Sexy Boss
Alex waved goodbye to Charlie then fixed his tie firming up his stature into BOSS mode heading into his empire. “A pleasant morning to you, Mr. Forester.” the doorman greeted clearing the path to his entrance with the biggest smile he could manage. He made a slick nod as was his routine. Thousand more salutations followed while walking the concourse. A blonde fashionista that was kind enough to press his destination button for him as she exited out the car. “Mr. Forester.” She threw him with a flirtatious wink, he usually received those gestures from attractive women implying, take me to bed later. However he had always been skeptical of the type of women he was intimate with. There were many appearances with supermodels, socialites, actresses but most of them were escorted home by Charlie alone. He had to also take interest in their personal background since any indiscretions to his reputation could affect the reputation of his business as well.
The occupants immediately dashed to their feet on both sides of the tall dark hardwood table once entered Alex the main conference room. Smoothing out their sleeves and straightening their composure to properly acknowledge their employer. “Please be seated everyone, I would to get started as quickly as possible.” He instructed moving over to the head of the table he rested his briefcase on top in front him settling back onto flexible, leather chair.
“Are you ready, Pat?”
He asked.
“You bet you’re actually just in time.”
Patrick responded with usually bright enthusiasm. The Asian-looking young man opposite to Patrick was tapping on the mini laptop at lightning speed connected via technical wires to four small machines in the middle.
Jude walked in pushing a cart of bagels and fresh coffee. She handed Alex his special cup of deluxe mixture. She had worked for him ten years now and knew precisely how liked his coffee: two teaspoon of cream, only a single large sugar cube and hint of cinnamon. He slurped the steaming liquid and curved his lip holding an approved symbol with his thumb and index finger. Jude smiled back her tiny jaws visible then went ahead to serve the others.
A mountain-shaped 3D graph appeared little after Patrick switched off the lights. The impressive color coded presentation hovered over the surface of the table.
“Al, may I introduce to you, Clark Kishimoto. He’s our new primary Technician.”
Pat announced.
Alex grimaced always content to have a genius Computer Wiz on board.
“Welcome, Mr. Kishimoto. I have some great expectations for the position you currently hold. We need to make Forester Oil company far more advanced and reliable than our competitors. ”
“Thank you, sir, you should know I’m already working non-stop in order to live up those expectations.” He assured with brief handshake.
“There’s the spirit I can appreciate in an employee.”
Alex chuckled lightly bobbing his head to Pat.
“Shall we begin?”
It was 6:30pm the NYC colorful round lights, adrenaline and excitement was just building. The crowd of commuters hurried out the underground Subway while another rushed down the concrete stairs for the next designated departure. The bundle of motor engines roaring their loud horns deafening competing with verbal slurs of the conductors. Passing the creepy garbage-filled allies the stop light changed to green. Cabbies had the pedals to the metals on the vertical road each vying for the chance to lead the race the taximeter counting down each second. Lady Liberty’s proud magisterial stance wooed ninety-three meters in the sky. This city was jam-packed guarantee of a never a dull moment, the anti-suburban atmosphere home many of the rich and famous.
Gina paid the cab driver and visited her nearby street vending stall together the latest gossip magazine. A guilty pleasure that was hard to quit. Roger yanked the door open clearing her path once he saw in sight the Ms. Drop-dead-beautiful Castello was the most favorite part of his day. Seeing her strut into the foyer he always got a good look because later she would be conjured in his fantasies.
“Thanks, Roger.” She drew herself away from a scandalous article on Britney Spears’ new beau.
“You’re more than welcome, ma’am.”
He flashed her gleeful smile still watching her as she moved further away.
Reaching her condo she suddenly remembered what she had been putting off the whole day. Shit, Megan, I forgot to check in on her. She quickly fished out her phone speed-dialed her number while unlocking her door.
“Hi there, girlfriend, how’s work with me M.I.A?”
She answered her voice a bit grumbling but not soft or nasal at all. Gina let a huge grunt.
“Somewhere between hectic and torture and I don’t mean the clients.”
She pointed out placing her jacket and hang bag on the coat hanger.
“The Tweety bird must have been beyond irrational today.”
