smitten with her which wasn't such a bad thing. Alex noted how smooth her accent sounded, so much so that he couldn’t resist musing about the things he would love to have her whisper to him in that same sultry voice. Despite a few protests and concerns that drew on the meeting longer than expected, all investors were on board once they were convinced of the profitable prospect presented before them.
“I think that went considerably well, Mr. Forester,” Gina remarked after wrapping things up.
“Indeed, and so were you, in fact you were fantastic.” He added in gratitude. “If I do recall right, wouldn't you like to have that drink now?”
Her mouth widened. This time around she tossed him a full womanly charmed smile.
“You're not wrong, Mr. Forester.” She replied modestly.
“Please, call me, Alex, I really do insist,” He said returning the smile. “There’s a nice bar downstairs, care to have it there?” He offered kindly, his hands in his pockets with a hint of light in his eyes.
“Sure,” she gladly accepted.
The eyes of numerous gentlemen drifted the instant he and Gina entered the silent, cuban cigar smelling bar lounge. The billionaire already knew why so many eyes fell in their direction and it wasn't because of him. Alex pulled out a chair for her at the counter. He glanced coldly at the thirsty spectators before turning his back to them. It's been long since he had to mark his territory.
“Je voudrais un martini,” she told the bartender, then looked to him. “The same, thank you.”
“Deux martini, s’il vous plait.”
Gina crossed her legs her right heel pointed inches from his knee. Alex observed how her full hips sprawled out nicely on the round stool. He wondered how the buttons on her skirt hadn’t been torn apart.
“It’s really quiet in here,” she commented.
“Would you rather it noisy?” He asked raising eyebrows. “Not exactly, but I do prefer a little music.” she indulged in her martini.
“Oh, what else do you prefer?” He asked curiously.
She gave him a coy look taking another sip. Alex could see she was now fair game however decided to still play along. “Only making polite conversation, Gina, tell me about yourself.”
“Will you meet me halfway?”
“Seems only fair.”
She started from her childhood days revealing that her father was Italian while her mother of Swedish ancestry. She went on to explain how she became interested in learning different languages.
“Gina, I really must confess something that has been on my mind.” Her brow arched.
“Since the very day I saw you in the elevator. I thought you were an incredibly beautiful woman and stroke me as extremely desirably.”
“Desire, you say, is that what I spot gleaming in your eyes?”
“I see you notice,” he grinned.
“And what exactly do you plan to do about it?”
He trailed a finger slowly upon her knee cap to break the ice. He removed a lock of hair from her left ear and whispered into it.
“Well I was hoping, you’d come back to my suite to discuss the situation at hand?”
Her hand went on the fingers he had on her knee.
“I’m afraid, I’ll have to decline on that, Mr. Forester.”
Alex quickly drew back displaying a mixture of surprise and confusion.
“May I ask why?” He said almost raising his voice.
“Bedding a client is bad for business, as well as, my professional reputation hangs in the balance. I’m sure you can respect that,” she put forth.
“It’s more than understandably, but I assure you. I don’t intend to ruin either.”
He hooked his elbow on the counter and emptied his martini glass in one big gulp.
“Nevertheless, I don’t get involved with my clients, not unless the assurance is not solely based on their word.” She slowly swiped the two olives from the thin stick without smearing her lipstick. He froze, staring blankly at her chewing the olives before swallowing them. She unfolded her long legs and he had forgotten about his fingers. He quickly snatched them away as she stood smiling meekly at him.
“Bon Nuit, Mr. Forester.” And there she went once more, walking away-from him. He watched as she strutted like a supermodel out the room causing heads to turn.
“What the hell kind of game is she playing?” He thought to himself angrily. I mean, she wanted it, didn’t she? She was flirting along with him. Second round of martini went down his throat to relieve his somewhat confusion of the matter. He also attempted to rid himself of the sexual urges which obviously weren’t going to be satisfied tonight. He surely didn’t misread her signs she was purposely seducing him, only to shot him down. So, that’s it, she’s nothing but a spiteful tease. He really had her peg wrong. She’s no school teacher but a wicked temptress. And he was suckered into her web, so easily. Pat’s notion about the woman wasn’t so ridiculous it seems. How could he have been so foolish? No woman makes an idiot of him, none, not even once. He signaled for another round while dialing on his iPhone, Gina was still too much of a mystery and his little friend between his legs appeared to had been doing too much of the thinking for him. He needed to know exactly who he was dealing with.