“That Sara could make you want to silt your throat dry,” she added hearing her friend utter a completely healthy chuckle.
She opened the freezer and popped the microwavable lasagna into the mini oven. She grabbed the remote control switching the channel on Sci-fi.
“So take it you exaggerated the term ‘cold’?”
She inquired with obvious interest.
“Oh I just told Alan that to skip the awkward cousin chat regarding M.H.B.”
“Make sense,” she mouthed, slipping into her cotton fluffy sleeping shoes.
“Sorry G.G. I should have phoned you let you know.”
“Don’t even try to explain I perfectly understand when I’m on mine I want do absolutely nothing but curl up in bed all day.”
Her friend sighed in relief.
“G.G. you rock it’s no wonder we’re such good friends it’s like you’re my soul sister.”
“Oh Megan, you’ve been watching too many Tyler Perry movies again, haven’t you?”
She searched for an oven mitt. The delicious smell of hot tomato sauce and melted cheddar cheese made stomach crumble while removing plastic dish.
“By the way Meg, it’s just me or am I detecting Alan getting all bloomy every minute the Tweety bird is around.”
She grinned, cooling the first fork of noodles and meat.
“Say what? Are… you joking?”
Her jittery voice broke.
“I’m telling you, he’s smitten by our little chatter-box debutante.”
Gina said cracking open a can of Coke gulping down. She squeezed her eyes in taking a rush bubbling acid.
“Perhaps he’s allegoric to Sara, he use to get red rashes after petting birds when he was thirteen.”
She almost choked on the slice of food she took another drink to help her swallow and released a long laughter while clutching her ribcage. “You’re awful Megan.”
“Truthful is more like it.” She heard the same explode from her friend.
She located a napkin and wiped her messy mouth recomposing herself from their callous bantering.
“But, I’m actually very serious I can see it from the look in his eyes. Plus, I’m never wrong about these things; remember when I told you Walter from the administration office was repeatedly checking you out?”
She reminded.
“Yeah, probably since he didn’t see you else-”
“Come on Megan, your self-confidence should keep upgrading not do a suicidal lift-jump. Besides you dumped him.”
Gina consoled whole-heartedly.
“If he could only get rid of that gloomy personality that I so despised and make me feel those ‘sparks’ my mother use tell me about. Maybe it possibly would have worked out between us.”
She said sincerely. Being a girl that grew up blushing each time she witnessed the sweet affection and soul-melting romance between her partners. It was but the magical land and castle that was missing from her childhood becoming a fairytale. Gina usually felt a mixture of amazement and sadness when Megan told these life stories compared to her own childhood.
“You’re too much into those old wives tales, as I recall, you mentioned Walter couldn’t give you those sparking orgasms you love and need.”
She heard a low gasp come out the receiver.
“And you call me awful?” She yelled.
“Truthful as you put it. You were clearly out of his league, since there’s a lack of compatibility its inevitable it couldn’t work.”
She stated bluntly.
“You’re right, Walter was decent guy like many I’ve dated before also but the stars just didn’t align any of them together with me.”
Oh brother, here we go again.
Megan was insistent believer in faiths foretold by astrology and all its ancient nonsense. “My parents’ signs matched up perfectly, they were destined to fall in love,” she never stopped pointing out the fact that was mere coincidence in Gina’s opinion. However, she continuously entertained the absurd idea just to humor her friend. She was a dreamer, not modest or a prude in the least, Megan Howard had a flamboyant demeanor that Gina could definitely relate to. They ruled the singles clubs of the Big Apple, didn’t go a night without at least five cocktails. They were members of the same gym, loved to dance and have a super good time when their jobs were stressing them the hell out.
“It’s called ‘luck’ in less complex terms.”
She mouthed.
“Speaking of Alan, did he pass on Derek Jones’ proposal to you?”
“He was too busy running around for Sara, she informed me. I’m completely free Friday I’ll contact him tomorrow and arrange everything.” She replied.
“Excellent, catch you later, I’ll back in the office by next week.”
“Of course, you take care.”
She muttered then left the phone on kitchen counter juggling the plastic container and coke to the sofa anxiously tuning into Vampire Diaries.